'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Oh, ew. I'm allergic to mosquito bites. When I get them they swell up into huge painful welts and bruise. When I get them around joints, like my knees and elbows, I can barely move my leg or arm. It's HORRIBLE. I currently have one on the top of my foot, because I didn't have bugspray there. sigh.
i havent seen a single mosquito here in kelowna yet. Lots of bees though, but they know i will step on them if they come close, so they dont tend to bother me.
Has anyone been watching the news? Forest fires have doubled since last year. :( They are getting really close to Kelowna...hats off to those who are spending days on end to fight them. I want to go and volunteer for something. coffee runs or what not. Well hopefully all you guys will be safe from the fires, and us here too. The ones in 2002?? or maybe it was 2003, made it to kelowna and destroyed sooo many houses and our town was all smoky and it was awful.
Has anyone been affected by them this year?
I got bit by 4 mosquitos in one day -_- No, scratch that. One HOUR.

My.. Grandma almost got caught in those fires. (Wasn't it back in 2001?) Even though she was in Salmon Arm, they still evacuated her building. I live on VI, so I don't have that problem with fires around here, really.
ShuriyuCSI said:
I got bit by 4 mosquitos in one day -_- No, scratch that. One HOUR.

ONLY FOUR!? :eek:
Shit, I went to check how much water is in our river and I was there like 5mins and probably got bitten by 20-30 mosquitos.
gah that must suck, there was a shortege of them in e town but now there back, oh and it's after 12 so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JORJA FOX!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Shitty! Poor .. I don't know how to nickname you. Give me a good nn for you! *g* Black outs suck so much. The other day I had one that lasted 6 hours. It was SO irritating. There wasn't enough light to read, and nothing electric worked. We just went to sleep sulkily. siiigh.
EE I forgot about this thread! I'm a fellow Canadian too, and it seems to me that I've been missing out for a bit. And I know how blackouts are... I just haven't had one for a while. :D Lucky me.

And speaking of mosquitos earlier, I only have one bite, but it swelled to cover half of my leg... it kinda hurts, too.
i a good nn would be craptacular :D

even walmart went down, but not to feer, we could always use the other 50 hundred walmarts in edmonton :D
Heya Hollis! Where abouts are you from? And just you wait.. black outs hit you when you LEAST EXPECT THEM! [insert evil cackle like the one in my sig]

^Okay. Your official nn is now... hmmm... Kicky. Cause it's one of my favourite words anyway, and it's in your name, so that's what we're going with. Kosher? Yay.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOT WAL-MART! WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO? OH LORD SAVE US!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs screaming down the street*
yes im afraid so havent you guys seen south park it's evil with their everyday low pricess... o no they got to me *panic*

oh and for those venture brothers watchers i got to see the first ep of season 2 and who wants spoilers???
Lol...Walmart is taking over the world! We only have one here, but EVERYONE goes there. No kidding, even on a wednesday half of Kelowna is in there. Me included. :D Not by my own will of course, I was hypnotized...brain washed...THERE'S NO HOPE FOR ME NOW BUT SAVE YOURSELVES! :lol:
Blackouts...hate them ALOT! This one month we had four blackouts. One because of a car slamming into a powerline pole causing all of kelowna's power to go out and all the businesses to close for a couple hours. My friend got trapped in an elevator while she was by herself, which would completely suck. If I were to be trapped in an elevator, I would want someone with me. Two times were lightening and the last blackout was just in our apartment building, some kids messing around.
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