'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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*Cough* Tony DiNizzo. He's from NCIS. *closetNCISlurker*

So! I won't be here for a week due to being shipped out to "Bear Country" and basically being left on a step with a bucket and a pan. *sniff* Why hasn't the Internet reached those little nooks and crannies of the world that no one cares about!?!?
*offers Palm some cough drops* Here, those should help your cough :p. I have never watched NCIS in my life. CSI:NY is pretty much the only crime/drama show I watch. *ducks flying objects*
*throws a random duck* I like it because it involves head slapping. And comedy! Otherwise, I'm usually on my ass watching The Daily Show or Corner Gas or a really old sitcom everybody's forgetten about. Like "Cheers".

Or about every Just For Laughs rerun ever made.... *loser* I believe in happiness! D: Especially Eye happiness. Like those Aussies mentioned... *purr*
I like Just for laughs gags. Nothing puts a smile on my face then seeing random people looking like they're gonna crap themselves only to find out it's all a joke being filmed. Nothing beats seeing people get really angry. :lol: Suckers.
*snort* Like the one with that Blind Guy who had on this straw hat, and people see him walking down the street and then later see his hat floating in an open water pit and they jump in. I was like "...now your wet for the whole day. For a good cause, but ever walk around wet? Chaffing...."
:lol: My two favourites were the nuns looking at porn in that store or whatever and that one where the old lady drops a knife out of her purse and then when people try to give it to her she acts like they're trying to kill her. Her face and the way she reacted...oh my god it's priceless :lol:.
I love Just For Laughs myself. I loved the one where the Texan guy was talking about Hurricanes, and this guy who said he could withstand the wind from a force three hurricane, and the comedian was like "Now, let me explain somethin' to ya. It isn't that the wind is blowin', it's what the wind is blowin'. If you get hit by a Volvo, it doesn't really matter how many situps you did that mornin'.

God I love that guy. :lol:
just for laughs gags!!! i love it!!! do they only do them in montreal? ive always wanted to have one pulled on me. i liked one where they called a pizza delivery guy, then while he was in the house they put a german shepard in their car that barked at the guy when he came back. anyone with the cops are good too.
mike mcdonald is my favourite on just for laughs, i want to go to the festival to see him. hes been there every year since it went english speaking too. hopefully next year i can
I loved the guy from 'Tarzana'. He was like "You still got that Prime Minister? [In reference to Chretien] What a handsome devil he is. They only elected him so they could scare the Americans." :lol: I love that guy. I loved when he was talking about Elephants at the zoo. "I got to see an Elephant fart today. Biggest a$$ in the world lettin' her rip. Man it doesn't even sound like one of ours. It sounds like FRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" :lol:
I love this guy name Brian on Just For Laughs. He said the funniest things while keeping a straight face. Example:

Brian: So, this girl says to me 'I like snickers mini's because their bite size.' EVERYTHING YOU EAT IS BITE SIZE!

Brian: I think bowling is our oldest sport because it dates back to when we only had 3 fingers.

I laughed so hard at him. I wanted to tape the episode but I lost it and now I have to watch all the Just For Laughs again in hopes of finding it. But omg omg omg omg. Champ's on The Office. And it reeeeally makes me want to go watch Anchorman again.
my favorite funny maker is russel peters
he is a knee slaper

"what would happen if a chines person and a indian girl got married, cant you just imagen how much rice would be at that wedding, then the white people would be throwing it and are dads would be like "what are you doing, they are wasting the food, we dont go to your wedding and thrown MASH POTATOES" :lol:

and how canadian people with like real canadian accents cant keep control of there heads
:lol: Russel Peters is the best. He's my favourite comedian and I missed it when he came to my home town. My favourite non-Canadian comedian has to be Dave Chappelle. The man is god!
^ I agree. I love him when he talks about his parents. "Someone's gonna get a hurtin'!"

Now, let's see if I can dig up that letter Colin Mocherie did.... Okay, and Don't Really Take offense to this.. it's all in the name of satire.

A truly Canadian Apology to the USA, courtesy of Rick Mercer from This Hour Has 22 Minutes, CBC Television:

Hello. I'm Anthony St. George on location here in Washington.

On behalf of Canadians everywhere I'd like to offer an apology to the United States of America. We haven't been getting along very well recently and for that, I am truly sorry. I'm sorry we called George Bush a moron. He is a moron, but it wasn't nice of us to point it out. If it's any consolation, the fact that he's a moron shouldn't reflect poorly on the people of America. After all, it's not like you actually elected him.

I'm sorry about our softwood lumber. Just because we have more trees than you, doesn't give us the right to sell you lumber that's cheaper and better than your own. It would be like if, well, say you had ten times the television audeince we did and you flood our market with great shows, cheaper than we could produce. I know you'd never do that.

I'm sorry we beat you in Olympic hockey. In our defence I guess our excuse would be that our team was much, much, much, much better than yours. As word of apology, please accept all of our NHL teams which, one by one, are going out of business and moving to your fine country.

I'm sorry about our waffling on Iraq. I mean, when you're going up against a crazed dictator, you want to have your friends by your side. I realize it took more than two years before you guys pitched in against Hitler, but that was different. Everyone knew he had weapons.

I'm sorry we burnt down your White House during the War of 1812. I see you've rebuilt it! It's very nice.

I'm sorry for Alan Thicke, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Loverboy, that song from Seriff that ends with a really high-pitched long note. Your beer. I know we had nothing to do with your beer, but we feel your pain.

And finally on behalf of all Canadians, I'm sorry that we're constantly apologizing for things in a passive-aggressive way which is really a thinly veiled criticism. I sincerely hope that you're not upset over this. Because we've seen what you do to countries you get upset with.

For 22 minutes, I'm Anthony St. George, and I'm sorry.
no it's "someone gonna get a hurt real bad" :lol:

he does the best when he talks about his parents
who is colin mocherie??? sorry if i dont know :D
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