'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Is stephen harper a conservative? because I liked the conservatives and wanted them to win, but then i didnt get to find out who won...if he is a conservative then i think i might change my mind about the conservatives. lol can someone become rich by how many times they use the word 'conservatives'? Anyway about three months(or whenever the election was) ago i became extremely interested in politics...then i realized how mind-numbing it is and started ignoring all things to do with politics. Which was really hard because i dont know about where you guys live, but there were like billions of signs all over the place, the news was non-stop talk about it, then the newspapers were taken over by them, and I even got jokes in my emails all about them...i was going crazy. Didn't help that i started dreaming about politics either....there was no escape. But now I AM FREEEEE!
Sorry I didn't get it for y'all earlier! I was off tending to an emergency. I'm not sure exactly HOW I feel about it yet. My initial reaction is that he's really evading any responsibility of blame for Canada's part in the war.. Not surprising, coming from any politician, but it's still scary to hear.

Yes, Katie, Harper is head of the Conservative party, and yes, he is Prime Minister, so the Conservatives "won". They are leading a minority government. I personally am very much against the conservative party. I disagree with them on almost every stand they take. I am pro-choice, in complete support of gay marriage, and the list goes on. I voted NDP in the last election.

Speaking of which, has everyone heard that NDP leader Carole James is battling uterine cancer? I feel for her and her family and friends. I think she's a very strong leader and an intelligent, well-spoken woman. I sincerely wish for her quick recovery.
Hmmm........ talk about Canada, eh? Well, I just pulled up my newspaper and found The Who is coming to Edmonton.

palm are you serioul, the frekin who is comming to my e town omg i cant wait, elton john is also comming i want to see him so badly but for god sake the who "you better cried as my people are starving now you know why we hate you!" the sad thing is that im just finding this out now when i live in edmonton and on are other topic i want a job!!! i want to be the president of calenders!! (thats from the new venture bros) speaking of the venture brothers my sister about the 1st season so from 4:00 to 7:00 pm we spent watching the first disk god is that show a knea slapper!! :lol:
BabaOReilly said:
"Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said that he believes “Israel's response under the circumstances has been measured,” and that the fault lies entirely on the terrorists behind the capture of the Israeli soldiers."

Hmm. Interesting. Anyone have any opinions on that one? I really don't know if I agree, but I'm not entirely sure yet. Must... read... more... ;)

It sounded like G.W. Bush

Oh geez, every other country judges the attact except USA (now wow, no wonder since they are allies with Israel) and now Canada.

I'm sorry but it's better to leave here before I say something bad.
^^^ How about you say something on topic? Like, "I disagree because..." It doesn't always have to be about slamming people, you know. We can handle intelligent discussion in here once in a while. ;)
Alrighty. US is allies with Israel, of course it goes behind it. I'm not sure what are Canada's intentions to agree with US, it just seems they want to just to agree with US (I'm sorry but I don't know Canadian politics so well, but that's how it looks).

Meanwhile, the rest of the world has judged the attacts. I do not support terrorism and those kidnappigs that Hizbollah has made, the attacts that Israel has done is wrong. Bush said "Every country has right to defend herself against terrorism". Are Israel only attacking on terrorist? No, there goes civilians. They kill civilians and HOPE some members of Hizbollah would get kill. They hit to a city because they "believe one of the leaders is hiding there". Hizbollah may be popular among the people but I don't think Israel is reducing that popularity by killing civilians.

If Israel's attacks were right, I think other countries and EU would have agreed with US. But they didn't.

That "allies" thing feels so WW2 and I can't believe it still exists in today's world (that's the reason why US never says a bad thing about Saudi-Arabia) and I'm sad to see it looks like country such as Canada does not have own opinion but they follow the big neighbour in the south, US.

It looks like US is living in some post-Cold War world, because it's the only country from..what...190 countries that deny Russia's entry to the WTO. So I do hope, for your Canadian's sake, that your leaders aren't the ones who... when G.W. Bush and US government tells them to jump, they just ask how high.

