'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Note: They were in Toronto.

But, according to Al-Queda, I remember, they said they would hit everyone who was against them. Britian, Spain, the United States, Canada.
They Already hit the USA REALLY hard, and Spain was hit with that train bomb that STUPIDLY noone seems to remember. I guess they thought hitting Toronto would cause widespread panic.

The only thing that brings me hope is my cynical attitude to how I'll probably forget this four hours from now...
They can have Toronto. I live in Alberta, no one would attack us...Well they might attack West Ed, but OH big loss. :rolleyes:
Not West Ed! D:
How will Palm get her TV Boxsets then!?!? Because you know what? Best Buy does NOT help. They aren't even aware of what good satire is! I mean, c'mon! They SHOULD have everything but their like "Lalalala. I don't work in this section. I'm in it, but I don't WORK in it." and then your all "What the hell?! Then who DOES work here?" and their like "Oh so-and-so does. But their not in just yet."

And you get angry and they start playing rap and you die a little inside and.. and...
And if West Ed got bombed, I WOULDN'T HAVE A RADIO STATION! D:
Augh. K-Rock needs to stay forever! I neeeeeeed my Tom Petty. Screw the new bands who all they do is go "Wah! This chick broke up with me so I'm getting my revenge by writing this HORRIBLY mean song about her." OR it's "Yeah, I just banged my girlfriend behind the bowling alley and now I'm going to rap about Heroin!" Crap.

Why am I so awake? It's only 7:23! I'm going back to bed! O______o
OH NO K-ROCK! SHINE FM! THE BEAR! OH CRAP! I take it back! Bomb something else! Take White Ave! Take anything! Not West Ed! :lol:
Well, I wouldn't mind if they hit "The Bounce". Gawd, my Bus Driver thinks all the "Hip Youth of Today" love listening to Nelly and all that crap not shut up about the Ghetto or whereever they friggin' came from.

Plus, they violate everything I stand for. They play rap and out of nowhere, play Techno.
Techno should NOT EVER be grouped in with rap. EVER. Besides, if Techno became popular, what am I gonna listen to? D:
I listen to mostly Christian rock and Classic rock with the exception of some Alternative stuff. So, I wouldn't mind if The Bounce was 'bounced' off the air.
:lol: You make me laugh so hard, Speed.
Dude, I never get Sunshine. My radio's Facist and my car radio's Communist, so I don't get anything I like. And am usually forced into listening to my mother sing to Joe.FM.
Or, when it kicks in, Whitecourt's "The Rig."
:lol: Oh blah. Joe. FM. EW! *dies*

*comes back to life* I usually listen to the radio at about 6:30 in the morning until 7:15 and there's nothing but TALKING on three stations the entire time. Then when there's a song, it's a crappy one. Ugh, school should start later so I don't have to be subjected to bad radio in the morning.

-And I'm glad I make you laugh. :) I'm usually the only one laughing at my jokes. (It's because I'm lame..Or no one gets my sense of humor)
Woah, dude, I haven't heard anything about this terrorist attack thing.. I'll head over to cbc.com I guess and figure it out.

Shuri, I missed your birthday! D:!!! Happy belated birthday wishes. I hope you had a great time!
XD Your not lame. I am. For reasons unknown.
But I hate listening to the talk. I don't care if your brother got a vasectomy, buddy. I turn on the radio to hear music. Not them laughing about things that are mildly funny.

Hence why I listen to my music. Way too loud...
Explains why I'm going deaf.

As for the Terrorist attacks, just watch "Global Whatever" on TV, Zippy. They're obsessing over it and it's kinda killing my good mood =\
Palm said:
Not West Ed! D:
How will Palm get her TV Boxsets then!?!?

Oh man, I just got back from Edmonton (and WEM). I was shocked and appalled by the fact that the big giant 2 storey HMV didn't have Season 3 of CSI:Miami or Season 5 of CSI:LV. I mean, what the crap?? I'm guessing they were just sold out or something. They have EVERYTHING there, but not those two? *shakes head*

Hmmm, terrorist attack planning, eh? I haven't turned the TV on in a week, and I've been gone all weekend (to Edmonton :D). Personally, it doesn't really surprise me, what with the whole US, Spain, U.K., Australia, Canada threat thing. Especially since everybody else but us has been attacked so far. Ok, so Australia is questionable since it wasn't on home soil, but there was an Australian embassy somewhere that got bombed, I think... don't remember the whole story exactly, but I think it was in Indonesia?? (don't quote me on this, I'm too lazy to actually look it up right now, and am just trying to recall random details from a long time ago).
Why on God's green earth would you want to go to Edmonton? :lol: I live in St.Albert and I don't even want to go there. The 5 minute drive is terrible in the spring I tell you. Geese EVERYWHERE.

I can't get anything at West Ed. I can't even go to Best Buy. (Well usually I go to the one on 137th ave) But Future Shop is my best bet to find anything.
Palm said:

Techno should NOT EVER be grouped in with rap. EVER. Besides, if Techno became popular, what am I gonna listen to? D:

I think techno was popular in early 90s :p So don't worry
My entire school listens to Techno. :lol:

Aw I was alive in the early 90s and I don't remember techno at all...Maybe it's because in the early 90s I was like...4.
Well... I remember Scooter having their biggest hits in early/mid 90s. And when I listen to cds, such as "Mega Hits 1994" it's very techno-ish.

Think of Leila K for example.
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