'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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:lol: Neither do I. I actually, seriously have no idea what that says. I assume something to do with Seagulls and Buoys.

But then again, your talking to someone who is very much adapted to the theory that 2+2=22 and 1+1= A window.

And I do run away a lot from conversations.
*busting a gut trying to translate the sentence*
"Buddy there is on the inside for some fine thinking with a tacker(the hell's that?) for the gulley(seagull?), eh boys?"

.......o__o;;;;; :lol: Well, that's what I got. There isn't exactly a translator for something like that.

On a more sad note.. Oilers are getting their arses whipped :(
:lol: "Where yer to." Oh man. Hee-larious!!!
And yeah, I caught a small sample of the game and was like "Well, half of Alberta's unhappy right now...."
Baba, I had completely forgotten about that one till you said it. I love it! :lol:

Did you hear this one?: "Jeet yet? Yon to." (Did you eat yet? You ought to.)

Palm, I'm a Calgarian, but since they were booted out I've been cheering for Oilers (one: they're from Alberta, and two: they're the only Canadian team left). They.. lost didn't they..?
Wow...I've never been here before. *looks around curiously*

Heeeeeeelllllllllooooooooo, my fellow Canadians! I've found you at last!

You know, it's ironic that I find this thread just as some show (Mentors) comes on TV (stupid sister left it on), and King Arthur goes lookin' for the Holy Grail aka the Stanley Cup. :rolleyes:

Hmmmm...can't think of much else to say, friends...And I was so excited... :(
I thought the Oilers would win. They started playing good after that guy in the crowd threw his nuts on the ice :lol:

We so rule at the anthem singing though..
Awww dammit Canada lost to Brazil 3-1 in football. I was at the game and if Canada didn't score those two own goals it would've been 1-1 and plus we had tons of awesome chances too. I can't recall the number of times the ball sailed over the cross bar or the number of times we screwed up on set pieces. We were much better in the second half and it's nice to see that Canadians like something besides hockey hehe. Ooh, and the Brazil fans are nuts!

Too bad about Edmonton though :(.
A Calgarian eh?
Even though I live near Edmonton, I still cheer for Calgary secretly because my cousin plays for them.
I think. He better still be playing for them.......

Anyhoo. WELCOME fellow Canuck, Rhosalyn!
Glad you found this thread!

And I wasn't even aware Canada had a football team. But y'know, it's not our fault we lost to Brazil. Those guys are crazy good. Kinda weird.
EllaJ said:
They started playing good after that guy in the crowd threw his nuts on the ice :lol:

I sure hope you mean peanuts or cashews...

And as for the football game between Canada and Brazil, while is sucks that we lost, 3-1 isn't too bad, considering it's Brazil. I mean, they've won the World Cup a gajillion times, and are the reigning champions, right? So, 3-1 isn't too bad, I guess. Could have been worse. :rolleyes:

Here's a fun little off-topic fact:

When Brazil lost the World Cup final to Uruguay in 1950, their goalkeeper was summoned for interrogation by the security services, who accused him of being a communist.

And a warm welcome to the thread, Rhosalyn. :D
The first and final Brazil goals were actually scored by guys off the Canada team so techincally Brazil scored one goal heh. This team isn't actually the senior mens team playing in the world cup but the future...one of the guys is being signed for Man. United for 12.6 million Canadian and supposedly he's the future Ronaldinho. Personally I think the reason why the mens football team are unsuccesful in the World Cup & Concaf Cup is because pretty much everyone is into hockey so they don't put a lot of funds into football teams and that money helps. Eh, maybe one day we'll sent a Canadian team to the World Cup :D.
Welcome, Canuck Rhosalyn! Where abouts are you hailing from?

*cough* I uh. Yeah. *cough* (insert knowledge/banter relating to sports here)

I watch football with my dad!

American football. *cough*

I'm gonna go home now.
:lol: Welcome Rhosalyn! I remember you from the Flack/Danny thread heh but I'm sure everyone knows that. Ooh, and when I say football I mean European style, not American heh. Speaking of sports Canadian boy Steve Nash is playing tonight so goooo Suns :D.
Oh my goshness Palm for some reason I think you should be the mascot for the Canadian thread. :lol:

I'm not one for sports, so I'll leave you guys to the hockey-soccer-football-basketball conversations. :D
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