*breaths in*
Ducky, you bring up an interesting point, and I almost want to say thank you for bringing that up. It seems a bit.. for lack of a better word.. stupid that Canadian's would go in and start killing civilians in hopes of killing the right people. Where's the justice and productivity?

We've had our moments where we haven't been following the US as a 'big brother', but that seemed to be moreso when Paul Martin was still PM. Now Harper is even more "buddy buddy" with Bush, and things seem to be going downhill. It almost seems like Bush's influence on Harper is beginning to look like Bush is running Canada.


Nevermind me -_-; It's 1:40am.

csikicksurass, I'm only in grade ten. Not everyone is out of school.
Harper is just trying to make peace with the United States after how retarded we've been acting to them. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all "I'm not wearing that! It's made in America!" but like, seriously, we kind of need them. And they need us.

Like, we have the Tar Sands, The Forestry in BC/Alberta, Pulp Mills, etc. We have all the resources that they need. We're a Primary Industry. But we don't have barely any of the Secondary Industries that turn Salmon from B.C into those dinky little cans to export and make millions on. That usually comes from the States. Maybe we do, but we do need them to process our oil because I know that Fort McMurray doens't have any oil refineries, that's why we ship it to the States to be processed. Same with some of our coal. In return they give us back some stuff we need to survive that we don't have. Like Wal-Mart. And McDicks.

But even though their screwing us on our Soft Wood Lumber, we still have the advantage of us having.... Oh, let's see. Diamond mines in the Northwest Territories. Coal Mines everywhere that, even though they may be 'pollution' as some of those retards whine, it's still safer than having Nuclear Power which can devastate an area (See Cherynobl). Extensive (and I mean extensive) forests in BC and a little in Alberta that basically the States want, but can't have because they populate too much. The best Military training (True Fact: The States may have more soldiers, but Statistics say we're actually better trained in the art of Combat and Dog-Fights).
And we liberated Holland (Insert trumpets and hoorays).

I guess what I'm getting at is, we're trying to make peace with the States because we know they wish they were us. [Insert slaps and screams of profanities]. Okay, I don't know what my point was. I forgot half-way through.
^^^ It was still a decent point... whatever it is. :)

I agree to a certain extent, but I certainly feel that human lives are not a fair trade for a little "I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine" action with the US. I miss Paul Martin and his seemingly fair decisions. I did not want the conservatives in office for a number of reasons when the elections were going, and it seems one of my bigger worries is coming to fruition.

Do I think the Hezbollah did a bad thing? Hell yeah. But do I believe that Israel has given a "measured response"? Since in Harper's world that seems to equate to a "fair" response, I'm going to have to shake my head in the severe negative. This is not going to end well.
I'm glad I don't even understand what Harper was trying to say. Beign Naive actually makes the world a much better place... not in the long run though.

But... I don't know with this whole Isreal thing. I support them. =\. I guess it's because their always getting something done to them. "The Palestines want the Gaza and Golan Heights." "That Jackass said the Holocaust never happened (bastard.)" "There are bombings happening near schools."

I mean, for Freak's sake. Why can't people just effing get along over there. Same with all over the world! Gawd. I hate watching the news... and what with everyone over here being dicks. Oh, that's right! I'm watching the news at a cafe/bar and these guys are like "Waaah. Turn on Baseball. We have enough problems already. My wife won't shut up." Like, Gawd. No one considers that other people want to hear about the news sometimes. Just to be current so you can have some conversations that aren't about your wife cheating on you. Supposdely. Oh, Oh OH! But WAIT! It's a BAR. The ONE place you go when you DONT want to get depressed. YEAH.

