'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Yeah, it was on Teletoon last summer. And then they did what they always did with all the good ones (Mission Hill and Clone High comes to mind..) They inexpiciably disappear without a warning into the vastness of TV.

And do you want to be in Europe because of the World Cup? Or because tomorrow is Canada Day and hundreds of people will try and "Make Fireworks" and end up hurting themselves...

And there's a Skunk booking it across my yard and I'm quite frightened....
I think I'm more accustomed to the European lifestyle. I mean, their guys, fashion and night life is much better then what we have there. In Greece people leave to go eat dinner at like, 8 or 9. The time we eat dinner is the time they spend getting ready. Plus, hockey practically doesn't exist there will is awesome :lol:. Oh, and kids can run around without the worry of a pervert follwing 'em. Of course I still love Canada but meh, it's time for a change...

Ah yes...skunks. There was one in my backyard at like 3 in the morning and now my house still reeks. I told my dad to spill tomato juice everywhere but he just gave me one of those wtf looks.
undergrads was also a favorite i seen all the episode like 20 times and i wish it would start again i dont like kimmy i thought she was a bithcy hippy i liked jesse, gimpy was my favorite one :lol:
Yeah, the Venture Brothers used to be on the Detour on Teletoon, but it seems like it's been abolished to probably early morning or an early afternoon time slot. Or just--gone completely. The Detour now has Family Guy, Futurama, Boondocks, The Wrong Coast and Bromwell High, in addition to some other ones that I really can't stand to watch...

I love The Wrong Coast and Futurama the most. The Wrong Coast's spinoff of The Ring (The Onion Ring) was awesome, if you have never seen it, it's worth watching a dozen episodes just to actually see it LOL.
i cant wait till the ventre bros season 2 comes on telletoon it's already started on another american chanel and i kind of lost taste for futerama becuse i have seen all the episodes way to many times and i just got bored of the jokes
I believe so, but I think the Cartoon Network is better :(.

Dammit, my papou got this damn song stuck in my head and it goes... T for Tennessee, T for Texas :lol:.

*eta* Happy Canada day to all my fellow Canucks :D.
Oh my GOD, you crazy bastards! A whole page and a half in ONE DAY?

I guess it can be forgiven because It's CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANanda day! Yay. I just remembered that my beloved Molsen "I. Am. Canadian." shirt is dirty and went and threw in a load of laundry. At 2am. I'm so dedicated to my country.

So what are everybody's plans for today? Me, I'm going out to Cloverdale to see Chilliwack play. And drinking a lot of beer. That's about it.

Jorja, I'm probably gonna head to GreekFest on Monday, as I have plans all weekend and Tuesday. What time will you be there, and where? I can't wait!
I have no plans except I'll be spending the afternoon at Greek Fest with my papou and yiayia. To answer your question ziggy I'll probably be there around 5ish when they have the dance groups going on stage. I'll probably be close to the raffle area, in the shade. I too am very excited :D.

Ooh yeah, Tamara Tagart or whoever was there. She was trying to blend in with the Greek ladies selling tickets but amass this group of dark & eldery women there was this petite blonde, all decked out. I tried not to laugh.
Oh, I have a personal vendetta against Tamara Tagart. I can't explain it, I just loathe that woman. She irritates me to no end. I want her just to go away. *twitch*
Before I went to bed, I wanted to wish you all a Happy Canada Day and I hope you all have tons of fun today. Im not sure what I am doing to celebrate but I might go downtown to check out all the events. Goodnight and have a great day!
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