'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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So where are you no_reaction if you're not in Canada? :) (I'm just curious, not trying to be patronizing)

I remember in Drumheller, there are these stupid dinosaurs everywhere. I hate those things.

Oh I have a story about Drumheller, and rain.

Well, I was in the hotel, and I was just sitting there and a storm was brewing. I thought 'Okay, it's Drumheller and it's a desert, it shouldn't be raining this hard' so the thunder and lightning starts, and guys, I'm on the top floor of this so-called hotel. So I'm watching CSI:Miami, and it's a new episode. 'Rap Sheet' (God that was so long ago) And it's the part where Alexx Woods is about to find out there's someone alive in the autopsy drawer and then BAM the power goes out. (You could probably see my face at this moment) I hate Drumheller. I hate rain in Drumheller. I hate satellite tv in Drumheller.
well, erm, as u can see my location is "try to track me down" wanna make a guess? i can give you a few hints.

1) in Asia
2) was a British colony

Drumheller, hm, i had fun in the Dinosaur Museum, and i only stayed in Drumheller for the whole morning and afternoon, cuz i had to head back to Calgary before nighttime. but, seriously, rain in drumheller, real hell...
I love Drumheller! They have bunnies everywhere in this one campground. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head...
Plus, they have the Hovercraft. Best ride ever :3
^^It's going to take me a loooong time to track you down. :lol:

I actually like Drumheller, but I hate the rain. When I was there at 4 years old, there were tornadoes. ;P
I'm guessing Hong Kong, because it used to be a British colony. Anyways.

I never got rain when I went down to drumheller =/
It was just really really hot and I remember basically living in the swimming pool. But a nice place to go during the Summer is to Jarvis. It's this lake west of Hinton and it's go the most beautiful view of the mountains. Ah. That was a good summer...

Which I can barely remember...
Oh I love Hinton. I've never been to Jarvis. I'll have to check it out the next time I'm in Hinton just to go to the Walmart. :lol:
When I was in Drumheller I was camping and it rained so hard that it flooded our tent and we had to go to a hotel instead. It was insane.
That dinosaur museum pwns though. I loved it so.
XD I love how everyone is like "When I went to Drumheller, all it did was rain!" and I'm the lone wolf going "It was too hot. Wah! D:"

Like the cretin I am.
Oh, do check out Jarvis. It's near The Black Cat Ranch or something. And by 5 other lakes if I remember...
My memory hasn't been so good ever since I hit the fridge yesterday or something...
...*opens up a news topic*

What do you all think about the terrorist threats that have been going around for the past 4 days? Views on what you think of one of the suspects saying they want to behead Prime Minister Harper? Or what about raiding Parliament Hill in Ottawa? Especially with one of the suspects being only 15?

*goes off to read some more articles*
Lol, I've been completely out of the loop about the whole terrorist threats thing. This thread is literally the only place I've heard about this recently. :lol: I haven't turned the TV on once in 9 days (gotta be a new record :lol:). Hmm.. maybe I should keep up on current events a little more? Usually I know what's going on, but I've been making a point of not watching TV. That and I've been out of town, and then really sick the last couple days. Oh well.
ShuriyuCSI said:
...*opens up a news topic*

What do you all think about the terrorist threats that have been going around for the past 4 days? Views on what you think of one of the suspects saying they want to behead Prime Minister Harper? Or what about raiding Parliament Hill in Ottawa? Especially with one of the suspects being only 15?

*goes off to read some more articles*
I'm currently in Toronto and it's mainly what they talk about on the news. Walking around downtown, I've noticed alot more police officers out on the streets and near major landmarks and buildings.

There's alot of scary people out there in the world, and any terrorist threat, especially those at home are frightening.
^^^ All right, here's another question. With what's been going around in the news, what are your views on multiculturalism given the circumstances? Is it a good or bad thing?
Palm said:
XD I love how everyone is like "When I went to Drumheller, all it did was rain!" and I'm the lone wolf going "It was too hot. Wah! D:"

meh.. it was hot when i arrived at drumheller, but it started raining in the late afternoon. therefore, i am a lone wolf(e) :lol:too, being able to experience both!
ShuriyuCSI said:
What do you all think about the terrorist threats that have been going around for the past 4 days? Views on what you think of one of the suspects saying they want to behead Prime Minister Harper? Or what about raiding Parliament Hill in Ottawa? Especially with one of the suspects being only 15?

they wanted to behead PM Harper.....wow...never knew that. I just heard tehy wanted to bomb places like CSIS Headquarters, Toronto Stock Exchange, Parliament Building, and stuff like that....
its actually really scary to know that there are people like that in society, that would want to murder people, just to make a statement. Its really quite sick and disturbing.
I seriously hope that they don't get bail, and i hope they rot in prison.
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