'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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:lol: Yay! Another joins the Venture Cult!
I haven't see any episodes of the 2nd Season, but I have been away, so that could be a factor. I should check Teletoon to see if it's playing...

And walls count! I've run into walls before. They pop right up, I tells ya...
"oh i joined, i joined and cut the cake and surved it to all the others" *people from the adience start talking* "oh no she di ent*, "you just got surved", "oh it's getting hot in here", "aw yead", and i have no clue what i just said there i went into the "you got surved" movie for a sec :p
:lol: I have never seen that movie. I know it's down at the VHQ but I never bothered to buy it. I chose History of Violence over it. *kick'd*

And, Oh God, friend's trying to convert me to Myspace. I need an excuse! Quick! Heartattack... stroke... bears... augh...
XD I told her my house was on fire. Worst lie I ever told. But it got me out of that topic! [insert chicken dance]

Oh Jeez, my cat just leapt out of nowhere and nearly landed on my head o______O;
Yeah. I ... needed to come up with something quick and it came out like "OMGZ!HOUSE ON FIRE! BYE!". -____-;;

Maybe my cat leapt at me because I was singing the Inspector Gadget theme song. Because my brother just threw a golf ball at me telling me to shut up for the same reason. *le gasp* Oh God! They teamed up on me! WHY GOD WHY! D:
you should have told them you were wounded in nome, thats my excuse or uses homers "what, house run away, dog on fire?" :lol: i got my future job of the simpsons, im rather going to shoot birds at the airport or jump in front of cars and sue the driver ;) or and if you dont want to know a line from the new venture brothers turn away
"im going to be the PRESIDENT OF CALENDERS"

oh and palm i never did see the movie etheir i just based it off of the southpark episode, the breakfest club is the money melon :D
Hahaha! I remember that! Oh man, Homer's relatives are classic :lol:
I love their pot fights. Who puts a pot on their head as a helmet? .... other than me.

I haven't seen that episode of South Park. Jeez, now that I look at it, I watch all the bad shows ^^;. Drawn Together, South Park, The Venture Bros., Harvey Birdman, Futurama.... *gets craving to watch TV*
"i play the billionare at parties... or at least id like to" and one of the best lines "stupid money munching war widows" :lol:

do you watch malcome in the middle anyone that is my favorite live tv show comadey
Luckily, my Dad is teaching me. On backroads. With Logging Trucks. And Moose who decide "Aw, Hellz! A truck coming! Might as well cross the road!" ....the bastards.
That's exactly how I learned too! Except for without the meese. It was terrifying though, cause I was so sure I was gonna end up in a ditch, and my dad is a quad so he wouldn't be able to help get the car out.. and we were out of cell range.. and then night would fall and the spirits that haunt would come and kill us all.. luckily that never happened.

in the 2 episode of the venture brothers the monarkes gf makes hank drive brocks car to go save his dad and hank is in the back seat (which by the way they brought back hank and dean, it's a long story) and all through it he yells "im a driver" and "im driving" and he ends up crashing through a wall and he runs up to brock yelling "hey brock im a driver, i drove, im a driver"
XD I love that show. And we have Quads.... I don't go near them though because ..well, one's my brother's, one's my mom's, and one's my Dad's. And they have strict rules about me touching their stuff. And knives. And guns. And fire. ... I live in a bubble D:

But anyways, I used to watch the old episodes of Malcolm in the Middle. I loved his older brother. He always made me smile. :3
what one francises or reese?? my favorite part is on the episode "the experiment" where malcome gives him food colouring letting him believe they where chemicles and he runs into the room with grenn liquid and he's like "i made a discovery, did you know that when you mix blue and yellow together you get a totaly different colour, im gonna name it BELELLOW!" :lol:
Frances! Reese is too crazy for me. He reminds me of GOB and how he used to treat Buster. *stares into space* Man, I gotta watch those DVDs again...

But yeah. I need a job.... *whine* Why is it that all the good jobs you need to be 18+ for?! *shakes things and foams at mouth* RAWRGH!
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