'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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rotflmao!!!! Palm, you rules. so much.

I now have plans for Canada! *very proug*
#1. My cousin Hayley, who is 13 (OhmiGOD I remember holding her in my arms at her friggin BABY SHOWER), is in a bagpipe band, and they're performing somewhere in Langley, so I definitely can't miss that, cause Hayley+Bagpipes=UBERcool.
#2. Going to Canada Place to find the CTV booth where you can get your pic taken with any CTV star (ie superimposed with). I want to put on a terrified face and get me pic next to Billy Petersen. mwahahaha.
XDD You can do that?! I'd request Hank. I Demand Hank! No questions!

And.. um. Why do I rule? I can't remember. In fact I actually can't really remember anything... which is a problem right now because I have a Bio test and...

Omg. I smell waffles.... Waffles and Muffins. Nnnn. My weakness! That and pie.
Oh man, I love Hank! So hilarious, so very Hank-ish. There is only one Hank, and will only ever be one Hank. Yay for Hank.

Hmmm... you know when you say a word to many times and it starts to sound weird? I think I just did that to Hank. Hank. Hank. HankHankHankHanHank. Hank.

Yup, definitely.
do you know whats sad, i have lived in e town all my life and i never went to fort edmonton, i find it sad because everyone has been but me :(
Man I go to Fort Edmonton all the time. I practically live there...Well not really, but my daddy worked there so I got to go... :lol:

I'm not sure what my dad does now...I think he works in some large building in downtown Edmonton as a guy who wears a tie and a dress shirt and goes to meetings..
I've never been to Fort Edmonton. My brother told me it's worse than death and I was like "...nnnnnnn. *scared"
I should seriously stop listening to him.

And Hank? He's off Corner Gas. I technically replicate his ideals in thinking. And by that I mean I laugh my ass off at this knock-knock joke for like... iunno. Gotta be going on 8 minutes now.

Knock Knock
Who's There
Dwayne Who
Dwayne the tub, I'm dwoning!

Going on 9 minutes now....
i dont watch corner gas, i know im canadian but i dont find canadian comedy funnny, the singers on the other hand
MICHAEL BUBLE AND HEDLEY <333 (im listening to mike right now :D)
My favourite Canadian band has to be Metric. I saw them live and whoa, they blew my mind! Michael Buble is very good too and his voice gives me...umm nevermind :devil:.
Ah, heck.. All three are great! :lol:

Hedley, Metric, Michael Buble... Oh! You can't forget Nickelback though! *squees like a fangirl*
uh that better not be a dirty remark :lol:

i want him to come to e town so much i would kill for those tickets, and the CSI would have to come :lol: so lame, im going to go see hedley at k days and sir elton him self is comming!!!! i want to see it so much, but really i would do anything to go see mike, lol if you read the csi season wish list at the other board i tried to add m.b in everything

omg how could i forget nickleback!! i love nickleback, when i never heard of them for a while we were in the car and i was like "what ever happened to nickleback" and my sister was like "there playing on the radio now you dum dum" :lol: that gave me the giggle and it still does
Eh, I'm neutral when it comes to Nickleback. Another favourite Canadian artist of mine is Feist. I'm listening to "Inside & Out" right now on my ipod. Bryan Adams is awesome as well.
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