'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Ah, I love Scooter! And now everyone's like "I like Scooter because I heard him in the mall and like, omg!!" and something inside me shattered.

I never find anything at Future Shop. I'll go there and ask "Do you have The Oblongs on DVD" and they'll stare at me as if I just stated I was a nazi. It's unnerving.

But, alright, if you ever want anything boxsets that just recently came out, go to Superstore. I am not kidding. They have like, 2 1/2 shelves dedicated to boxsets. Or Best Buy. HMV is actually only really good for finding TV shows no one's heard of. Like Clone High or Mission Hill.
Never ever go to Zellers either. They have less than Best Buy. It's terrible. Why can't Canada smarten up and get box sets? I go to get Miami and they say 'It'll be here by thursday'. Thursday my natural born white butt. I'm going to Blockbuster. :lol:
Oh, I remember when it first came out... just about Christmas. And I would NOT shut up about it. Everyday I said to my mom: "Didja get me Miami for Christmas?" and I did this for about.. 2 1/2 months and she almost killed me with a fork that one fateful day.

But, yeah, if you Do want boxsets in Canada, you have to go out like, the Tuesday and get them otherwise it's like the disappear from the face of the earth.
And it's not like they're so popular that they fly off the shelves. It's the crooks at Best Buy and Superstore who don't order in enough copies.
Palm said:
I never find anything at Future Shop. I'll go there and ask "Do you have The Oblongs on DVD" and they'll stare at me as if I just stated I was a nazi. It's unnerving.

OMG...i love The Oblongs!!! It's soo funny!!! My roommate was addicted to the show and has the boxset of it, and she got me hooked on the show. :)
I go to the HMV megastore on Burrard and Robson. They have everything I could ever want. *dreamy sigh* It's a happy, happy, expensive place.

The Oblongs was so fantastic.. all with FLOTUS from 24 doing the voice of the mom. I haven't seen that show in ages, I didn't even know the boxset was available. I should definitely purchase it.
What I want to know is, when did that stop being the Virgin Megastore? They switched without me even realizing it! :eek:
Apparently I have a New Yorker or US east coast accent which is weird 'cause I'm Canadian & I've never been to the states for almost ten years. Yeah, now that my random bit is over...

I prefer Future Shop. They're cheap with their albums and DVD's. I only resort to HMV if Future Shop doesn't carry what I want.
Baba, Virgin was rebranded in about September.. HMV bought em out. It's EXACTLY the same store with EXACTLY the same stock in EXACTLY the same places, they just stuck up a big HMV sign outside and changed the bags to HMV. *shrugs*

I hate Future Shop because they anger me. They refused to honour my extended warranty. I should sue them.
:lol: I thought it was always HMV. That shows how much I pay attention. ;) :p
lol, I still remember back when it was Planet Hollywood...

You know those STUPID FRIGGING BEARS they have up all over the damn city right now? Like they did with the orcas a couple of years ago? Well they annoy the crap out of me. I think they're ridiculously stupid. Most of them are damn ugly, too. But there is one that I've seen.. one bear.. to rule them all.

He's in front of HMV. And he pwns.
Ok..i must be out of the loop...but whats with Darth the Bear??

and...haha....i usually prefer HMV, or even Wal-Mart when it comes to boxed sets...I can never find anything at the Future Shop...and im still mad at them for ripping me off, when i had to by a cord for my computer.....grr....
IlovemySNICKERS said:
Ok..i must be out of the loop...but whats with Darth the Bear??
Around Vancouver there are a bunch of those bear statues, all decorated, painted differently by local artists (I think).

A couple years back, they did the same thing with Orcas.
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