'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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I went to Cloverdale but it was really boring so then I went back to my mom's house and drank beer and ate burgers.

Today I was going to go to Greek Fest but my landlord wants me to stay here and wait for some service guy. Sigh. Who the hell works over the long weekend anyway?

Tomorrow I'm going to White Rock with Sarah (sarahvma) and we will have FUN.
Hehe, my Canada Day consistsed of falling asleep at 6 p.m., and sleeping for 16 hours straight until 10 o'clock Sunday morning. I completely missed everything. It had been a long week. :D

The morning was fun, though. My friends and I went to the airport to see one of my friends off at 4 a.m., then we went to Denny's for breakfast. It was fricking hilarious because we were so sleep deprived and everything was funny. Then we joked about how the entire restaurant probably thought we were high. But we weren't. :lol:

Drugs are bad. Don't do drugs.
hi everyone. On my canada day, I didnt really do anything, but at night time my sister and I were going to go watch the fireworks under the impression that the transit buses were going to have special bus pick-up times. So her and i waited at the bus stop for two hours and nothing came. So her and i went to rent movies. Hostel and Apartment 12. Hostel was the grossest movie i think i have ever seen. Its just....sooooo nasty. Its like 75% naked ppl, 25% gross gory ewwwww. I have a weak stomache and what i saw nearly caused me to run to the bathroom. Im all for scary movies but that was just bad. then the apartment 12 movie was such a yawn and so not worth what i paid for it. I dont recommend either movie. other then that...uneventful.
My Canada day consisted of... Going snorkeling and playing with the seals :D Other than that, Mom and I did NOTHING. Also got to endure James not helping me with my gear.. -_-;
Duuude, you played with seals? Really? I want to play with seals! How sweet ass! Where abouts were you? I love snorkeling so. I've snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef and the Baja Penninsula. So. Much. Fun.
Just three miles out of Nanaimo's harbour, actually ^_^ You pass it taking the ferry to Departure Bay from Horseshoe. *digs around in my memory* Snake Island, home to over one hundred seals, a bird sanctuary and three diving spots situated around the island.

I get to go for free, because Dad owns a dive shop :D It's so much fun to go five times a month.
I do in storage, but not at hand. sigh. I used to surf too. I love waterplay. I hate snowplay, but waterplay is the most fun ever. Have you ever swum with dolphis? I did so on the Gold Coast of Australia. SO fantastic.
*cut and paste from Dad's website*
-7mm Wet suit, boots, gloves, mask, snorkel, fins & weight belt (if desired)
-Boat transportation on a Coast Guard certified vessel
-All the time you need to fully enjoy this great natural experience (usually 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on the other members of your group)

It's $99 + GST. *does the math in my head with the new GST* ....Aaaaah.. $104.94 But I think you can get a discount because you have your own gear..

And I haven't swam with dolphins yet. Although, James said he saw some the other day off shore.
aww fun, i like dolphins and seals. Are they friendly? Cuz one of my friends went swimming with dolphins and she said she was freaked out by them. I dont know why though.
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