'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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hey shuri thanx for the link here. How old do I think you are....im guessing 20ish?? I am 15 myself. Next year I can drive!!!!!!! well after i get a car and my license, which will probably take awhile, so I guess canada will be safe from my manic driving for a few years yet.
Hi all fellow canadians. Hows it going? Is it has hot where you are as it is here? 40 degrees celsius is crazy. I am from Kelowna, BC. Well I was born and raised in Prince George, but then moved here because there were better job opportunities for my mom. I have visited Edmonton and Vancouver. Edmonton we drove and vancouver we flew...I love planes and both cities. Edmonton mall is the best mall ever! Vancouver is soo BIG! I loved shopping there. I have been from PG to Kelowna numerous times by greyhound bus, so I have got to see all towns between. Including, Vernon, Cache Creek, Kamloops, Fakland, 100 Mile House. There are a few more but I cannot remember. Do any of these places sound familiar to anybody?
Shuri - Hmmmmmmmm. I'd guess 18ish. . . ? How far off base am I now?

Jorja, we DON'T NEED WRINKLE CREAM YET! Damnit. I refuse to get old until I damn well feel like it. My mom keeps going on about how she got her first grey hair at 19, and how mine will pop up any day now. Lovely. I swear, that will make me CRY.

Katie, you're making me feel old too. I've had my driver's license for 6 years now. I've already had and crashed my first car.
I'm going to go cry in a corner now. Jorja, wanna join me? Now that you're 20 I hereby declare you old enough to cry in the corner with the old fogies ;)
*thinks* Prime Minister eh? Ah, i'd never work. I hate politicians. Every time I see my MLA I'm like "RAWRGH!!!!" and she gives me weird looks. No one tells me how many cats I can own! Damn straight I'm going to become the old lady with 100 cats! ...but I have a short memory so i'll never remember their names. Ohnoz! WHY!?

*slapcoughidiot* Oh I know you never implied I was dumb, Dr. Shuriyu. I'm saying it myself. You should come to expect that with me D:
And Yay! I got love! And Wrinkle Cream! And ... someone stole my breakfast muffin. What the hell!

And Jorja! Your not old! You know what's old? Saying "Phat". That's old. [Pause]. My sock puppet says your not old. You can't see him, but he's here. On my hand getting pounded into the keyboard. He'll survive the concussion, but I doubt he'll ever be able to play the trombone...

.... yeah, okay, it's too early and I feel like I'm on crack so I'm going back to bed...
O___o Good Lord.. some said I acted really mature, but I never got a 25-33 before! :lol: I was born June 3, 1991. 1991!! I'm FIFTEEN folks. :p Ziggy, suck it up, I pass of for someone older than you. :lol:

Katie, I heard that the interrior was really warm. My Dad's side lives out in the Eagle Bay/Salmon Arm area. 40 degrees?! That IS Sahara Desert weather.

Palm, you.. Are my hero xD You always make me laugh when you post. =3 Aww.. Even if you own 100 cats and lose your memory, we'll still love you reguardless.
:lol: haha you guys. 20 is old now?? lol, so should i start looking for a nursing home now...or??

I have a story...if you have seen my other posts in other threads you will realize i am full of them, so no surprise that I have a story...

Anyway, I was visiting with my grandma a little while back and we were talking about graduations, and what gifts would be good to give for a grad. I said a ring and we started talking about jewelry, then my Grandma said something like "I was thinking about getting your sister some bling-bling for her grad." Im like :lol: say what? That killed me.

I dont really know why I felt the need to share this story here...but I am starting to remind myself of American Pie. "This one time, at band camp...."
*looks around* I'm 16....How am I still 16? When I joined this site I was....15... :lol: WHY AM I NOT 17 YET! Oh that's right, because November is so friggin' far away. Ugh. I hate Novemeber. It's so far away.
^^ I was supposed to go to Kelowna, well, Lake Okanagan Resort, this summer but my parents reserved too late so our chalet was rented to somebody else. We have a time share there. Anyway, now we're going to Cranbrook from August 6-13 and my little brother tells me it's full of eldery people there. I hope he's kidding and no offence to anyone but that scares me real bad. Is there a place here in BC that's full of young, beautiful half naked men... :devil:
Katie, how old are you?
Shuri, you may pass as someone older than me, but I bet you don't look old. Once I went to a club downtown and I went to give them my ID and they laughed at me. They were like "Yeah, uh, we don't need to see that." Bitches. *cries*

Jorja, alas, Cranbrook is kinda full of old people. I'm sure there are beautiful young half naked men too, but mostly old people. sigh. The place here with that type of eyecandy? Is so Whistler, dude.
^^ Whistler or Mt. Washington.. *shrugs*

I.. Well.. My cousin and aunt, last I saw them, thought I looked 17 or 18, and that was a year or two ago. :lol: 5'3" is my height. I'm taller than Grandma and Mom.
*cries* Oh man, my brother was right! If I had someone else along with me it would probably be better. The worst part is that it's 9 hours away. Help!!! *clings to computer*

*eta* Oh yeah, Whistler is full of fine men, especially Aussies. Sure, you can put another shrimp on my barbie :devil:.
Aussie men rule. Aussie women rule! I'm an Aussie myself. Well, technically a kiwi, but I don't like to admit that. I have dual citizenship :D
^^^ :lol: Tony who? Lucikly the family outing isn't till August 6th so I have plently of time to come up with an excuse. I know, I'll invent a weird disease like polopoxs and then lie and say that I have it and that it's very contagious. If my mom tries to check on me(well, or anyone else) I'll yell, "The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!". Well, I'll either end up in Cranbrook or a straight jacket...
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