'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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XDDD Ugliest men with Chest Hair, omg. :lol:

I tried watching a Soap Opera with my Grandma but I threatned to throw myself out the window so we watched a movie instead. *shudder*

And I found the Pimp icon. It was huddled next to the "I Judge you by your Userpics!" and one of Tobias from AD going "Well Excuuuuuuse me!"

I have way to many icons....
Guesstimate? I can barely spell it...
I limit myself on my icons. Okay, no I don't, but I only get amusing ones because all the ones that are like "ANGST" make me get all " =( " so I never get them.
it's like "Anguish". So um... depressing. Angry. Depress-Anger. Basically. And don't worry, a lot of people don't know what it means :3
omg i love your icon and the banner and thanks for telling me, now when people ask me if im angst i can stand up proudly and so "no only emos are" with my neck up high "and a message to all you emos (looks at the camera) it's down the road not across the street" and then smile with a little sparle ;)
:lol: See! This thread can be educational! Sometimes. Not when I'm here but y'know.

And I can proudly say "I don't know how to spell Guesstimate!" because it looks wrong to me. And thanks on the compliment 83

it can be very educational like if you hit a pop can with a metel ruler you can make a hole in it and then you run up to your sister nock on the bathroon door and say "look what i did" and then repeat the same night
or that photosythasis is how flowers my food (glucose) from useing the sun :D if i was on nbc the "the more you know" thing would have come over my head
Or if you were on CBS, the 'CBS cares' thing would be under your head. :lol:
The only science experiment I learned was this:

Take a 2L bottle of Pepsi or some sort of pop. Get a small piece of cardboard, some Mentos, and a testtube. Put the Mentos in the testtube stacked up and turn it upside down onto the piece of cardboard so the cardboard holds the Mentos in the testtube. Put the piece of cardboard on the open bottle of Pepsi and line up the top of the testtube to the mouth of the bottle.

Then, carefully yank the cardboard piece away so the Mentos fall into the Pepsi and the Pepsi will explode into a fountain. Just, wear clothes you don't mind getting sticky. I've done it several times because I'm psycho like that.
Aww Palm you're our favorite psycho though. :lol: :p

I'll have to try that experiment....Of course I'm not good at mixing things or doing anything so the mentos will just...Float there until it disolves since Pepsi has a Ph level of 3. It burned oil off our driveway.
Well, one time I tried that "make your own volcano in a pop bottle" for a sciene expeirment in like, grade 6. Y'know, the one with baking soda and vinegar. Anyway, I remember doing it on the classroom carpet with my partner and all I can remember is the teacher giving me the look of death. I swear, I thought she was gonna murder me with her eyes. The only reason I chose to do that one 'cause it was the easiest project in the book. Since then, I still haven't learnt my lesson.
:lol: I want to do that now. Our school used to have carpets that looked like a bit of Vinegar and Baking Soda would clean it better than they were.

Of course, you'd get the teachers barking "Don't go on the carpet with your dirty shoes!" But no one listens to Teachers... Thats the one thing I learned throughout my entire 12 years of School...
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