'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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No, he's not a hockey player.. he was a DJ on Much Music for ages. People in their 20s grew up with him. I just made that manip cause Jorja was wondering what his ridiculously long name would look like on a jersey :D
Now he hosts a newsjournal tv show on CBC. He's still very sexy.
o_o You always beat me to the punch, Ziggy..

"The Hour" is what he hosts, I can supply that much! :p He always has so much energy and enthusiasm. O__o Our Canadian verson of Anderson Cooper, me thinks. Or Jon Stewart... o___o
Awww, sorry Shuri! Take comfort in the fact that it's because I'm a total social pariah with no life whatsoever. I just sit here refreshing until I have something to reply to. ;)
It's true. She does.

She also has extended conversations with the dog and cats. It's frightening, really. ;)
That would be my boyfriend. He likes to stick his stupid nose into my business and I made the terrible mistake of quoting him my above passage to you, Shuri. Siiiiiigh. Men. They never leave you alone, do they? Why won't he just go back to the kitchen and bake me a pie?

And for the record, my dog and cats are great conversationalists, damnit.
:lol: It's quite all right, Ziggy. Hey! I talk with my cat too.. Atleast I know she can't go off telling the neighborhood about what I say because it'd be blackmail =_=

CaptainMalcolm, welcome to the Canadian thread! :D :lol: I like what it says for your location. "Canukistan"
lol, cats are the greatest secret-keepers. ANd dogs will love you regardless of what you tell them. Sometimes I'm like "Hey, Emma! Would you like to go to the pound? Wanna be put down Emma?" And she's all like "OH YES MOMMY! YES! I LOVE YOU MOMMY! OH YES!"

And Malcolm won't be back. He's been registered for months and is still a civillian. He just pops in to insult me and illegally vote for my icon in the icon contest, even though I told him not to. *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* He promised he won't do it this time.
Stop making me feel old! Damnit! ;) He is hot.

And do you guys that remember the 80s also remember Bill Wylchka? He was my hero, cause he was in love with Gillian Anderson. I met him when I was 16 and he gave me an autographed Much tshirt. w00000000000t.

im not trying to make you feel old if i was trying to i would say "i was born in 1992 how the hell should i know who your talking about" :lol: but i wont, your not old :D
Oh my GOD, you were born in 1992? lmao, now I really feel old! :lol: The scariest part though is that being born in 1992 makes you 14. I can't get over the fact that people born in the 90s are teenagers. It weirds me right out. lol. I think I might be one of the oldest in the Canadian thread anyway.. I know Jorja's a year or two younger than me... how about the rest of you?
:lol: ziggy that manip is priceless. I feel sorry for the annoucer who would have to annouce his surname at the end of a hockey or soccer match...

Yeah, I just turned 20 this past Saturday. Does anybody have some anti-wrinkle cream?
Jorja, I think my Mom might have two bottles in her drawer.. Last time I checked anyways :D

Ziggy, I.. don't have a dog, so I don't know :lol: As for my age? How old do you think I am? I always ask this question.. ^_^ How old do you ALL think I am??
uhh im guessing 25/33 i bet im the youngest one here :lol: dont feel bad you guys are not old im just young :p oh and i have a dog his name is Archie we named him that because the guy who played archie bunker on all in the family (such a great show) carrol o conner died a couple years back around the time we got him so we named him archie
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