'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Ahem...forcing our ideals down other peoples' throats is something that is in every nation's history. This isn't the first time that the US has wanted to do something and Canada said no. It seems whenever we disagree with them we're always the bad guys. It sometimes seems whenever anyone disagrees with them, they're terrorists or w/e and need to be stopped. There has always been conflict between Israel and bordering countries, there always will be, and now they're starting to resort to blowing each other up. If that's what they want to do...well hell, let em do it. There will always be conflict, it's human nature. If there isn't real conflict, we'll make it.

In the Second World War Canada went to battle before the United States did, but that's a whole other story in itself.

This reminds me when Tucker Carlson, a US pundit on MSNBC 'expressed' his 'opinion' that Canada was nothing but a talentless arctic wasteland, and that anyone with any ambition in the entire country whatsoever has moved to New York, etc etc etc...And then when Jon Stewart was on his show and he mentioned "You're not as funny in real life as you are on your show" and Jon replied with "Oh yeah? Well you're just as big of an @$$ in real life as you are on your show." Or something to that effect...
You have to wonder who was in office at the time too. Given Harper and Martin arn't with the same party, so some things will be different, but it makes you wonder when the Conservatives will wake up and smell the coffee.

Liberals and Conservatives are like light and day just about.
*rolling around in dirt* Yay! For once it's sunny out! *attacks the sun with love*. Anyhoo.

*smile* The story with Jon is he was on Crossfire with Tucker Carlson and Tucker kept saying "Say something funny." And Jon kept refusing saying "I'm not your monkey." So, they were talking about politics (As the show is supposed to) when the infamous lines came up:

Carlson: I do think you're more fun on your show. Just my opinion.
Stewart: You know what's interesting, though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.

To which the world started to madly try and download the clip in which Jon said that. It's actually really amusing. But anyways.

*shakes* I need coffeeeeee @_____@
ziggystarduzt said:
Yes, Katie, Harper is head of the Conservative party, and yes, he is Prime Minister, so the Conservatives "won". They are leading a minority government. I personally am very much against the conservative party. I disagree with them on almost every stand they take. I am pro-choice, in complete support of gay marriage, and the list goes on. I voted NDP in the last election.

ok wow...the commercial that made me pro conservative was a good one. They were saying all these good things they were going to do if they got elected. I thought that they were pro gay marriage and thats part of the reason i was with them...the old guy that was on there seemed really nice...jerks! Not a pro-conservative anymore. does it seem like we cant win with any of our leaders?

oh man jon stewart did that? I love him even more!
^Unfortunately, commercials can be pretty darn misleading. A lot of politicians can be very nice people, and come off really well on TV.. but their beliefs are completely different from your own. Your best bet is to read up on every party to find out which one has a platform that is closest to what you believe in. Around election time each party will mail pamphlets out about their platforms, beliefs, and plans for Canada, and those are always good to read. You can also check out the party websites, or attend forums when they are held. It's never a bad time to start getting interested in what's going on in your country. I joined the NDP party when I was 10 and went door to door delivering pamphlets in -40 weather in the Yukon XD. I've sinced left the party, because I disagree with some of their ideals, but I still view them as the lesser of 3 evils. :)
I agree...it is easier to say than do when it comes to government. Many candidates seem ideal when they are running but once in office they take the easiest route and go with the flow. I'm still unsure whether Steven Harper will be good for this country...the elections weren't THAT long ago and I'm willing to give him a little...well a tiny bit of slack before I trash him and his party. He did take the reins at a relatively unstable time both globally and nationally what with the sponsership scandal and all..so we'll have to keep an eye on him.

Wow ziggy you were already politically proactive at 10...I'm impressed, as for me I am still unsure which party would screw up the least if they were given rule in Ottawa. All in all one has to admit that Canada (as of yet) is trailing behind the US in terms of ridiculous governments. :p
*digging at fingernails* Ziggy, that is impressive! I don't even get up out of bed when it's -40. *bows to you*

Eh, I'm conservative, but I'm more to the left. I'm not a Liberal but I'm not "Get off my Lawn!" Conservative either. Both parties I find have good ideas. The Liberals have some really good ones and so do the Conservatives. Now if they'd learn to get along.

