'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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If I was to ever go to Calgary or Edmonton, where should I go? I'm not a fan of touristy places yet areas that are dead and boring don't interest me either.
Ooh Tofino is beautiful! My cousin went there on his honeymoon and judging by his photo the beaches and sunsets there are spectacular. I haven't been to Vancouver Island for the longest time and I'm dying to go. I mean, I went last year but still...
xD Nanaimo.. Nanaimo... *chanting in the back*

I went there a couple months back with my friend for Spring Break. I got some really good shots too. ^__^
I go to Nanaimo often! Yep!

I've only ever been to Banff once, myself. And I don't remember where Jasper is. I'm not an Alberta fan. *hides* I'd rather go to WARM TROPICAL PLACES on vacation. Although right now? Vancouver counts. God. I am dying of the heat, I swear.
Yeah, it was pretty hot yesterday here in Vancouver. I think it was like, 32 degrees out or maybe even higher. I did benefit from the hot weather though as I got a bit of a tan. It did start out as a burn but now my face and arms have gotten darker :D.
Hey, I heard on the radio that yesterday was Greek day. Is that something different from Greek fest? I was all confused.

I don't tan. I burn. And freckle.
^ That is such a cool idea! If the weather is nice out this weekend I'll definitely do it.

ziggystarduzt said:
Hey, I heard on the radio that yesterday was Greek day. Is that something different from Greek fest? I was all confused.

Yep, they are two different things. Greek Day, which was yesterday, is a one day celebration held down on West 10th Avenue, close to Kits. Anyway, it's this huge celebration and all these streets are closed off just so people can party and dance and all that. Unfortunately I couldn't go because nobody was able to come with me.

Greek Fest, however, starts this Friday & runs until June 9th. No streets are closed off but the parking lot by the church will be filled with tarps, a stage and seats. There will be tons of food and various dance groups will perform. There will also be a raffle draw & lotsa live music and dancing. Since it's under a 15 minute walk from my house I'll be going there everyday!

I don't tan. I burn. And freckle.

Last year I would just burn, then peel. Now I burn and then my red skin becomes a nice shade of olive.
It's 34 here on the mainland, Shuri. I haven't exited my basement all day. I'm just sitting in front of my fan drinking beer and avoiding the heat like the plague. :D

^Aaaah, I get it now. I figured it was something different, as Greek Day was in Kits and Greek Fest is in East Van, right? Well I'm definitely going to the fest. I won't be there Friday because I have C-Day plans, but I'll show up on Saturday and just roam around going "Jorrrrjaaaa? JOOORRRRJJAAAAAA?" like that :D

And damn you and your olive skin. I can't get olive skin ever at all. My boyfriend has gorgeous olive skin and it's not damn fair.
^ You might want to trying saying "Jasmina" instead :p. I think "Jorja" is a common Greek name but I believe it's spelt differently. But anyway, see ya there :D.

I had to suffer through many years of red skin, peeling & freckles before I could get this slight olive skin...
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