'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Well, my other home is in the rockies, so I've seen everything from herds of Bighorn Sheep to Wolverine's booking it across the road. But, this is my most... weird story. With pictures! Yayomg.

Yeah, along the road that goes from Robb to Hinton, there's not a lot of activity but there is this black fox that lives along there. And my father and I saw it and no one would believe us, and we kept taking all these pictures but he was always too far away. And then he came home once and had this shot of him and he was practically up against the truck. And it was kinda creepy. And everone calls him the Demon Fox because apparently only my Dad and I ever see it -__-


I call him Arnold though. For no good reason.
allmaple said:
DaWacko said:
And don't mind about Baba, she's been (again) sipping too much of Maple Syrup.

i was under the impression Baba sipped things a little stronger than maple syrup :p

*cough* Well... It's Baba's special Maple Syrup... believe me, it's strong :p
ziggystarduzt said:
I have no wildlife stories. I guess that's what you get, living in the big city. I'll just go sit in the corner and feel left out. *sobs* ;)

Don't worry, I have no stories to share either heh. Wait, I've seen black bears too but in the newspaper. Does that count?
HAHAHA! I got it.
But seriously, Wolverines are friggin creepy. And they move like a bear with it's ass on fire.

and YES IT DOES! Newspaper bears count!
My parents have been chased by an Elk in Jasper..Does that count? :lol:
In grade 9 I disected a wolverine over lunch time just for fun with my science teacher. We stuck a tube into it's lungs and blew in it to watch how the lungs inflate when one inhales. It was ubercool, yo.

Oh, I see all sorts of things in the newpaper! Okay, my animal sightings now include cougars, bears, lions, tigers, dinosaurs, mutants, and Paris Hilton.
In our many travels around Canada and the US we have seen moose, deer, black bears and grizzlies, elk, bald eagles, mountain sheep, plus I am sure there are more. I have a fondness for the moose and I hope to one day see a bull moose with his antlers standing at the side of the road not squashed on the road or the car.
I thought Paris was classified as a mutant.

Yeah, but my newspaper's full of depressing stuff. "3 Killed in Swiss Alps" "9 Dead because of poisioning" "White Ave riots get worse" "Alberta gets a new electee for Premier"
:lol: Alberta gets a new electee for Premier. Aww poor Ralf. I like him.
Go Shuriyu! It's yer birthday! WHOOO!
Okay, Birthday song out of me X3

The electee? Oh who knows. Every jackass and their dog is going for the position now. I don't really care, but as long as we don't get some sap who decides to "Give Our oil money away to every other province and we'll go into debt again like that one premier did and it took us like, a decade to get out again" then I'm fine.
Wow....did you guys all hear about the 17 arrested for planning terrorist attacks on Canada?!?!
I havent heard much about it, but i was like 'wow', did not see that coming. Well i know that there has been talk about Canada being a target, but still....blew my mind. And the fact that they're Canadians.....eek.
From the reports on the news they weren't all Canadians citizens. Some were but others were just residents. 5 of them were young offenders. You got to love that young offenders act. Anybody willing to blow up any part of this country deserves to be treated like an adult.
Who would want to attack Canada? We have no population, no big buildings, no ties to anything, our money is worth nothing, and the people here are too nice.

Who would want to kill us simple-minded folk? :lol:
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