'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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^ :lol: You guys are hilarious. To be honest though I rarely hear a Canadian accent in my area. I've known a few people who have had one but that was in the past. Speaking of which my pappou and yiayia have been in Canada for almost 40 years and they still have their Greek accents. My mom slightly has a Greek accent as well. As for me...I dunno.
I had a friend on MSN once who was from England and asked me this:

Friend from England: Do you speak American, Canadian, or English?

Me: ...They aren't the same thing?

:rolleyes: Yeah I have to admit, I always get confused as to which of the three languages I'm speaking. Sometimes they all sound EXACTLY the same. It's amazing. It's a talent really, something you can't be taught. ;)
I lived in Australia for several years in high school, and I apparently have a weird hybrid Aussie-Canadian accent. I can't hear any Australian in my voice, but people are always saying it's there. Last night I chatted with an online friend on the phone for the first time and she (who is in New Zealand) told me I sound kind of like an Aussie as well. *shrugs*
speed_cochrane said:
:lol: Speedy don't swing that way. ;) I'd settle for just chasing you around with a large stick until you jump up and bite me. (That also sounds wrong.. :p )

*is offended* Well, my breast would be too good for you anyways :rolleyes:

Can people really be without accent? I mean, I have horrible English accent.. I mean... FInnish accent when I speak English (not as bad as Mika Häkkinen has) but still... and when I think of Finnish. Everyone talks with a certain accent. Ok... perhaps not people in Jyväskylä area.
DaWacko said:
*is offended* Well, my breast would be too good for you anyways :rolleyes:

It probably is. *bows down*

I swear I don't have an accent..But somedays when I'm tired..My Canadian accent just slips out. I start sayin' "aboot" and "eh" all the time.
Hm. Apparently we do actually have an accent. One of my friends in the States said I had one. Like, here are some examples on what make me (apparently) have an accent:

I don't say "Kitty!". Instead, I say "Kiddy!" So, I replace the T's with a D.
I say "Y'know" way too much.
I say Eh, but only in question form. (Howzit goin' eh?)
And all of my words get bumbled together out of laziness. So, this sentence: "I went down to the market today to see Tom." becomes "I wend down, y'know, to tha'd place to see whass-his-nuts and holyhell wassit hot."

But that's just me =\
speed_cochrane said:
I swear I don't have an accent..
Same here. I spent last year in the States and no one ever thought I had an accent...well, except for one friend who kept wanting me to say "About". He's like "It's not that you say 'aboot', but there's something different about it" :lol:

I surprised myself though when I was out drinking with a bunch of friends a couple months back. I was telling my friend a story about something and had to stop myself because all of a sudden I caught myself talking in the stereotypical Canadian Accent. I was like "Woah, where the hell did that come from?" :lol:
I want to add to my acting resume under special skills: Canadian Accent, but only while intoxicated.
:p :lol: :D
When I lived in Australia there was an exchange student from Connecticut there at the same time, and people were always saying we had the same accent. Like, she had a hardcore Southern drawl thing going on. It was really weird. Definitley reframed the whole 'accent' concept for me.
Something I always notice whenever I hear my own voice tape-recorded is my R's. They have that kinda strong R-ness that I think is part of the 'typical Canadian accent.' I don't hear it in my head when I speak, but it always seems really obvious on the tape recorder! Drives me nuts! :lol:
i know my american cousin loves the 'canadian accent' i dont hear the 'oot and aboot' thing people say we have. i tease her about saying 'pap' and 'hackey' (pop and hockey) i like the newfie accents, even if i cant understand them most of them time. :lol: rick mercers is great, and there are some other atlantic canadian comedians who have been on just for laughs before. they seem funnier somehow, i dont know. maybe those crazy newfies just have better jokes
I think we would all sound just a little bit more Canadian if we all got drunk one night. It's a theory anyway...
It's true, so true. After a few drinks I know I must sound like a complete and total Canuck. Aboot and all, probably. :lol: The Canadian R's REALLY get going then. And the O's too, you know, the Canadian O's...

Hmm... I can't seem to make myself coherent. Must have something to do with the Lost season finale. OMG!
I think that 'oot and 'aboot thing comes from newfoundland. Because God knows you need to drunk to understand them.
And I'm not saying that to be an ass, I really do mean it. I can't understand half my neighbors at times.

Them: "Buddy dere is on'a inside fer sum fine tinkin' 'wit 'a tacker fer'd gulley, eh bys?"
Palm: "..No, it is you that is wrong."
Them: "...'wit?"
Palm: "Yeah! That's right! ....." [Run away Scene]
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