'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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I've been in BC obviously 'cause I live there heh. I flew over all the provinces when I travelled to Europe but I stopped in Montreal & Toronto to transfer flights.
I am not very well travelled, but do hope to travel Canada one day. Been to Toronto (2 LONG years for college), a weekend in Montreal and The Soo, Day trips to London, Guelph and Chatham and little towns in between.

Anyone else Melting today. Its only 33 today, 42 (107F) with humidex ARGGGG, its technically not even summer yet.
*waves hands around* Go to Jasper National Park if you come to Alberta! There's more to do! Banff isn't fun! The only thing cool there is Lake Louise! Jasper has that Whistler tramway! And Maligne canyon! And Lake Annette and Edith! And Mouth Edith Cavel!

*dies of too many exclamation points*
Remember me... as a mascot.
Damn, I'd hope so because I <33333 all of you.
But not in the creepy love way, you'know that whole:
But the whole:

Unless you want me outside your window. Then I comply happily. But I'll need Trail Mix for nourisement. And the occasional Tim Hortons donut. For Duck Huntin'
Palm ...you and your avatar rock my world....when ever I see that there are new posts in this thread it totally makes my day because we all know that CANADIANS RULE :D anyways thats enough patriotism for one day. We are currently enjoying periods of rain and cloud :(...not very exciting but its better than melting :p
yep, you see that pile of goo on the floor? thats me. we hit a record in southern ontario today. with the humidex it was 42! i was inside at work all day, but since i work at the front of the store it was hot because the doors are constantly opening. i thought i was going to pass out!! but hey, anything is better than snow in my mind, its just the super quick transition is a bit much to handle. so can we take a mulligan on the holiday weekend? last monday sucked and today was amazing. im sad i wasnt in the pool :(
Palm said:
*waves hands around* Go to Jasper National Park if you come to Alberta! There's more to do! Banff isn't fun! The only thing cool there is Lake Louise! Jasper has that Whistler tramway! And Maligne canyon! And Lake Annette and Edith! And Mouth Edith Cavel!

*dies of too many exclamation points*
Remember me... as a mascot.

*Raises Palm flag* :lol:

Oh you read my mind. I go to Jasper at least twice a year. Maybe three times if I'm lucky. :) God that's like my second home. Lake Annette? Oh BOY! That's my favorite place to go! Except it's kind of crappy when you see the elk crap everywhere on the way to the beach...Hense the word crappy. :lol:

And my favorite place to go in the town of Jasper is Tags. Best convenience store on the planet. Slurpies up the wazzoo!
X3 I still enjoy going to Lake Annette and going swimming. I mean, it's freezing. And it never stops being cold, but that's part of the fun idiotic tendancies that inhabit me!

But I still always force my Dad to take me to Mount Edith Cavell so I can see the Angel Glacier. And pick up people's loose International change. Like that Chinese penny I found X3

Ack! but I <3 Tags too! Everyone go to Tags! Or plan to. On your wedding Anniversary.
Okay, don't.
I took a couple days off from the boards, and man did I miss a bunch..

jorja- thanks for the link! I'll definitely be there. it looks like hella fun!

Shuri- Yep, Departure Bay.. I told you I grew up in Nanaimo, right? I used to go to those races every year and swim in Swylana and have a grand old time. Maybe I'll go spend the weekend with my dad and go again this year, I've missed them the past few :)

As for travelling, I'm a BC girl, used to live in the Yukon, and have been to Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec. I'm not so well travelled. I've been to more states than I have provinces and territories. sigh. One day!

And maple, I'm jealous. It's still kinda cloudy here, but there are some blue patches and we're hoping it picks up in the next couple of days. sigh. I want my summer back!
Ziggy, I think I remember you saying that. :lol: By the way, the race is on Sunday, July 23. Fireworks in the harbour on the Saturday(22) and the Marine festival starts on the Thursday(20). ^__^ There's more info here.

Now.. Traveling? I've been up and down the Island (Campbell River, Tofino, Victoria, Quadra Island, Salt Spring Island.... etc) and to Vancouver and through BC and Alberta(Calgary born! Woot!) and Saskatchewan. Went to Toronto and now I wanna go to Montreal and Halifax. :p
Oh I loved Campbell River. It was one of the most interesting places I've ever been. Especially the Bachmeir hotel. That was a great place to stay while I saw the sights of Campbell River. I loved Quadra Island too. It was just a great place to visit.
^^^ I'll be there everyday either working or partying so you can't miss me :lol:

Has anyone here been to Cranbrook, BC before? I'm going up there for an entire week in August with my family but I have no clue what to expect. Hopefully the guys up there are hot :devil:.
*chokes on poptart* Oh man, you make me laugh so hard, Jorja. :lol:

Hm. According to my mail, I could already be a millionaire...
According to my mail apparently I get a new car. It's been weeks and those jerks haven't sent one to my house yet. I think I have to buy it though. Er, Canada Day is coming up soon. What do you guys usually do?
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