'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Because, Palm, use older folks have life experience and wisdom that we can put to use in jobs that you youngsters just lack. *haughty face*
XD Or they have porn. Because the video store I basically live at has porn. I have to wait 6 months.... *shakes a bird cage*

SO! Something in my house smells like Chlorine... but we don't have a pool. This calls for Scooby and the Mystery Machine! *waits for it by the driveway*
You'll see. They'll come...
Ohhhh, I see. When I turned 18 I marched DIRECTLY INTO A PORN STORE. Mwahahaha. I didn't buy anything, but you know. It was the effort that counted.

Chlorine smells like pools. You should go swimming. Maybe it's your brain saying "PALM! Go swimming! Now things will smell like chlorine to help convince you!"
XDD Omg, I can see it now. Ziggy marching into a porn store yelling "I'M 18 NOW! THAT'S ALL! GOODBYE!" and leaving....

And maybe it is... *le gasp* I'm going to patent it if it is!
Ok, I just want to say here that this thread is for discussing things about your country (Canada). Yup, yup I understand that means all Canadians will post in here, but I'm starting to see more general chit-chat, rather than discussions about all things Canadian.

This isn't to ruin your fun or anything - I'm just pointing it out because I don't want this thread to turn into a Canadian chat room with the same few posters posting in it all the time, making your other fellow Canadian posters feel less welcome.

Thanks ;)
Hmmm........ talk about Canada, eh? Well, I just pulled up my newspaper and found The Who is coming to Edmonton.
Alberta's being shown off at the Smithsonian in Washington and apparently the US Secretary of Energy is eyeing our Tar Sand in Fort McMurray.
and Self-described "biggest Hater" jailed over website because of his... white supermacist views which is the first in Canada...

God, my paper is depressing.
Sorry wibz/cool-named Naomi:(

Don't feel unwelcome, Canadian folk! We love you!

I WANT TO SEE THE WHO! *so jealous*

Has anyone read Harper's comments about the war?
Mom is trying to get tickets for The Who when they come to Vancouver :D

There.. Isn't much in the Nanaimo Bulletin, but we got a new ice arena with two new rinks set up downtown. The Civic Arena is being torn down to make room for highrises I think.

"Would-be burglar gets more than he bargained for."
(My version of what happened) The homeowner went heroic and got the burglar, holding the "B" behind the back while he said "Don't move, don't try anything!" Of course the "B" tried to get away so the "H.o." got the "B" into a neck hold, calling the police with his free hand. The home owner got the burglar to admit his full name, date of birth, and the fact that he'd robbed the person last Friday. :lol: :p If only crime fighting was that easy.

ETA: No I haven't Ziggy. What's he saying? *sees a cartoon in the paper that has "Stevenharperman"* -_-; Good Lord.
Sorry Baba! I'm as curious as you are. ^_^;;

Palm, Cretien was another year. (Almost wanted to say decade >_<) I keep wanting to say Paul Martin.
"Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said that he believes “Israel's response under the circumstances has been measured,” and that the fault lies entirely on the terrorists behind the capture of the Israeli soldiers."

Hmm. Interesting. Anyone have any opinions on that one? I really don't know if I agree, but I'm not entirely sure yet. Must... read... more... ;)
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