'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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csikicksurass said:
hey ShuriyuCSI you said you lived in st albert right well do they have fire works there or do you come into edmonton because the fire work display they have in mill woods is so good i went to it last year and it was packed

I LIVE IN ST.ALBERT! *waves* :lol: It was probably me that said I did. But anyway, we do have fireworks here. They get set off at the base of Father Jan School by Seven Hills. It's right near St.Albert Parish. Sometimes they have them at St.Albert place, where the library is but I like going to Edmonton to see the fireworks.
They probably changed it because... well, let's see. EDMONTON holds a Fair for the Klondike Days even though technically, they happened about 1000 miles away in the Yukon.

But, um. Yeah. I'm giving my Dad an Ashtray. Despite the fact that he doesn't smoke and I made it in grade 4 D:
And it's not useful. You can't even use it for a candy dish. It's basically a piece of crap.
... I mean a piece of my love.

I'm not allowed near Fireworks. Our renters set them off every year down at the lake and I can see them from my house. Ironically, the only cause of death that's happened at the lake recently was, oh here comes the obviousness, getting killed by fireworks.

And That's how I saved Christmas! Or whatever I was talking about. I can't remember. Something about a magic fish.
Palm said:
You can't even use it for a candy dish. It's basically a piece of crap.
... I mean a piece of my love.

:lol: :lol: Oh you crack me up.
Ahh...gotta love Fathers Day...i dont even remember what i got him.....right....i actually just give my mom money and she gets him something. Its just easier, i mean, my mom knows him better, and since both my parents are really picky, i just let them pick the gifts out. (Horrible i know, but this prevents unhappy parents, so it works for me).

Topic out of nowhere. Yesterday i got new rollerblades, and i attempted to rollerblade. ATTEMPTED is the key word. I haven't been rollerblading in like 4 years....so i was really rusty on them. I mean REALLY rusty. I couldn't stop, so i was always skating into the lamp posts, and i fell twice. Once was gracefully done in front of 2 little kids, who thought it was hilarious. Keep in mind, i'm 19, and i was acting like i was 4. I kept screaming in fear, and held my hands out, trying to get a grip on anything i could. My sister almost busted a gut, she was laughing so hard at me!!
Oh well....at least the town got a laugh out of me!
sorry i must have got the icons mixed up :lol: i cant wait till k days, omg hedley is going to be there!!!!!!! i wish michael buble would come :(
woah... where am i? just came back from a trip to China, and i now have no idea what is going on here.. haha.. fathers' day, i actually forgot about it (shame on me...)

anyway, Canada Day, too bad i can't celebrate it in Hong Kong.. possibly i will sing the national anthem with my canadian friends at school.
*rolling around* It's.... June 22. Oh God. Now I'm nervous that tomorrow when I go re-write my diploma, there gonna say "You never paid, Bitch!" And give me a hearty slap while I stand there shaking, eyes wide, and completely traumatized by it. I hope that stupid secretary gave my Grade Coordinater that check. Cause if she didn't....
At least your Counsellor didn't phone your house asking for your 'Budjet'....Yeah right like he's going to get it now. :rolleyes:
Dude, if someone phoned my house asking for that, I'd be like "You think I'm hot! You perv!" And slam the phone down.

Ha, like that time that telemarketer phoned and was like "Is Mrs. David there?" and I was like "My Dad's not a girl... I think you have the wrong number." And I hung up. And my Dad was like "Who was that?" and I, of course, being the idiot, was all "I think it was some poor misguided french boy looking for some transvestite." And after that, my Dad said I was never allowed to answer the phone again.

And I don't.
I would've answered the phone by saying, "Oh, me no speaka the english. I only speaka the Italian. Mi annoio. Ho fame!" and then I would pray to god that the person on the other line isn't Italian. Or, I would keep going, "Oh, adios mios!" until the other person hung up.
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