'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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WELCOME BACK Palm...this thread wasn't the same without its mascot. Steven on Conan now that will be some show to watch I should see if I can find it and record it. What time is it usually on (forgive me if I'm lacking in my knowledge of good tv I really need to expand my horizons :D).

I'm crossing my fingers we don't get another hail storm here because it totally knocks out the power and screws with my tv watching schedule. The last hailstorm we had I was stuck in my car and the hail ended up adding four nice little chips in the windshield. :(
omg hi palm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i needed to see the S.C icons and banners :)
so how long has people been watchen conan, i amd 13 turning 13 in 3 months so around 7 years, he is a part of the family, on his show i leared how to do a move from the S factor and i can dace his dances :D
*Takes bow and falls off bridge*
And I missed you all! That's why I threatened my mother to take me back today. True Story. But threatening someone with a permanent marker isn't really effective.

Anyhoo, I watch Conan every... well, randomly. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I actually watch more of the Simpsons episodes he wrote than his Late Show. *embarrased*.
Gotta learn to stay up late...
i want to stay a teenager forever, well 13 forever no make that i cant wait till i turn 14 so i can go se 14A movies, because i can stay up till 6:00 am and sleep into 3:00 pm like today, you wish you guys could do that but you have work, well most of you :D
Ah yes, I am jealous of your sleeping patterns, csikicksurass! My favorite time of day is 4 a.m. I despise working from 8 until 5. My ideal shift would be more like 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. t. It's horrible, I can fall asleep faster than you can say "insomnia" at noon (I take naps while I'm on my lunchbreak :lol:), but at midnight, I lie awake! Ugh.
at 4:00 am i watch arther, that kiddie show that all teenagers watch, i have a questoin that is way off topic

scoody and the gang has been on tv since the 70's so by now shouldn't scooby be long dead, shaggy have a back problem with walking like that, velma in a wheelchair because she broke her back running with her chest in front of her, daphney all fat and bloated, fred to be dead a happy and gay mad (who wears a sweater around your shoulder 24/7) and why did they call them kids they looked 30 years old???
The good news is, I didn't kill anyone. The bad news is, I didn't kill anyone. *Silence*
First of all, YAAAAAAAAAAAY! Palm's back. Second of all, shame on you for failing to kill anyone. The first time I took my driver's test I failed it, and it was my birthday, and I was upset, so I sobbed. The tester dude looked all uncomfortable. So the next time I took the test I figure I could have easily hit pedestrians and still gotten the license, just because he didn't want to see me cry again :D
...ZIGGY! *Attackle* :3

I haven't taken my Driver's yet. The guy teaching me was a tool. He sat there listening to his ipod while I nearly ran down my principal. And then he'd say "Watch out. Keep your eye on the road!" I swear I was going to ram his stupid car into a telephone pole because of his remarks....

Luckily, my Dad is teaching me. On backroads. With Logging Trucks. And Moose who decide "Aw, Hellz! A truck coming! Might as well cross the road!" ....the bastards.

So in conclusion, if I ever get my drivers, expect hell to freeze over.
you have to get the drivers test over with, didn't you hear homers mr.t's story "it's like the time i could have saw mr t at the mall, all day i told my self i'll go a little later, i'll go a little later but when i got there he had already left and when i asked the mall guy if he would ever come again he said he didn't know" *starts crying*
OMG Yayz!! Palm is back! This thread didn't feel right without our appointed mascot!

So yeah...driving. Uh, no comment except that I almost hit a garage door. My dad had to grab the wheel.

Walking down commercial drive today made me realize how much I love it. It's much better then that tourist trap known as Robson street. Besides, they have cooler cafes!
If it weren't for my procrastination and the graduated licensing system I would have gotten my license 4 or 5 years ago..a couple more months and I'll have my 'N' which I'll be stuck with for another 2 years :rolleyes:

I'm watching Conan right now, that Colbert guy is one funny dude
omg colbert is the best on conan, and conan started to do the russian dance :lol: :lol: :lol: i love conan so much but ive been watching him for a lobg time why wouldn't i, and everyone you HAVE to watch colbert on conan it's a gas

and congrats to tobey migiar (spiderman/peter parker) it turns out him and his feonce are having a baby, i know this is off topic but i just really like him :D he's quite the looker esecially in tight spandex :D
*screaming* OMG! Jorja! *tries to jump and hug but falls on face*
Which reminds me, I ran into my screen door today, so I'm a little off...

ANYHOOS. I saw Stephen on Conan. Ahhhh... good times. I only stayed to watch him, even though I did want to see Dwight from The Office. But I got tired and my cat was trying to mutilate my leg, so I left.

And... Don't worry Jorja! Garage doors can be fixed! What can't be fixed is my shame for tripping on the stairs when people from thw Government of Canada came to my door. I think I'm going to start taping pillows to the floor and walls.

This calls for Duct Tape!
you also ran into a screen door, well then welcome to the club, it also counts if you run into walls, oh and palm you said you are a fellow fan of the venture bors well i have seen 3 episodes of season 2 and OMG this is the best cartoon on tv (well that and king of the hill) i wont give any spoilers (unless you want me to)
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