'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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:lol: I'm proud to be an Albertan. Free money from Ralph, hot summers, and southern folk. ;)
XD I just like the fact6 that we have the benifits of it all. Prairies, Foothill, and the mountains. Means I don't have to drive very far to see what I want. Unfortunately, the weather changes so drastically over the whole province...
Alberta: The Moody Weather Province.
Come and see how fast the weather changes over 2 hours!

I have 2 Canadian cats (they don't say 'Eh' which sucks) and one idiotic dog. I don't consider him Canadian because he ran into a tree yesterday. In fact, I'm pretty sure he's an alien.
:lol: He ran into a tree :lol: Well my dog runs into walls. I think he's from Toronto. ;) (Just kiddin' eh)
:lol: Hahaha!
No seriously, my Dog is an idiot. He's blind in one eye AND has short-term memory (Or whatever that's called. Alzheimers.)
So, this is what he does:

He'll go outside his doghouse, forgets he came out, goes back in but hit the side of the door. Then proceeds in, forgets why he went in, and promtly walks out.
This. Goes. On. For. HOURS.
So I deemed him an Alien from Mars. Without the probe an intelligence.

And, I don't know why, but my friend started freaking out at me yesterday and was like "Homer Simpson is CANADIAN!" and it quite freaked me out...
..O__o Your DOG has ALZHEIMERS???? :lol: That's something I never thought I'd hear.

Yay, Oilers win second game of series against Anaheim. *Waving little Alberta flag*
They did?! Jeez, I should really go and get the paper.

And yeah, my dog has Alzeheimers. Apparently they can get that. Just like my cat, Larry, before she died. She had one eye, an abscess and only weighed five pounds, was half-deaf, 19 years old, and apparently, according to the vet, was losing her memory. Yet she was healthy and fine. It was... weird.

Come to Palm's house and witness her ancient pets! Gift shop open on weekdays.
Nopurchasenecessary. Seeinstoresfordetails.
My grandparents had an autistic dog once! His name was Shaman and although he was never abused, he was scared of everyone and hated being touched. He really acted autistic. It was fascinating. He died of old age last year.
Pets shouldn't die. If we can invent Velcro, then dammit we can ...can... Crap. There goes my train of thought...

Speaking of trains, apparently according to my newspaper, it is actually worthwhile to take one across Canada. So.... ROAD TRIP! ...on a train! Heck yes!
So doing it.
It's true! I can't afford to feed myself. I have to mooch off my parents like a leech.
*realizes the irony there. Even though there isn't any*

We came up with Spam!? Like... the canned stuff or that cooking spray stuff that fills the air and you gag on it. Worst Air freshener EVER.
I don't think we came up with Spam. That would be kinda cool if we did! And I was referring to the atrocity that goes by tinned meat. I think the cooking spray/bad air freshener is Pam. I think this because my neighbor is named Pam and I call her Canada's favourite non-stick person.
Apparently we're the only ones with Smarties too. I guess they're a different kind of candy down below the border (not chocolate). I prefer them to M&M's anyway. :)
Really? Weeeeiiird... a world without Smarties? Not that I'm complaining. I'm allergic to/hate chocolate anyway. But still. Bizarre.
ive heard canada came up with spam. now thats something to be proud of. *shudders* im kind of scared of all processed meat, especially if in comes in a can. didnt know about the smarties, i like em but m&ms are better. its weird.
also, the states doesnt have ketchup chips. how do you not have ketchup chips?!?! theyre my favourite thing ever. man, now i really want a giant bowl of ketchup chips.
omg its so nice out but lucky me i had to work at the stupid store today...yipee!!!yah not really i really only have one friend that works with me yay for levon!!!!
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