'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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whos harper

oh wait stevan harper :lol:
i dont know anything about canada and GO OILERS, evan though i dont like hockey i like edmonton better then carolina so you better give something to get people to talk about us or else "SHAKES FIST*
I blame Fort McMurray for my sore throat =(

OMG! So, true story, this one here is for Speed. We were driving back and we came to St. Albert for gas and I started yelling "EVERYONE LOOK FOR SPEED!" and my Dad was like "What, you do speed now?" and I started laughing and he meant the Drug but I took it as "Tim Speedle" and also "Speed_Cochrane" and I couldn't stop laughing.
And then he called me a mean name and I got sad. (The mean name rhymes with ...okay, he called me an idiot and I got sad.)

And I kept scanning the streets DESPITE me not even KNOWING what Speed looks like. But dammit, I tried! And my Dad said the gas was too high and that he was just going to steal some from my brother's truck, so we never ended up stopping.
Yeah they interviewed him in the first intermission..said he's writing a book about hockey :rolleyes:

There's a big problem with street racing in the Vancouver area. They try to blame the teenagers but in the most recent crash it was some guy in his mid 30's-40's who was driving and died. Another accident killed a cop a couple years ago and I think he got off with a fairly light sentence.

They tried to fix things with graduated licensing but most people still drive like morons in BC.
Dude...Harper was in Edmonton?!?!?!...I wish i knew that earlier!!...even though now that i think about it, i have no idea why i care that Harper was in Edmonton..... :confused:
i got confused about who haper was and i call my self a canadian :lol: i really got to get into politicks....nah!!! not my forte :devil:

so lets start a new topic... how is the wheather in (put where you live) ares in e town (lol thats what my social teacher call edmonton im sad that he's leaving) is wind and rain but i love the rain :p
*peers out window* Sunny....

Ha, what I find funny is the entire time I was up in FM, it rained constantly in Edmonton, even flooding the mall AGAIN and some streets. So I have come to this conclusion:

If it's Raining in Edmonton, either go North or South. Because the weather is never the same around the province.
Palm said:
OMG! So, true story, this one here is for Speed. We were driving back and we came to St. Albert for gas and I started yelling "EVERYONE LOOK FOR SPEED!" and my Dad was like "What, you do speed now?" and I started laughing and he meant the Drug but I took it as "Tim Speedle" and also "Speed_Cochrane" and I couldn't stop laughing.

And I kept scanning the streets DESPITE me not even KNOWING what Speed looks like. But dammit, I tried!

:lol: :lol: Wow now I feel special. Knowing me, I wouldn't be walking around anyway. I'm too lazy. ;) I'll just stick to my humble abode up in Deer Ridge, and not come out until school starts again.

And yes, the gas prices in St.Albert are just idiotic. It's sad that I live three minutes from ESSO, and we have to drive into Edmonton just to get some decent gas. :rolleyes: Although it's all kind of high anyway.

-On a happier note: I still feel special that I was being looked for. :lol:
I just got back from the island, where I was happily stalking Shuri. Or visiting my father for father's day, but ya know. Gotta keep up appearances.

On the ferry they were announcing the score Sat night every time it changed. grrrrrr.

My fiance is looking at companies in Toronto to apply at. I'm so devastated. I so don't want to live in Toronto. Ever. But I'll get over it, I suppose. *sobs* Anyone here in or know St. Catharines? He's got an iview with a company there. I hope it's nice. *goes to throw herself off a cliff*
Yep, I went over Saturday night and came back last night, just for father's day. hee! I should have found out your phone # and then breathed heavily at you. :lol:
Thought I'd share a lovely pic (well, I think it's lovely, but then again, it's mine, so... :p) I took while driving through the Alberta mountains.

Click Here

Bus trip from Toronto to Vancouver= sure way to get numbbum :lol: :D
*cries* I miss the mountains. Awwww my province is so pretty. That's a great pic. I love the mountains.
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