'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Last year I couldn't do anything but usually I'll head down to Kits or English Bay to watch the fireworks while sitting on a blanket and having some of my special sauce heh. I mean, they still do fireworks right?
I have no clue. I was in Europe during Canada day so I have no idea what happened. If that's true though they'd better not do it this year.
Well, according to MY email, my penis could be a whole lot larger. . .

Jorja, my dad grew up in Kimberley, right next to Cranbrook so I've been there tons of times. Kimberley has a really fun Bavarian fest in the summer.
:lol: You don't know how hard I laughed at your first sentence. Oh god...

Do you know what festivals will be happening the week of August 6-13? Usually I spend my summer in the Okanagan and I know Cranbrook & the Okanagan are about 4 hours away. I'm excited and like I said I'm looking forward to the guys :devil:. I'll miss you all thought but August is far away so...
jorja_fan86 said:
Er, Canada Day is coming up soon. What do you guys usually do?

Enjoy the day off. If the weather holds up, take a TV outside and watch the Blue Jays. I refuse to pay to go to games since the players strike in 1994. Besides the tickets are too exspensive. We started this tradition in 1995 and the weather has usually cooperated. I can't always say the Jays do by winning but it is fun to do. This will be their first time playing at home on Canada Day in 2-3 years
^ You're the best! It seems like Cranbrook has a lot to offer. I believe my family and I will be stay the Fairmont Inn which is hopefully in the centre of the town. I'm sure the guys are sexy heh but I won't have to worry 'cause I'm gonna try to get me a hottie Greek at the fest and hopefully he'll be a shipping heir :devil: :lol:.
Not a problem! They're tiny little towns, but they have lots of fun stuff to do. Kimberley is about 15 minutes out of Cranbrook, and is really quaint, so I suggest hopping over there.

YEAH! Land your very own Paris! Is it just me, or are all shipping heirs Greek? I swear...*g*
Yeah. So I guess I'm the only on who, on Canada Day, lays on my fat ass watching reruns of "Corner Gas" on the Comedy Network. Ocassionally slipping in a Simpson episode, but it has to mention the name "Canada" in it.
And play a remix tape of all Bryan Adam's greatest hits. Which actually makes me angry because I still loathe admitting I like his songs. Friggin Bryan Adams. Stop beign GOOD DAMMIT!

*out of the loop because of being a non-BCer*
I wish I had a creek named after a magical berry...
^^ :lol: They are. Paris is crazy for dumping both of them. Doesn't she know what us Greeks are good at :devil:? Anyway, I'll definitely be stopping in that area that you suggested. I'll drag my family along if I have to.

Back OT...Willam Shatner should totally do a Canada day special. The man may be a bit crazy but I can't help laughing at him.
Oh Palm I feel your pain. *Is also out of the BC loop*

I don't really celebrate Canada day much. I'm usually hanging out in Jasper during the parade, or at home on my butt watching CSI:Miami. That's as close to celebrating as I get.
Oooh! Kimberley! If my memory serves me correctly the fire hydrants are painted all awesome-like, right? (or at least they were a few years ago) I've been through Cranbrook a few times, because I have relatives that live in Creston, so it's on the way. I distinctly remember stopping at A&W in Cranbrook once, and having a bacon and egger for breakfast. And hashbrowns. And possibly a nutritious breakfast root beer.

Speaking of which, that's another thing we can add to our awesome-things-Canadians-do list: A&W :D
haha...im out of the bc loop 2!
well for Canada Day....i might end up having to work. if not, ill probably be watching tv, or having a bbq. i am such a procrastinator, when it comes to making plans!!
but ill definately be watching my towns fireworks later that evening!! :D
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