'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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I almost feel bad now.. o_O;
A conversation on one of the boards:

needmorecsi - Well, I got Deja Dead a couple days ago. Right now I'm part way through chapter three and am already addicted. I love the charcters and how the series is set in Montreal, I love that city.

ShuriyuCSI - Quebec? o_O Should be speakin' French not English..

Is Bones, the TV series, actually set in Montreal too? *might actually have to check out the books in Chapters*

needmorecsi - I think the book is written in the past tense, with some conversation in French and the memoir part in English. Oh, and Quebic is technically bi-lingual, which means eveything is in French and English.

ShuriyuCSI - *snigger* Keep in mind, I know that about my own country, and it's spelt "Quebec" (pronounced: Key-beck)

My original question was never really answered. o.o; I think I scared 'em off or made them embarassed and/or feel like an idiot. Because it clearly states I am from Canada >.<; I didn't mean to!!!


I'm going to have good pictures for that thing I suggested a little further up. But.. I have a REALLY good picture looking down along the harbour from up on the hill. x3 *goes off to load it*


Ziggy, I heard on the weather network that it was going to reach up to, well close to, 40! In the Okanagan area, of course.. but still. That's like the Sahara Desert!
^^^ :lol: I'll try to remember that. There aren't a lot of redheads at the Fest so you'll probably be easy to pick out heh.

I had trouble sleeping last night 'cause it was do damn hot again. I keep tossing and turning and ooh...I was tanning outside for just 15 minutes and my face turned red again. Bleh.
i was so stupid i put a thick blanket over me last night :lol: i could't sleep a wink but it's my own falt

i know im tanning a bit because i always keep some elastic bands on my wriste incase i ever need them and i have a tan line :D
The entire country is supposed to be bi-lingual, that doesn't mean that it is.

Most signs in Quebec are supposed to be in French and English...I think you can see where I'm going with that.

My parents got a pin in the mail today from the Conservative party. It was a happy little C...My dad looked at me and asked "Did you vote Conservative, Tarrah?" I said "No," and he quipped back with "Well I guess you won't be wanting to wear this pin then!" And then laughed.

I think David Boreaneaz's character is an FBI agent, right? So I don't think that it would be set in Montreal. Unless it's like one of those Due-South type plots. You know how the Mountie was sent to Chicago and all sorts of crazy hijinx ensued?
Maybe I'm just ignorant and/or confused, but I thought that the only individual province that was technically bilingual (just on its own, as opposed to as a part of the entire country) was New Brunswick...

All right, you asked for pics of where we live, and you'll get pics. :D Here's a couple that I'm particularly fond of that my mom took on our farm in Saskatchewan:


It doesn't say "Land of Living Skies" on our license plates for nothin' ;)
*whistles* Wow.. Those are really good pictures! I should post some "Beautiful British Columbia" pictures here soon..

Happy birthday, by the way! :D
Yeah, my mom's been taking thousands of landscape pictures, from every season, at every time of day, lol. I might post some winter ones later on. After all, what are Canadian pictures without winters ones? :D

Thanks for the birthday wishes too. :D
Shuri, you're mean, picking on the poor ignorant Americans! Bad girl! heh.

Those are gorgeous pics, quickbeam! Very nice indeed. I wish I could take pretty pictures like that.
jorja_fan86 said:
If I was to ever go to Calgary or Edmonton, where should I go? I'm not a fan of touristy places yet areas that are dead and boring don't interest me either.

*Shake* West Edmonton Mall. Definately! If I had the choice, I'd live there D:
But let's see, in Edmonton. There's the 4 Pyramids, each holds a different Type of Plant Atmosphere (Jungle, Desert Etc.) The Royal Museum of Alberta. Or whatever they changed it to. It has the best displays upstairs. Whyte Ave. Great Restaurants down there. Old Strathcona. The Citadel.
Edmonton has lots of weird Art places. Oh, but according to everyone, the arcitecture is horrible and ugly. And the one place that defines that is the Law Courts.

And Wow. I got 1st Degree Burns. Excuse me while I dunk my hand in Ice again....

Oh, right, but in the Mall, you have to go to Europa Boulvevard. It's near Silver City and the Santa Maria. It's this little area designed to be like the buildings in Europe and little birds live up there so you can hear them chirping. And there's a pet store with bunnies!

Colbert Report! *points at Palm's icon* No more Jon Stewart? *pouty look*


... :lol: The appartment buildings downtown (Cameron Island) stick out like sore thumbs.
I heard that the Edmonton Mall had two fully-functional submarines for tourists to go on. I always used to have a joke with a friend of mine that one of them would accidentally fire on the other and people on the surface wouldn't know it, so they would be walking past and all this water would spray up, and it would be funny...well at least in my mind...
^It's true, they do have those. They TERRIFY me. I swear, those and the submarine ride they used to have at Disneyland.. I can't handle those. They make me want to cry. To this day. And I don't mind snorkeling or scuba diving, so God only knows why. *shrugs*

I heard those subs are better or on par with those in the Canadian army....
ShuriyuCSI said:
Colbert Report! *points at Palm's icon* No more Jon Stewart? *pouty look*

I know, What is the world coming too!? I just had to use this one because... well. It's awesome in the creepiest way possible 8D
*Squints at photo* I hope those are boats down there because they look like gigantic trailers going out to see D:

Aw. I went down Bourbon Street once to the Boston Pizza. An hour later we got our food. And there was nothing on TV but Sport Motorcrossing. But Damn... that pizza.... *dream*
And I love the Santa Maria. I usually stick to that end of the mall because of it. That and Silver City. I always run up at 12:00 to see the Dragon blow fire. Plus, my HMV is near there with chapters. *Hearts*
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