'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Colin Mocherie is a comedian. He's on "Who's Line is it Anyways" and right now he's in "Getting Along Famously". He did host a couple of episodes of This Hour Has 22 Minutes" if I recall...
i love who line is it anyway!!! i loved props and when they sang

one of my favorite things in props was when they had like this big plastic ice spear thing and one of them put it to his croch and was like "so i was peeing in a blizzard" :lol: and the same guy was singing about going to the movie and he was like "i saw a pirate movie and it was rated RRRRRRR" :lol:
*giggle* Ah... Pirate jokes always make me laugh.

Same with things that a lot of people don't think are funny....
I've heard that letter before! Where have I heard it from? Hemm... We do have better beer, that's for sure. I made Kevin icons! *proug*
*blink* ..Ziggy, did you really mean to spell "proug"? Because the 'D' is two spaces away from the 'G'.. *lightly teases*

:lol: :lol: "Who's Line Is It Anyway?"! God, I miss that show... Colin and Ryan were the best!!!!

And speak of the devil, I was watching 'Juste pour Rire' earlier :p Both Gags and Stand-up. A person I know lives in Montreal and he went to a showing once, saying it was really good. xD I love our French-Canadians.

..I was also watching The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Stephen made me LAUGH! He was doing a thing on pimps, and he said 'it really is hard out there for a pimp'. Brings me back to that Jon Stewart icon Palm. I nearly died.

.... On another note. Mike MacDonald is really funny. I always look for him. But I hate the "Backstage with Binder" moments -_-;

..........Oh hey, there's a Canadian Flag in my newspaper. *notes that it has July 1st "Things-To-Do" listed for Nanaimo, Parksville and Qualicum Beach*
Oh Palm thanks for posting that :lol: Its really true too! i love it! Colin and ryan were by far my favorite on 'Whose line is it anyway'. That show rocked, my favorie section is when they had to make jokes from props and Drew Carey would have that bell to signal of it was/wasnt funny. I miss that show...do you think they sell them on DVD?

Ziggy, Im 15...woohoo!
Jorja, thats too bad you cant come to Kelowna anymore. We have lots of hot men here. In fact by where I live some are doing construction. So picture this, hot muscley tanned men, working shirtless in 40 degree weather while sweating....OHHHH MYYYY GODDDD! :eek: I purposley walk by just to peak at them. I like to hum to myself while walking by. Usually 'It's getting hot in here so talk off all your clothes'. (ok, honestly I dont want to see a naked man yet, but I do like to look at them shirtless.) There is this one construction worker who lives on my floor in my apartment, but he isnt that hot, plus he was smoking when him and I were talking and it just was a big turn off. I mean not for dating because that would be sick...he is like in his thirties and i am only 15, but its more for ogoling purposes.
I am so shameless sometimes. :rolleyes:
XD I loved that too. I started dancing and singing "it's Hard Out Here for a Pimp.." *sniff* I miss that icon. Stupid Photobucket! I'll kill you! Through mental throughts!

As for "Who's Line Is it Anyways", I think there's a petition around trying to get the episodes on DVD. I'd buy them. I mean, they come on CTV at like, 9:00, but I'm usually watching the Daily Show and have to catch it later. But it still makes me laugh... *fond memories*
*blink* ..Ziggy, did you really mean to spell "proug"? Because the 'D' is two spaces away from the 'G'.. *lightly teases*
I did, in fact! Once, when I was like 13, I misspelled it 'proug' and my best bud Cuvs said that same thing. "You retard, the d is nowhere near the g" (she's less polite than you). I told her I MEANT to do it, and have now been doing it ever since. heh.

Okay, so Katie, you're still a lot younger than me. I think this might mean that I'm the oldest person in here. Dude. *cries* I don't want to be old! NOOOOOOOO.

I totally forgot to watch Kevin on the Daily Show last night. *sobs*
I remember watching The Tonight Show every night when I was in Kelowna. Good times heh.

Wooo, Greek Fest has finally started. I am officially excited! Maybe all you BC people will see me on the news tonight ;).
Palm.. I think I have that icon floating around in a folder somewhere if you want it back. ^_^

I wanna go to Vancouver..... *pout* Never been to the Greek Fest.

They need a petition to bring BACK "Who's Line is it Anyway"!
*purrs* I would indeed like it back :3

I think there is a petition for "Bring Back Who's Line is it Anyways." It's probably on petitions online or something. Seems like everyone these days goes and gets a petiton...

And, Ziggy, if you go to the ComedyCentral website and go to The Daily Show, they always have videos up of what happened last show. So, the Kevin Spacey video should be up there under Celebrity Videos. If you have Dial-Up or a really slow internet (like I do..) I could always pull up the transscript of their conversation :3
*pause* .... Friggin' hell! -_- Figures.. I have three of your JS icons, but not that pimp one >.>; Do you have that one stored on your computer?
lol when i saw the inatials js i was thinking YOU MADE JESSE SPECNER ICONS but then i realized jonh stewert

i have to ask fellow canadians does anyone else watch soaps from other countries, because the only soap is the british soap "cornation street"
Whenever I'm at my papou & yiayia's house I'll watch a couple of random Greek soap operas. They always pick the ugliest men with the most chest hair :lol:. Back in high school I would watch American soap operas such as Passions & Days of our Lives.
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