'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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I tried to find a list of things that Canadians came up with, but alas, I haven't turned up anything yet. Anyone know of a cool site that lists such things?
Well.... I doubt it. I think people naturally assume we already know what we invented. So, we could say we invented the horse unless someone proves us wrong.

Anyhoo. I wish I was where Sandle is because it's raining here. And it smells like leaves. Augh D:
Yeah oh man in St.Albert there was such a downpour, we went outside during french class (And during a test) to run around in the rain. My class if full of a bunch of degenerate retards...But that's just me.
Thanks, Jorja! w00t, very cool list.

It's raining here too, Palm. I don't mind it after the heat we've had lately, and it gives me an excuse to take a break from walking the Emma ;)
^^^ No problem :).

allstar12 said:
I don't see hockey anywhere on that list :p

I noticed that too and supposedly there's this huge debate going on about where hockey started. Some say Canada, some say Europe. To be honest I don't care...I dislike hockey and I love Euro football :p. *ducks flying objects*
We invent all the cool stuff. :D Like Canada Dry Ginger Ale that stuff is the best

Hockey comment for the day: I love how the Oiler fans throw those huge steaks on the ice :lol:
BabaOReilly said:
Apparently we're the only ones with Smarties too. I guess they're a different kind of candy down below the border (not chocolate). I prefer them to M&M's anyway. :)

Smarties? Like those that are in Smarties cookies?

I really should stop posting in this thread :lol:
Oooh..Smarties. Me used to love Smarties but I'm not really into Nestle products :/ I mostly use those on Sacher cake (Swiss chocolatecake) or then buy those Smarties cookies what are...cookies where is Smarties inside :D

And speed_cochrane.. oh shush... I know you just want... my breast or wing... (now that sounded wrong :lol: )
:lol: Speedy don't swing that way. ;) I'd settle for just chasing you around with a large stick until you jump up and bite me. (That also sounds wrong.. :p )

I love Smarties. I'm always pitting them against M&Ms and Smarties always seem to win. Of course that's not to say that M&Ms aren't bad either.

And you know what I've just noticed? Everyone I know has a Canadian accent. (I suppose that's to be expected...I do live in Canada.)It scared the bajeebers out of me. I'm not sure I have one, but here in Alberta we all kind of have more of a southern drawl to our voices. It's much different than those in Toronto. Anyway, just a useless tidbit of information.
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