But, I hate always bringing him up like a stalker, (-___-; ) When I was watching Jon interview Kevin Spacey, Kevin mentioned that The States needs to adapt a House of Commons so the other leaders can chew out Bush sometimes. And it made me smile thinking about our House of Commons. How it's good that we have it so everyone can get an opinion in. Even if it means them having to apologize for it later (Ie: See Klein). But at least they get to argue it out and not have to sit and listen to Harper make an ass out of himself on International Television. And he actually does, but in comparison to Bush, it's like "Psh."

Holy crap. I smell muffins. Glorious Muffins...
My brain is so fried that I can't even begin to wrap my head back around politics for the time being..

So, I went out to the Silly Boat Races today in Maffeo Sutton park.. O__o Been out and about from 9-5. I had no sunscreen on. Miraculously I'm not a tomato.
Oh noz! Not sunburn! It'll kill you, old school!

*cough* Oh my GOD! Did you know there was a Simpsons episode where Homer goes to Canada and takes the meds from Winnipeg?! Where was I when this was happening!? O______o

Anyhoo. "How to make a Canadian Laugh."
Of roughly 40000 jokes that circulated during a 3-month German Study (Palm note: GERMAN?! WTF!) Canadians liked this one the best:

"When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that bllpoint pens would not work in Zero Gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spend a decade and 12 billion to develop a pen that writes in Zero Gravity, upside-down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at tempetures ranging from below freezing to 300 C."
"The Russians used a pencil."
i HATE the simpsons now, i liked it back in the before times, in the long time ago so like seasons 1 to like 9

and who ever watches venture brothers i think dr girlfriend is hank and deans mom because they have the same nose and she was looking at a picture of them in the first season and she was in awe.
Yeah, I hate The Simpsons now too. I used to like it a lot...I could quote it like no tomorrow, but--ehh, it's just gotten so boring, and so--blah...
Too bad I can't measure my skin temperature... Kill me by skin cancer and wrinkles!! >_<;; :lol:

xD Actually, I thought that joke was really funny...

I just don't watch the simpsons..
i know, i dont watch them etheir manly because:

lisa: all she does is conplain
homer: he only stupid now, not ha ha stupid
bart: only talks about kudys
marge: she used to act like a real mom but now all she does is yell
homer and marge: im like every episode their marrige is always on the rock and they fight over stupid things
grandpa: he used to act like a old person and now hes like taming bulls, so lame
the show it self: it's crap becaus there doing jokes like "now i can let bart junior hang out" and bart reaches to his pants and pulls out a frog, this was a kids show that had some smut but in a good way and thats just retarded
Wow ziggy you were already politically proactive at 10...I'm impressed, as for me I am still unsure which party would screw up the least if they were given rule in Ottawa. All in all one has to admit that Canada (as of yet) is trailing behind the US in terms of ridiculous governments.
That's what you get when you're raised by a politically active hippie of a mom XD Actually, does anyone remember who Audrey McLaughlin was? She was the head of the NDP party in the 80s.. anyway, Audrey and I were good friends when I was a kid. We met when I was speaking at a rally outside legislature on the subject of women's rights (a prominent member of society had just been given a VERY light sentence for murdering his wife), and we hit it off. She was a very cool lady (I haven't seen her in years) and I credit her in part for my early interest in politics.. she was willing to take a 10 year old seriously and not dismiss everything I had to say. When someone includes you in a topic you suddenly care a lot more about it..

But, I hate always bringing him up like a stalker, (-___-; ) When I was watching Jon interview Kevin Spacey, Kevin mentioned that The States needs to adapt a House of Commons so the other leaders can chew out Bush sometimes. And it made me smile thinking about our House of Commons. How it's good that we have it so everyone can get an opinion in. Even if it means them having to apologize for it later (Ie: See Klein). But at least they get to argue it out and not have to sit and listen to Harper make an ass out of himself on International Television. And he actually does, but in comparison to Bush, it's like "Psh."
Agreed. It's easy to sit around and pick at the negative points in our political system, but it's good to remember how much worse it could always be. We ARE lucky to live in Canada, no matter how corrupt or inept we may feel the government is.

So, I went out to the Silly Boat Races today in Maffeo Sutton park.. O__o Been out and about from 9-5. I had no sunscreen on. Miraculously I'm not a tomato.
Oh damn, I thought they were next weekend. They're usually the weekend before my birthday, and that would be next weeked. sigh. Oh well, next year I suppose. Were they fun?

I don't like new Simpsons either.
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