'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Don't worry, I'll scare 'em away :devil:. So it was 28...wow that's crazy! I remember when I was in Athens last summer it reached 40 and I was walking up to the Parthenon. I wouldn't be surprised if it ever reached the 40's here in BC!
It was only 24 here in Saskatchewan today (I can't believe I'm saying ONLY 24 :lol:) but it sure felt quite hot, especially with the sun and all. I'm going to melt this year, I can feel it coming. Not looking forward to this in some ways...
It was about 28 here in my area of saskatchewan...and i found it effing HOT!! i worked at 8am, and i was already sweating!!
i think tomorrow is supposed to be hotter.....
lol, thanks for the welcome back, Palm! Yay!

It's ridiculously hot here in Van. Yesterday I just sat in front of a fan and drank a lot of cold beer. I wanted to go out to White Rock and swim, but it was too hot to get there. I had no energy.
It's only 28 out here. Not that bad. I mean, I'm inside in a air conditioned house, so it doesn't seem bad from my standpoint. *jerk*
I'm jealous. It was supposed to cool down today, but that lying bitch Tamara Taggart got it wrong. Daaaamn that woman.. I was downtown earlier and it's much cooler there, as it's by the water, but out here it's fricking hot.
Well right now, I just checked the temperature for Edmonton and it's 31 FREAKIN' DEGREES. I can't believe it. Miami is 28 degrees and up here we get 31. *drives down to Miami to cool off* ...Never thought I'd say that in a million years.
Oh no the ice is gonna melt before the hockey game :p

I'm staying inside..no heat stroke for me again thank you :lol:
I had the new banana & coconut frappe from Starbucks and that cooled me down this morning when I was out with my friend. The weather people said we're supposed to have a dry and hot summer. I'm so not looking forward to that. Oh, and I know most Canadians like hockey(expect me :p) but did anyone watch the Arsenal-Barcelona champions league final football match today and by football I mean it European style heh.
Personally, I can't stand hockey. I just find the sport pointless and it's just a measuring stick for guys and a popularity contest for cities. *sigh* Oh well, if people like hockey, thats their business.
jorja_fan86 said:
but did anyone watch the Arsenal-Barcelona champions league final football match today and by football I mean it European style heh.

My sister was watching it, I saw the last 10 minutes. I usually only watch soccer during the World Cup..which starts in a couple weeks I think. I wish Denmark had qualified though :(
No American Idol results show on CTV tonight, or ever, it seems. I'm pretty shocked, but there really just isn't time for it, what with the two hour finale of The Amazing Race, and the season finale of CSI:NY. Plus, American Idol results shows aren't too important anyways. Still a bit of a shock though, lol.
man was it hot in Central Saskatchewan!!! i think it was like 32C in my town!!
haha...and today was the 1st time ever that i have watched CSI:NY...i didnt mind it...
Yay....May Long is almost here!!! i dont know why im so excited...im working...lol
Spending more time living in front of my fan tonight myself. I just got home from watching United 93, has anyone seen that? Amazing movie, really well done.. but PAINFUL to watch. Like, seriously, it was like beating yourself in the face with a spiked mace for 2 hours.
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