'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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ShuriyuCSI said:
^^^ All right, here's another question. With what's been going around in the news, what are your views on multiculturalism given the circumstances? Is it a good or bad thing?

I don't think the terroist issuse has anything to do with multiculturalim. You could be white and 3rd generation Canadian and still become a terroist. I feel it has to do with people taking the words and actions of some and twisting them to fit what they think is right. I hope this makes sense.

With regards to trying to kill the PM and the other things I guess I am not surprised after the support Stephen Harper ahs shown to Bush and the Afgahn situtation. I am proud to be a Canadian and I am proud that our men and women in teh military are finally getting to use their skills and knowledge they have been taught. I am sorry for the families that have lost a loved one but it is part of being in a free country and trying to help others have peace in their countries
Yeah, I thought that was unbelieveably creepy. I mean, I know Canada is like "Immigrants, come on over!" But maybe we should limit that. Or send illegal immigrants back. Because who knows who else is out there gonna start this up again D:
^^^ The question this always raises though is: is the place we'd be sending some of these people off a good place for them to be? Would you want to, in good conscience, send someone back to a war torn or impoverished country when we have the space and the opportunity?
Also, how much "peace" are we truly bringing? How do we know the people over there actually WANT our help?
I'm very opposed to the war myself, particularly because I don't feel that we are being provided with accurate information in regards to the views and feelings of the actual PEOPLE involved with the situation. We all know which politicians and celebrities are pro or con the war, but do we know how individual soldiers in each country feel? Do we know how joe blow on the street feels? Not so much. Unfortunately, although CBC is amongst the lesser of the biased newscasts, one cannot avoid being completely swayed by whatever news source they watch. Every producer and network, regardless of how big or small have an agenda. And although some genuinely try to remain objective in their broadcasts, you can't but help a smidgeon of personal bias sinking in.
I recommend the BBC, they're the best source I've found to date for unbiased news.

</crazy ranting>
As my dad says...
If you're not a socialist by 20, there's something wrong with your heart. If you're still a socialist by 40, there's something wrong with your head ;)
Palm said:
Yeah, I thought that was unbelieveably creepy. I mean, I know Canada is like "Immigrants, come on over!" But maybe we should limit that. Or send illegal immigrants back. Because who knows who else is out there gonna start this up again D:

I am for sending all illegal immigrants back to their original countries. I am sorry if their country may be war torn or improvished but there are proper ways to come here and the proper ways should apply to all. I know there are may people who have come here are refugees. If after the proper processes they are intitled to stay in Canada great then a big welcome to a great country. If they don't meet the requirements then sorry bye-bye. I know this may sound harsh but when you here of all the crimes that have been committed by people who were suppose to have been deported you realize how much of a joke our immigration policies are.
I agree wholeheartedly with that, Jacquie. One of the few aspects in which I take a conservative view is immigration laws. Partially because we have a lot of immigrants here in Vancouver, mainly from Asia and India. There are those that go through the proper channels, jump the hoops, learn the language, gain citizenship, and are huge contributors to our city and country. There are also those that come over here illegally, abuse our systems, never learn a word of English, and get illegal work because it's the only money they can make due to their non-citizen status. Now I'm not saying it's black and white, and that's the case in every scenario, don't get me wrong, and I'm also not saying that I don't understand where said immigrants are coming from. Like you said, I respect and sympathise with the fact that some of them are coming from terrible places. I just don't believe that it's fair to abuse our country in return.
Two cases come to mind that have been prevalent in the news here recently: The first is the young man (I can't remember his nationality) that killed a mother in the course of a street race. He's begging not to be deported and spouting off about the torture that will be done to him in his own country.. I don't advocate torture. But I also don't advocate taking a mother away from her children in a moment of frivolity and destroying lives in the process. You came to our country, you fucked up, you ignored our laws, and you abused your right to be here. Goodbye.
The second is the Chinese student who murdered Cecilia Zhang. I think we're all familiar with that case. Same relative details.
They did a study a few years ago that showed that a Chinese person could illegally come to Vancouver, never learn English, never become a legal citizen, and do absolutely fine. graaah.
I need to stop because my opining today (in all my threads) is getting over the top. *G*
Ziggy, it's perfectly fine to express your views and opinions. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms say you can say what you want pretty much, within some limitations.

The reasons for asking those is one, to start a discussion, two, I want to hear what other Canadians have to say, and three, get to know different viewpoints and how Canadians see the culture as it is right now and what should be done.
Yeah, first admendment or something. Says say what you want, Ziggy! Though I can't really remember. I never really paid attention to those parts in social studies.

But seriously. This kinda reminds me of kindergarden. How one person out of the whole group is a brat and gets in trouble, and everyone gets in trouble as well. Kinda reminds me of how that mirrors this terrorism thing because those 19 basically spoiled it for all the other muslims in Canada.
I say this because I keep hearing reports of how in Calgary (Calgary. Not Toronto, but friggin' Calagary) people who come from ethnic backgrounds like Iran or Iraq or people who are Muslim are getting their property and cars vadalized. Because people now think their terrorists.

Kinda sad.
It's more than sad, it's an embarrassment for all Canadians. I am so disappointed to find out Canadians are not as intelligent as I had once assumed. I thought we were a smarter population than that, but I guess I was wrong. It's shameful to judge a section of the population based on the actions of a few extremists. :(
Thanks, guys..
and agreed, Baba. It's pretty pathetic that we can't look past one's skin colour or ethnicity to see the good they bring here.
When I lived in Australia I went to school across the street from the Hare Krishna centre, and they offered lunch for a quarter (mainly to homeless people). We would often go over and eat their traditional food, sit on mats, listen to the music, and hear them explain their beliefs. They were in no way pressuring us or trying to tell us their way was divine, but it was an amazing experience to just have a window into how another culture lives. It makes me sad that there are those in the world incapable of having such great experiences because they are so hard and narrow-minded that they won't let them in.
Hellooooooo fellow Canuks!!

Nice to meet you all, it's very good to be here. I'm from Manitoba, Brandon to be exact, aka Wheat City.

I'd love to stay and chat some more, but I believe I'm about to be dragged away to dinner... I'll be back later.
Welcome, Dragonfly! I think you're the only Manitoban we've got on here as of yet (correct me if I'm wrong, y'all)
I'm in BC myself. Enjoy posting here! We don't bite much. :D
Welcome DragonflyDreamer :D

I do believe you are the only one from Manitoba that I've seen here. I'm from Alberta myself, as you can see from my Location. :lol:

Anyway, have fun eating dinner and welcome welcome welcome!
YAY! Now we need someone from Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, PEI, The NWT, The Yukon, Saskatchewan...

Okay, we need like, what, 10 more people in here to make a full nation? I can't remember.
Well I can take the Yukon, because I grew up there. I live in BC now, and have for years, but I'm about as close as we're gonna come I think. Most people up there are too busy drinking to come online ..oh..no.. I didn't say that.. *shifty eyes*
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