'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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^Ooh yeah I remember that. I'm from East Vancouver and I'm very close to the PNE. I know it's early to say but those in the Vancouver & Burnaby area should stop by the Greek Fest when it takes place at the end of the month. I'll probably be there everyday since I live so close :D.
Good! You can build a fortress of solitude and hide from all the evil prying eyes while you work on your ploy to CONQUER THE WORLD!
Seriously though, what town are you in? I'm in Burnaby/Coquitlam right next to the Lougheed Mall meself
Actually...I'm the sidekick to the girl who's gonna take over the world. We already planned on it, though I think I've been replaced. Which is sad, because I was gonna be the only person not put into slavery...But I like your idea better. :D Yes...I think I'll take over the world...

Drum roll, please! *dadadadadadadadadum*

Anyone ever heard of...Pender Harbour? Or, more specifically, Madeira Park.
Wow I never realized there was a canuck thread.
Greetings from Windsor Ontario, Southern Canada and if your american, I am just SOUTH of Detroit michigan (man the wierd looks I get when I cross the border and say that lol).
Here we basically have two season, Really hot really humid, and really cold and windy. Sorry i lied we get about a week of spring and 3 weeks of fall. Personally I have a screwy accent (or so I am told by my canadian friends and american cousins) Its my own personal mix I guess.
The William Shatner thing was hislarious, I miss the "I am Canadian" molson canadian commercials.
Hey Jorja when abouts is the Greek fest this year? I meant to go last year but my damn job thing got in the way. Luckily I don't have one anymore, so I'm all good. We should arrange to say hi there! that would be very cool.

Pender Harbour/Madeira Park sound familiar, but I can't say I know EXACTLY where they are... there's the biggest nearby town?

and welcome, rwf05!
Pender Harbour and Madeira Park also sounds familiar to me.. Though you'd think I could place it? No :lol: Horrible sense of direction and placement.

I gots a question for Vancouverites and Islanders. Ever heard of the "Bath Tub Races" or the "Silly Boat Races"?
I think I've heard of the bathtub races! I vaguely remember seeing a clip about that on TV, where people, er, race bathtubs (I guess the term 'bathtub races' is pretty much self-explanatory, huh :lol:). I wish I could race a bathtub. That would be super fun. :D
Hell yes I know about the bathtub races! They usually take place over my birthday weekend or the weekend before (my birthday's July 29) and I used to go and watch them every year. They're hella fun!
*victory sign* They are a bunch of fun. But last year.. Wow! I got some really good pictures. My Dad's ship was carrying some of the press and we got a visit from the Mayor that morning too.. It was quite an interesting day. *looking forward to them this year*

Ziggy, I take it you came to Nanaimo to watch them? Departure Bay?
ziggystarduzt said:
Hey Jorja when abouts is the Greek fest this year? I meant to go last year but my damn job thing got in the way. Luckily I don't have one anymore, so I'm all good. We should arrange to say hi there! that would be very cool.

Now that would be pretty flipping sweet! I'd teach you to party the Greek way :lol:. Since you're interested I'd suggest you check out the official site which is located here. It has the address plus a whote lotta information for those who has never been. Trust me, once you go you're gonna wanna go everyday and I certainly will!

BTW welcome rwf05 :D.
I heard about the bathtub races every year but I've never gone to Nanaimo to watch them. I went to the tall ships last year in Victoria..they had little battles, it was really neat. Another thing I want to go see are those Sandcastle building contests..in Parksville?
Whoa Whoa Whoa... I go camping for 2 days, come back, and suddenly I'm a mascot?!?
HECK YES! *bows to the almighty beaver* *which I ironically blow up in my pond every year. Damn things. No one eats my tree and gets away with it!!*

So, Anyhoo, Oilers going onto the finals. Kinda crazy, Brother's freaking out, just got hit with a water bottle........
Ah yes, flying water bottles. I've had my share of those. I mean, yay Oilers. My mom was saying that it's nicer to win at home but I metioned that it's sweeter to win it away to make it fun for the home fans, kinda like Euro Cup '04 :devil:. Ok, I'm not that evil but I can't believe we have a Canadian team representing us in the finals and it's a team that I actually like too :D.
XDDD I'm a Leaf fan.
But that's because, y'know, I like Blue and White. Anything blue and white I'm all "Oh Baby! Gimmie that in shirt form!"
Otherwise, meh.

:lol: Beware of the flying water bottles. Their like missiles! With water inside! And there is nothing uncooler than being wet on a cold day.
Hot day yes.. but not cold.
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