'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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It was hot today all right, and I did the intelligent thing by wearing black pants and a black shirt while I biked 4 miles to and from work today. Apparently it's still 18 degrees right now (according to Environment Canada :D) even though it's 11:30 p.m.... positively balmy! :lol:
speed_cochrane said:
Personally, I can't stand hockey. I just find the sport pointless and it's just a measuring stick for guys and a popularity contest for cities. *sigh* Oh well, if people like hockey, thats their business.

For guys? Oh come on... don't be so... y'know :p
Where are you, Quickbeam? It's 11pm here now and I live in a basement suite, and I STILL have the fan going full blast.. all my cats are stretched out on the hardwood rather than in their respective baskets, and my dog is panting like mad. I'm a summer baby, don't get me wrong.. but for May? This is INSANE!
I'm in Saskatoon, SK, and also live in a basement suite. :) My basement has this weird way of alternating between too hot and too cold, though, and at the weirdest times. Fortunately it was nice and cool yesterday, but now I'm freezing. Brrrrrr. :lol:
ok, why is it hot everywhere except ontario?? its been raining for about a week and hasnt gotten over 15 in a while! no fair!!
oh, and count me in as a non-hockey fan. i find the game boring, in 3 hours they could go without scoring once. and i despise the fighting, theres no reason for it. i still believe bertuzzi (is that how you spell his name?) should be in jail for what he did. i never watch the game on tv but ive been to see the london knights because thats what my friend wanted to do for her birthday a few times. it was ok because we mostly talked to each other and yelled out to the hot players :lol:
i always say an appreciation for hockey ended with my grandpa, he used to play professionally. not in the nhl, in the league below it. although he was called up to the leafs for the 1948 stanley cup series. he was mad that they won it in 4 games straight, since he got paid per day :lol:
I agree Speed. I mean, the Riot police being called into Edmonton? Them booing everyone's national anthem? Drunks throwing meat on the ice and starting stabbing fights with each other? Gawd, we're an embarrasement to the whole damn nation.

And everyday when you turn on the news, what do they say?
Edmontonians, show a little respect for the other teams.
Even the mayor of San Jose sent us an aplogy for the way THEIR fans acted. What do we send in return!? Us still being jerks. Gawd. And people always bitch about why society's all bad. Idiots.

Anyhoo. 29 again today. -40 in the winter. +28 in the summer. Just another typical sight in the country of Canada.
Ah yes... Vancouver is also lovely for another day. If only it can hold for the long weekend!

The poor old dog was panting up a storm and came to hang out with downstairs last night, where it's cooler. I'm thinking I better not take him jogging with me unless it gets cooler again- he almost dies! :lol: Poor fur-covered beasts!
I agree on Bertuzzi deserving longer jailtime.. hardcore..

Yeah, Baba, they're claiming it's going to cool down for the long weekend, but I think the collective hopes and prayers of the entire city are powerful enough to keep the warmth going.

I do feel bad for the animals though... my kitten is lying right next to me sprawled on the floor and I've pointed the fan directly at her. She's purring loudly. It's very cute :)
I have 3 Canadian kittens! ...And one Canadian Poodle :lol:

They're all dying in the heat right now, but that's okay because they've been annoying all winter. They deserve it. :p
:lol: I just got this really weird image of a cow barking in my head after that. And it won't go away, but it's amusing me greatly.
And thank GOD for wind. Augh, not the warm wind which makes you unhappy but the nice cool wind that every summer needs.
I have three Canadian cats and a Canadian dog. My cats are Kali, Logan, and Lucy and my former avvie was of Emma, my doggie. I like animals very very much.

Lucy is actually not a kitten, but she's mentally disabled and undersized- only 2 lbs. So she behaves and looks like a kitten.
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