'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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woops.. a belated Happy Canada Day to u guys...

i didn't celebrate Canada Day much, except that i sang the national anthem to myself (lol, i was bored). No one celebrates Canada Day in Hong Kong, right? they have another holiday tho, the HKSAR Establishment Day, and my school's choir was invited to sing China's national anthem in the flag raising ceremony.. i was thankful i am not in the choir, cuz you have to get up at 5:30 am to get ready for the event at 7am.. what more, i get to laugh at my sku mates that were on TV...
Hey ziggy I guess I missed you today at the Fest. Oh well...

Yeah, dolphins are really cool and intelligent too. I remember kayacking somewhere, deep cove I think it was, and seeing a few of them. Or maybe it was some other sea creature, I can't remember. But yeah, I love 'em along with killer whales.
you got to see seals, the closest i have ever been to a thing like a seal is at west edmonton mall, and there not even seasls.....there sea monkeys
Someone forgot to bring the Timmies coffee and donuts. I hope you are passing around a good Canadian beer eh? Hockey is over for another year. Man when are the buds going to bloom already and win the cup? I used to work for an American phone company and when the people found out I was Canadian they always asked me if I lived in an igloo. I mean I live in Brantford we never get winter here anymore. I miss snow. I hate humidity. It's good to be Canadian. :lol:
Hey ziggy I guess I missed you today at the Fest. Oh well...
Yeah, I'm sorry, my landlord came by and asked me to wait around for a service guy to fix the dryer (he never came.. grr...) and today I had plans to hang out at White Rock. Are you there every day?
I don't just see them.. I pet them too :D The little pups are so cute =3

..It.. Hardly ever snows here on the coast. Doesn't it, Ziggy, J? If it does.. It's usually a big huge DUMP. o_o When that happens, everything goes to hell.
No, it never shows. It snows maybe once every 2 years or so. And when it DOES snow, as you say, everything SHUTS. DOWN. The airport, the ferries, the streets.. everyone goes crazy and is like "SNOW? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" it's great. I hate snow. HATE IT.
They once shut down all the schools here when it snowed. There wasn't even an inch, and they freaked out.
I did my time growing up in Whitehorse, Yukon. They have never ever closed school due to snow there. I've experienced -72* with wind chill. ick. I've also experienced 57* in Alice Springs, Australia. I will only ever live in hot climates from now on.
errg people talking about astralia makes me jelous :D
im so glad school is out but im not use to the summer break feeling, everyday feels like sunday to me and i keep thinking i have school tomorrow
ShuriyuCSI said:
..It.. Hardly ever snows here on the coast. Doesn't it, Ziggy, J? If it does.. It's usually a big huge DUMP. o_o When that happens, everything goes to hell.

That's exactly correct! It'll snow on and off for a few days and then suddenly it'll melt. I hate snow because one time I slipped on a slippery road & landed flat on my ass. It only hurt for maybe 30 seconds. Damn snow :mad:.
grrr i hate snow but i hate mosquito bites more, i have 3 on the same hand one on my thumb, one near my thumb and one om my index finger, plus i have one on that arm well 3, on my foot and two on my back :mad: i like winter because they are all dead
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