'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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^^ Thank god I'm not the only one who loathes her. She's the reason why I don't watch CTV news. Everytime I'd see her walking around the fest I always think, "Malaka, why are you here?". Oh, how I would've killed to hear her pronouce the word "gyros" :lol:.

Thanks CSIKatie :D. I hope you have a great Canada too!
*face down in cereal* I hate today.

Dad: Get up! It's Canada Day!"
Me: Mrrrghghsjhjsd...
Dad: Guess what you get to do today?
Me: Die from lack of sleep?
DaD: Nope. You get to wash the Quad!
Me: ...God kill me.

*whine* uuuuughh... it's 7:36am. I don't usually get up this early! Especially on a Saturday... *dead*
Happy Canada Day Everyone! *throws confetti* :D :D

Ah, good ol' I Am Canadian commercial. Seriously, Molsen must have made a KILLING off of that ad campaign. It's amusing that it's big corporate business, and one of its commercials has become a symbol of our Canadian identity. :lol:

Anyways, have a great day, everyone! Enjoy the long weekend! And celebrate the birth of your country by blowing up a small part of it! (with fireworks :p)
I can't stand Tamara Taggert either or CTV news in general.

I wish I could have gone to fireworks but I'd rather not deal with all the drunken hooligans :D That and I worked today..woo stat pay :D
happy canada day fellow canucks! lets all go nuts and buy a bunch of crap since well save 1% on the tax :lol: an election promise actually coming true in less than a year, how weird is that??
Heh..they said on the news that if we were to buy a plasma TV it would be 30 dollars cheaper than yesterday
oh my goodness!! i just remembered something, how could i have forgotten!! so, the elementary schools had their last days of class this week. i forget which school, but there was a picture in my local paper of some kids celebrating. they were probably 8-10 years old. and one little boy in the background was wearing a hooters tshirt!! hooters for crying out loud!! what kind of parent lets their eight year old child go to school, or even out in public, in a hooters tshirt??
Ooh, I saw mayor Sam Sullivan at the Greek Fest today. He sat at the table beside me and my family along with Adrian Dix and these other important people whom I don't care about. Afterwards they were called up in front of the stage and we all stood up(well, the majority anyway) to sing both the Greek & Canadian national anthem then there was Canada day cake. Oh, and we all got mini Canadian flags to wave too. Good times, good times.
;___; I guess I'm the only one who didn't do anything on Canada Day. Well... except gloat over $50 but my Brother punched me in the back of the neck to make me shut up so that didn't last long...

And I am going to kill that fox. I hate the noise he makes. Stupid pieces of... fox.
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