'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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One day you'll be walking around in the US or another country and say that and all of a sudden be greeted by a tackling Canadian :lol: I can see that happening.
i know i would, i bet i would acidently ask were the closest timethys is, they would probably say "i dont know a timethy" :lol:

i bet you there walmarts are going to be all backwards, there wont be any safeways and walmarts next to each other like in edmonton, and they would all probably be staring at me becuase i will be wearing my "everyone loves a canadian girl" :lol: i will do that, and i will try to add all the ehs in a sentance as posibal, do you think they will believe me if i say i have a pet beaver and i live in a igloo?
I almost missed it, but the little cake is still there, so HAPPY BDAY JORJA! Yaaaaaaaay!

My fiance got his diploma the other day so I've been neglecting my boards. Catching up!:

Canadian music: I likes me the Metric (my best friend dated the lead singer's ex-boyfriend. mwaha), Broken Social Scene, Tegan and Sara, Leonard Cohen, Sam Roberts, and.. others I can't think of.

I was downtown.. yesterday? I think? It's all a blur. Anyway, I was heading to grad ceremonies and I saw the whole giving out trophies to NHL stars thing. It was craaaazy. They even had a red carpet, rolled right there down the street. And big hockey stars I'd never heard of were being fanned over by throngs of under-dressed 20-something women and guys dressed in Canucks gear. It was very surreal. My father in law cared and wanted to watch, but we urged him along.
^ Oh yeah. That Hockey awards thing. Now, here's a small transcript of how that came on my little shack.

[Scene: I'm flipping through the channels, Dads watching]
Dad: Hey, the hockey awards. Turn it to that
Me: No way. If it doesn't have Jon Stewart or Billy Crystal as a host, it's not worth watching.
Dad: Look, I'm home once a-
Me: Face!
Dad: Ama-
Me: Face!
Dad: If you don't get downstairs this moment, one of those idiots is going to be hosting your funeral.
Me: ....can they do that?
Dad: NOW!

So, I got to sit downstairs and watch "So you think you can Dance" with my Mom. Again. And I did cry a little because it was just so horrible... Well, partly because I hate that show and partly because there was a girl dancing hip-hop and she looked like a White Girl dancing hip-hop....
D: Hold me Fatty! [Hugs cat]
I've.. only been to one other country, other than the US, and that's Cuba. I LOVE their culture. They're so amazingly nice, talented, their music and arts along with dedication to them. It's amazing!
i love american tv shows, canadians doesn't really have the best hummur sorry but i dont think its funny
britain has the best candy and cornation street
china makes like everything
Australia, Britian, Germany, Ireland, and certain parts of America produce the most Attractive men.
Germany has castles, which are love.
Italy has the Vatican City and some of the most beautiful buildings
Greece has magnificiant architecture and such a vibrant culture.
Argentina and Peru has such beautiful countrysides.

Ah, the whole world is pretty, I'll end with that.
i like alot of out of e c ville boys (like all of them and c ville is canada)

i like them all equally
  • colin farrel (ireland)
    jude law (england)
    george eads (america)
    eric szmanda (america)
    gary dourdan (america)
    jesse spencer (aussi)
    seth green (america)
    hugh laurie (england)
    jake gylinhaal (america)
    johnny depp (america)
    ewen mcgregger (scotland, jude laws bff)
Palm said:
Australia, Britian, Germany, Ireland, and certain parts of America produce the most Attractive men.
Germany has castles, which are love.
Italy has the Vatican City and some of the most beautiful buildings
Greece has magnificiant architecture and such a vibrant culture.
Argentina and Peru has such beautiful countrysides.

Ah, the whole world is pretty, I'll end with that.

Most of what you said is very true. However, I'll add in that Greece, Italy & Spain produce beautiful men & that Austria, especially Vienna, is full of beautiful architecture, both modern and ancient.
Austria people don't like me though. I met someone from Austria and she was like "Why aren't you saying "Eh" and wearing plaid?" And I gave her this questionable 'Are you Insane?' look and then she got angry at me. So... I'm going to stay away from Austria... =\
O__o; You being serious here, Palm? Well.. There's another Canadian sterio type for you. Though, this one isn't from the US, no.. It's from Austria.
i just watched the re run of mmva and yay michael buble won im so happy i have to see his music videos!!! if anyone of my fellow c ville buddies have a link that would be a great help, plz and thnk u
^^ I'm being serious! She was totally ticked off that I was apparently "normal". Even though I wasn't the one wearing bright yellow sweaters....
I lived in Australia for a few years, and was there when the South Park movie came out.. I had people singing "Blame Canada" at me any time I ever said or did something they even mildly disagreed with. :(
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