*bangs head on wall* Yeah... okay. I'm fine. Going back to my "Yay! Butterflies!" mindset now...
Palm, you impress me. You be all hyper-whee!-Stephen/Jon! and then is able to turn that off in an instant and give a good fight(view point). I agree with what you're saying.

Enough is enough, but Bush and Harper, I think, fail to see that. And now another war is breaking out.
*has a butterfly in mouth* I apparently do that a lot. I'll be all "Omg! Pens!" and the next moment I'll be all "The U.N. Is trying hard to be a protectorate of nations, but it doesn't get that you need to break up civil wars. I mean, Rwanda could have actually cut down on it's mass murders if only the U.N would have gone in and tried to restore peace and save those civilians. Unlike the Gulf War which, while everyone was concentrating on Kuwait, FAILED to notice that Saddam Hussein was actually planning to build a warhead which was aimed straight at Isreal."

I read a lot D:
Palm you make my day interesting :D....It bothers to see how little the world is doing to resolve conflicts (including us Canadians :p) instead we are starting more wars and seem to find enjoyment in blowing things up whether they be civilians or buildings....another thing...I know Canada and the U.S are dependent upon each other for various things but do we seriously need to be at their beck and call as harper seems to think....I do believe we are entitled to our own opinions and do not need to comply with bush and his, lets face it....semi-crazy government? I dunno I am rambling on....I kinda forgot what I was going to say so I will go back to watching re-runs of Jon Stewart, because at least watching the news on his show, satirical or not is somewhat less depressing than what is actually happening on CBC and CNN :( :mad:

wow I just realized how incredibly dull that post was....oh well thanks to the magic of computers you can all quickly scroll past it and go onto the next one :D
^Haha! That's why I watch Jon too! XDDD
But I didn't find it dull. I found it insightful. Your right. Canada doesn't need to be at the beck and call of Bush.

But like, remember when we were all "We're not going to the Iraq war." and everyone was like *ANGRY FACE TO CANADA*. I hated that. It was the first time we didn't do what the States did and apparently that was "backstabbing". We finally formed our own opinion that we do peacekeeping missions and the Iraq war wasn't and we got penalized for it by everyone. It's like, Canada can't win. And it has felt like ever since then, the Prime Minister's have been sucking back up to the States. Martin and Harper.

I still believe we need each other, US and Canada, but I don't believe we should be their "Follow-Along" Ally. We've been doing that for how many friggin years? WWI and WWII. We can fight our own Battles. We beat off the Americans in The War of 1812. We beat the French for our land. We've lost Canadians in peacekeeping missions like Suez, The Gulf, Kuwait, and Congo. But it seems like no one sees that. All they see is that apparently Canadians are lumberjacks who carry a beaver in one arm, wear plaid, and say "Howzit goin', eh?" and that we should follow the States into war. We never did with Vietnam and there wasn't the outrage like the Iraq war that was thrown at us.

I really do think Canadians need to stand up and give a hearty "F*** Off" To these nations when war comes up. Canadians are all over the world fighting but we're not the USA. We don't recruit people like they do, we give them a choice. And it's like the world is saying we should turn into the States military-wise. But we've done it. We're over with that. That went out with Hitler and Mussolini. We're a peaceful nation. Why do you think everyone always runs to Canada when something is happening in the States (Personally, I think we should do some border control, but that's another topic).

All in all, I think Harper is caving in on all these wars to be like America. But he needs to think like Paul Martin for a minute and step back and say "We don't care if your going to war. We're not. And what the Isreali's do is between them an Lebannon. We will only participate when we need to get our Canadian citizens out, not to go in and force our ideals into other countries like you Americans are doing in Iraq." Because, seriously, those bombings are between Isreal and Lebannon. We shouldn't interfere like it seems how Bush is wanting to (according to his latest comments).

Whew. Okay. My hand is dead. So... I'm going to weep over it and then go "WHHHHHHHHY!?!" as I try to bring it back to life by inflicting it with water-torture! *stuffs hand in bucket of water*
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