Last Photographer Standing #2 - Final Results Now Up!

Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

1 - I do like the concept of this, but instead of looking at the sign first my eyes went straight to the person.
7 - Again nice concept but the car directly behindthe sign is a big distrction and draws attention away.
2 - Though the sign is a very creative concept, the mailbox is brightly colored and draws the eye away from the sign.

Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

08 - The pole isn't straight. It might also have been nice to see just a bit more of the background.
07 - Yay for Disney! However, there isn't a clear focus to the picture. Is it the sign, the cars, or maybe the trees?
03 - Interesting sign. Would have been interesting to zoom out a bit and see a bit of background. Are there campers playing nearby?

09 - Love the angle, nice bright colours.
06 - Makes a very pretty picture :)
01 - Interesting concept. Never would have thought of that.
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2


01 - My eye was drawn to the person not the sign.

07 - Nice idea, but the car distracts from the sign. Maybe waiting a few more seconds for the car to leave then snapping the picture.

02 - There are too many objects in the picture. I can't determine if we're supposed to be looking at the mailbox, telephone pole, or street sign.

Best images:

09 - I love the composition of this picture. Its so CALIFORNIA! Great shot!

04 - The way you made the smaller signs merge into the bigger sign is great. That was a wonderful use of "dog nose" imagery.

03 - While its a little too close up for my tastes, its still a well done image. Good job!
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2


1- Interesting concept but, coloring is off, my eye was drawn to the girl rather than the sign.

3- Neat sign, but it is a little blurry, and only a sign. Back off a bit, are there campers playing? Or could it be an oxymoron and it is a snowy day and not even the hardy people in outer Mongolia would think to be camping (let alone playing) outside?

7- Interesting sign, the cars are distracting, if you can't take the picture without the cars maybe taking the picture from a different angle would put it against a different background

9- Nice shot, good color...I like.

5- Interesting sign, I have never seen one before, what does it mean?

8- Interesting, is that a spider's web? Are you making a visual of an observation of a trend in our society?
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2


01 - I agree, great concept, but was drawn to the person before seeing the sign.

03 - Slightly blurry, and too, would have been nice, personally, had the photo been zoomed out a little.

08 - the angle of the pole threw me off a little. Had it of been straight, it could've been more effective, but again, that is just personal opinion.



Nice work all
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

Well I am no expert at taking pictures.....but here are my votes.

1 - I saw the peron before the sign
7 - The car is distracting
2 - Sign seemed too small. Too many other things in the pic.

Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

7 - car takes attention away from sign
1 - like the concept but my eye goes to the girl not the sign
2 - same thing my eye tends to go toward the mailbox

9 -love the angle and palm tree too
6 -nice picture
3 -reminds me of camping

What is the sign for that is in photo number 5--cause I have no clue? I have never seen it before.
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2


07_As many have said I think the car is way too distracting.
02_I think there are too many things around the sing so it's hard to focus on it.
03_I like the sing but I would have been nice to see something else around it.

Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

1- I only see the person in the photo, hardly notice the sign. Plus the quality of the photo is poor.
8-Seems slightly out of focus and subject is not centered.
3-Too focused on the sign...a little bit of surrounding would have been nice.

Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

1. I found the person too distracting. It was a cool concept though.
7. Like others, I kind of felt the car really distracted from the sign.
2. I think there ere too many other things in the picture - it didn't seem to focus enough on the sign, because my eyes were drawn elsewhere.


Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

Just in time to vote. This is getting harder though ;)

02. It looks nice, but my eyes focus on the mail box before noticing the sign, I kind of had to look for it there.
07. As others have mentioned, the car is distracting.
01. Original idea, but that girl takes the attention away from the sign.

09. Everything is so pretty and the composition couldn't be better, it seems: the palm trees and the angle of the sign make the picture great.
05. The composition is nice, it's not too near nor too far, and it looks simetrical enough to my eyes
06. Original sign idea! The background is very pretty, it makes the picture look nice, yet it is not distracting from the main focus, the sign.

Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

Hey everybody

first of all... thanks a bunch for voting my last pic first place. :D I really appreciate this. And kudos to all the other theme winners. I loved the pics. That was a great round.

Sorry for being not around lately. Due to some personal issues, my time is rather limited these days, but I guess, I will come back full throttle soon. :D Around end of month I guess.

As for this time's voting (Haven't read all the other comments, so I am somewhat unbiased, so sorry for doublementioning things):

07 - The car got my attention first, then the sign. Another angle and waiting for the street to be empty would have been better.
05 - The sign is lovely (what does it mean anyways? Pls tell afterwards! :lol: ), but the backside of the other sign is really distracting. I would suggest to have taken another angle to capture this lovely sign
03 - Basically the same reason as 05, you were just so lucky to have a square sign... ;) Anyways... the sign is very cool, but since there is nothing else on the pic, it becomes boring while watching. Cool would have been to see e.g. the surrounding area or indeed some camping ppl or else.


Good luck everyone! :D
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

I have a question though ..the deadline for the next photo inside is the 23rd I believe so is that still the date or are we going longer than that now since this has been taking kinda long? No offense just wondering.