'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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ziggystarduzt said:
I agree, Speed, we should dress her up in a red and white beaver costume.

:lol: That's priceless. We'd have to give her one of those Molson Canadian beers too. And some timbits as well.

I found a William Shatner video similar to the I Am Canadian ones but since it's a pg-13 board I dunno if I could post it here.
:lol: Those were some funny clips, Jorja. Just goes to show that us Canadians are sneaky sons o' bitches.. :p Pardonez-moi.

And I agree with the motion of Palm being our mascot :D

Please post that Shater one? I love the guy, and if he's made a Canadian clip, I want to see it :lol: *fondly remembers an episode of Boston Legal when Denny and Alan go to Canada*

Eta: by the way.. there is *nothing* wrong with us Calgarians. :lol: Even though I live on Vancouver Island, I'm an Albertan by heart. :D
Oh, oh, and a hockey stick and moose antlers! This is getting more and more fun by the second..

Yeah, we don't want to upset our friends the mods, so maybe those of us interested in the vid can PM you.. like me. PM me with it! Yay!
:lol: Can't forget the hockey stick. I've re-watched the Shatner one and I've decided that it isn't bad so here it is. I love this man.
oh DUDE, that is too funny... I love him too, so long as he doesn't sing. I accidentally downloaded a Shatner/Ben Folds collaborative song...*shudder* Not good. And have you heard his cover of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds? Seriously. Man should stick to "acting". ;)
I frigging love him in those commericals that he does for that 2 week challenge with that fibre cereal. The look on that couple's face when he came had me laughing so hard. I remember when they had him on Family Guy as well :lol:.
Jorja, I totally forgot you were a mod when I was like "we don't want to bug our mod friends." *rolls eyes* don't mind me, I'm braindead. But I'm also a lab technician! *points* See? w00t for 500 posts.
Anyhoo. WELCOME fellow Canuck, Rhosalyn!
Glad you found this thread!
Welcome, Canuck Rhosalyn! Where abouts are you hailing from?
Welcome Rhosalyn! I remember you from the Flack/Danny thread heh but I'm sure everyone knows that.
Yay! The Welcome Wagon! Thanks! Where abouts am I from? The middle of nowhere in the Lower Mainland! We didn't even make it on the map! The zoomed in map...

And I remember YOU, jorja_fan! Love the videos you gave the links to, as well.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ooooh, just listening to the guys in those vides exagerate 'eh' reminds me of one of the guys in my class. He has a shirt and it has, like, the dictionary definition of 'eh' on it. It goes on to list everything it can mean, and finally ends it with '(besides, it's better than saying 'huh'). Ah...I haven't seen him wear that shirt in FOREVER.

I think I'm a little late on the funny American stories or whatever at the very beginning, but one of my teachers was telling my class about a time she went down to the States for some group project or something. There was a group of Americans and a group of Canadians and they somehow got into a discussion about their mums. Anyway, my teacher was saying that when the Canadians first said 'mum' the Americans couldn't understand what they were saying because they were expecting an 'o' not a 'u'. That isn't so much as funny as it is sad...it's a three letter word...

I've got more where that came from, too, because a classmate moved down to the States a little while ago. But I'll save that for another day.
Where abouts am I from? The middle of nowhere in the Lower Mainland! We didn't even make it on the map! The zoomed in map...
Good! You can build a fortress of solitude and hide from all the evil prying eyes while you work on your ploy to CONQUER THE WORLD!
Seriously though, what town are you in? I'm in Burnaby/Coquitlam right next to the Lougheed Mall meself :)
william shattner ticks me off lol...his "singing" is just so demented...but hes okay in star trek. Pretty classic eh? i just found out that the kelly rowan chick is canadian too! i effing love the fact that a canadian made it big on one of the awesomest teen drama shows!
Yay for Kelly Rowan, yo! Greatest alcoholic mom on tv! *g* She was here a couple months ago--around xmas- filming that Al Pacino movie. Ben whatsisface from the OC was in it too. They were filming at UBC for a few weeks, and that was cool. Very very cool.
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