'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Hunting Season doesn't start until around late September.
and by that I mean, the big game. Things worth hunting. Ever cook a duck in an oven? Spits crap everwhere. Now Moose meat, that's where it's at.

Makes good jerky.
Jeeze, who knew we Canadians were such kiss-asses!
HMPH! *hurt* Well I certainly won't be kissing your ass any time soon. ;) *runs away crying*

I'm just kind to all animals, you see! I think hunting any animal is wrong. And ducks are cute. ;)
Yes. Us ducks are good. My bro always hunts ducks and me no likes it. First all summer he feeds those in our river so they'd stick around and then shoots 'em :(

As for elk..erm..or moose. They cause so much damage that it's understandable to hunt them. Anyone ever saw when a moose and Volkswagen crashed? Can wipe off the whole roof.

and speed_cochrane, put that stick down. You'll hurt yourself.

And don't mind about Baba, she's been (again) sipping too much of Maple Syrup.
DaWacko said:
and speed_cochrane, put that stick down. You'll hurt yourself.

*pokes self in the eye with large stick* ..I knew that would happen. :lol:

I don't even like duck. *eats a Dairy Queen burger*

And did someone say maple syrup? MM! That sounds like a good idea.
DaWacko said:
And don't mind about Baba, she's been (again) sipping too much of Maple Syrup.

i was under the impression Baba sipped things a little stronger than maple syrup :p
re: moose and car accidents
one of my dads patients told him in northern ontario a smartcar hit a moose. my dads first impression was 'you mean went under the moose?' but apparently the driver was ok. there was once a show on either discovery or animal planet (dont remember which now) called 'canadas deadliest animal' and when i turned it on it was about moose :lol:
My Dad hit a moose with his truck and it caused $6000 worth of damage.
And the stupid thing lived. Unfair? I think that moose should pay for his damage. Or at least leave his information. It's called courtesy. Bollocks...

And Gawd, it's hot. I hate hot weather. It's Canada, dammit, we should have perfectly nice and cool weather. Not heat waves =(
Ah yes, the joys of moose (mooses? :lol:) and vehicles. Like hitting a moving, furry brick wall. Doesn't seem like a fun time. Sometimes moose can be fun though:

Fun moose story #1: We had a family of moose that hung out around our farm a lot. They went for a romp in the garden, right by the house. It was pretty neat. :D

Fun moose story #2: Once, while I was riding the school bus a couple years back, we saw a moose running through a field. It ran towards a fence. It tried to jump the fence. It didn't quite make it over the fence. It broke the fence. Then it kept on running. We all laughed. Poor moose. Poor fence.
A moose ran across our lawn yesterday in the middle of dry treeless Alberta...I was under the impression that it was lost or something, who knows maybe it was tired of getting hit by cars in the mountains.... it was freakin' massive I swear it jumped over a four foot barbed wire fence although it kinda made my day to see something other than a rabbit or coyote for once :p
Most bizarre wildlife sighting I've had recently: jackrabbit hopping through the parking lot at the local stadium. Seemed way out of place. Completely blew my mind. :lol:
when it got really hot all of a sudden in april i was walking to my exam and saw a lone canada goose wandering through the parking lot. it looked like it was headed to a dark oil mark on the road. the poor thing looked confused, maybe it thought the oil spot was water or something. i dont think it was doing too well. can birds get heat stroke? because i remember that day i was not doing well myself in the heat.

last christmas i was driving home from work, and being december it was just getting dark. i was driving up the hill to my street when a deer came out of the research park (thats what its called, theres a lot of university buildings and on the other side of the road is a park) luckily i stopped in time and thought 'whoa, that was close' right before i was about to start again a second deer came running out. i decided to wait before starting, and sure enough a third deer came strolling out.
i know geese and deer arent really cananda specific, but those are my most recent wildlife encounters
I have no wildlife stories. I guess that's what you get, living in the big city. I'll just go sit in the corner and feel left out. *sobs* ;)
I've only ever seen black bears. And that was a couple years ago on a hike.

Grizzly bears have made their way onto Vancouver Island now :eek:
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