'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Yeah, years ago, a friend of mine from high school went to Florida and was asked by some guy what it was like to live in an igloo. She started laughing because she thought he was joking and then saw that he was offended becuase he's been serious! Lordy lordy...
I can understand that though. I mean, seriously, down South, everyone's like "Wow.... Canada's so far up there." and we're like "Hosers."

But seriously. Went down to Florida and this guy was like "Where are you folks from?" and my Dad, being a jackass, responds: "Oh yeah, eh? We're from Saskatchewan. Right around Regina, eh?" and he was like "Sas...Satchawan? Siskitcheewan?" and I had to like, kick my Dad and it was horribly embarrasing and I felt so bad for the guy.

They can't help it! D:
Aww poor Floridians, I love them so...

I love messing with American's minds though. They seem to be the only ones who fall for it :lol:
:lol: I usually give the American's the 'straight up G'. I tell them the truth about Canada. We're all french. :p
oh i have a few good american stories. last summer we went to destin florida (in the panhandle) and my momma loves to get brochures so we went to the welcome centre to look for some. there were two men there that were very nice and we talking to us and asking all about canada. my mom told them back home was 32 degrees when we left. she forgot to mention that was celsius. so the one guy, very large, yells out in a super thick southern accent 'oh my god! thats where yall live???' it was hilarious.
an other time when we were at a resort in quebec i was young so was put in the childrens group during the days some times. there were some girls from new york i became friends with and when they asked me where i lived i said 'london' so the oldest girl asked me 'why dont you have an accent then?' took me a while to figure out she probably thought i meant london england and not ontario :lol:
I enjoyed that London one. It made me laugh :lol:
I have no stories because... Americans avoid me.
Hey guys! I'm back! I had a tragic loss of internet lasting almost 2 months.. but all is okay now! Yay! I am sad that I missed our exciting new thread opening though. But happy that we Canucks are big enough a group to warrant more than one. woohoo!
Palm? Seeing your avvie reminds me that I missed you. *g*
EEEEEE! *tackles Ziggy* Yayayayayayayay! Your back! I was like ".....uwwwah! where's Ziggy?!" and my mom would always say "Who are you TALKING to!?" But yay! Your back!
Yes!! It was like 25 or 26 today. I just hope it's not extremely hot over the summer but at least the ocean is only 10 minutes away.
It was like a frigging sauna where I was today. It must've been 25 degrees out and I thought I was seriously gonna melt, especially when I was out walking my dog. I can't even think about how summer is gonna be here!
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