'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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....Scratch that.. I am a tomato...

Keep in mind Ziggy, Silly Boat and Bathtub races are two different things. Next week is the bathtub race.

^_^ Yeah, it was fun. I ran into a Spanish teacher of mine, my best friend's Dad, a few friends, Mark Corbett (Nanaimo Daily News), and Jeff King (Ocean mural artist). ^__^ I know too many people. Then Bruce Williams was up from Victoria again.
^Ohhhh, 0kay. Cool. I haven't missed them! Yay. Although the Silly Boat races were always the more fun of the events..

Ooh, ooh, okay, so like, 15 years ago my Dad took me to see Phantom of the Opera for my birthday cause I really really loved it and would line up all my stuffed animals on the couch and perform the libretto for him? And my Dad and I haven't been getting along lately, but all of a sudden he emails me and is like "Um. Phantom is coming back to town and I thought we could go together." HOW TOTALLY EXCITING! *does a happy dance* I'm gonna go see Phaaaantom. . . it's in Vancouver as of August 2nd.
lucky!!! the best phantom is gearade butler, he is the best singing phantom and the best looking phantom with quite the sexxy accent, i cried when i saw phantom of the opera like the movie one, it was so sad :(
XD I still like the Simpsons. Not as much as I liked Futurama [insert picture of Palm going after Fox executives with a bat]. But, y'know. It's hard to write scripts these days apparently. I mean, I remember back in about 1996 when every movie someone wrote actually had something called 'plot' in it. And it wasn't all about the Special Effects. And networks let TV shows run for more than an episode before cutting it off. *Shakes things* Invasion had potential, dammit! D:
ziggystarduzt said:
Wow ziggy you were already politically proactive at 10...I'm impressed, as for me I am still unsure which party would screw up the least if they were given rule in Ottawa. All in all one has to admit that Canada (as of yet) is trailing behind the US in terms of ridiculous governments.
That's what you get when you're raised by a politically active hippie of a mom XD Actually, does anyone remember who Audrey McLaughlin was? She was the head of the NDP party in the 80s.. anyway, Audrey and I were good friends when I was a kid. We met when I was speaking at a rally outside legislature on the subject of women's rights (a prominent member of society had just been given a VERY light sentence for murdering his wife), and we hit it off. She was a very cool lady (I haven't seen her in years) and I credit her in part for my early interest in politics.. she was willing to take a 10 year old seriously and not dismiss everything I had to say. When someone includes you in a topic you suddenly care a lot more about it..

But, I hate always bringing him up like a stalker, (-___-; ) When I was watching Jon interview Kevin Spacey, Kevin mentioned that The States needs to adapt a House of Commons so the other leaders can chew out Bush sometimes. And it made me smile thinking about our House of Commons. How it's good that we have it so everyone can get an opinion in. Even if it means them having to apologize for it later (Ie: See Klein). But at least they get to argue it out and not have to sit and listen to Harper make an ass out of himself on International Television. And he actually does, but in comparison to Bush, it's like "Psh."
Agreed. It's easy to sit around and pick at the negative points in our political system, but it's good to remember how much worse it could always be. We ARE lucky to live in Canada, no matter how corrupt or inept we may feel the government is.

So, I went out to the Silly Boat Races today in Maffeo Sutton park.. O__o Been out and about from 9-5. I had no sunscreen on. Miraculously I'm not a tomato.
Oh damn, I thought they were next weekend. They're usually the weekend before my birthday, and that would be next weeked. sigh. Oh well, next year I suppose. Were they fun?

I don't like new Simpsons either.

First off: I still love the Simpsons. There always SOMETHING funny in every episode, whether the episode overall is hit or miss. The Simpsons are relentless comedy.

But more importantly, where is Audrey McLaughlin these days? What's her current gig? Or is she retired?

I was quite surprised when they mentioned bring Joe Clark back into party leadership, after his fiasco as PM in the 80's.
Not as much as I liked Futurama [insert picture of Palm going after Fox executives with a bat]
Are you aware that they're bringing Futurama back? They're going to start airing new episodes next year. I guess that like Family Guy, the DVD sales were so good that they decided to un-cancel it XD

But more importantly, where is Audrey McLaughlin these days? What's her current gig? Or is she retired?
I haven't seen Audrey in a few years now, but last I saw of her she was living up north in Whitehorse, Yukon (where I grew up). In 2003 she won the Order of Canada.. I just looked her up and it says that most recently she's been living in Morocco as Director of Political Party Programs for the National Democratic Institute.

I was quite surprised when they mentioned bring Joe Clark back into party leadership, after his fiasco as PM in the 80's.
Into leadership of the Conservatives? Well, he retired in 2004, so theoretically he's out of it.. emphasis on theoretically. I don't necessarily agree with all of what he had to say.. I think that there have been and will be worse politicians, and he seems to be a decent human being. Doesn't mean I'd want him as PM again.
*Laughs really hard* Omg. Joe Clark. I LOVED how on Royal Canadian Air Farce, they made fun of him. His laugh, I will always remember. "Ho ho ho." It was awesome.

And, Preston Manning. The Reeeeeefooooooooorm Party! Oh... my childhood. I remember how every Friday, the family and I would gather together to watch Royal Canadian Air Farce and Mr. Bean... *wipes away tear*
Such good days...
^^^ Not to mention, one would think that another decade of experience would have seasoned him a bit. I actually always liked him, and thought it was an interesting move- had they actually gone through with it.
:3 I know their bringing Futurama back [insert OMG! SQUEE!] Comedy Central decided to pick it up, thank God. Hopefully, that means they can get away with more than when they were on Fox.

*lays back* Aaaahhh... And my back seems to not want to unwind. Yay! Who wants to watch Palm flap around like a fish?!

But seriously, if I see one more commercial on that show "Whistler" I am going to go insane @_@
does anyone here watch "it's always sunny in philidalphia" that show is the bee's knees :D


MECHASHIBA!!!!!!!! :lol: if you can guess whats thats from i will give you something because i loved that so much i changed it to my msn name :D
palm i bet your going to get it first
Yeah, so about Canada... ;)

Come on guys, this is a Canada thread. Let's try to at least stay somewhat topical. We've had some interesting discussion going here. Let's keep it up and show those other loser contries (like Finland ;) ) how much smarter we are than them! :p
*Shift Eyes* But some of us aren't brilliantly cool...

*bit lip* And the only thing in the news is about Isreal and I'm keeping my fat jewish mouth shut about that.
there isn't much going on in e town but on the 20 or 21 k day begins :D stupid hedley tickets costing 20 bucks :mad: i want michael buble to come or the killers, oooooo nvm it's not canadian uh does anyone know if michael buble has a new cd comming out soon???

and the answer was the venture brothers, on the last episode of season 1 hank and dean are in court and they're telling about what happened and they said dean went on hanks shoulders and they turned into a robot and when you see them there on stand with dean on hanks shoulders waving their arms and going MECHASHIBA!!!, sorry to go off topic.
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