'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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I should be an Oilers fans seeing as I'm from Alberta, and like 2 minutes away from Edmonton, (stupid St.Albert)but I hate hockey so..GOOD LUCK TO THEM ANYWAY! :)
XD St. Albert isn't stupid. It's Inventive!
Yeah, okay, fine, I've only been there once. But I was there! Ha-HA!

So, apparently Martin's live in Canada. And their creepy little weasels that move like gigantic catpillars. Ick...
Palm said:
XD St. Albert isn't stupid. It's Inventive!
Yeah, okay, fine, I've only been there once. But I was there! Ha-HA!

:lol: Oh yes very inventive. But hey we have a Wal-Mart and another Timmy's, so YAY! We can actually be called a city!...Kidding of course, it's always been a city.

Martin's eh? Well I'll watch out for them next time....And yeah that does sound kind of icky.
Imagine a Weasel, but bigger, furrier, and ... creepier than a weasel. Like a lean beaver. But without the slapping tail and the big buck teeth.
Pender Harbour/Madeira Park sound familiar, but I can't say I know EXACTLY where they are... there's the biggest nearby town?
Pender Harbour and Madeira Park also sounds familiar to me.. Though you'd think I could place it? No Horrible sense of direction and placement.
That's more than I could ever ask, my friends. *sniff* My settlement has been...*sniff* heard of! The biggest town near by...uhhhh...I guess Sechelt would have to be it. I know that's on the map.

That martin you guys are talkin' 'bout reminds me of a ferret. My friends have a couple. They're creepy and they stink.
Wow...from bath tub races to creepy ferret-like creatures...this is why the canadian thread rocks my socks. I love Canadians. Oh and i looked up Sechelt on a map and it looks like it and the surrounding area would be a beautiful place to live...at least compared to the endless prairies :D its right on the BC coast is it not?
Don't you love it when conversations switch from one topic to a completely different one? I do. My friend and I tried to back track our conversation once...it was really funny.

Yep. Right on the coast. It is really lovely over here. I would truthfully not want to live anywhere else ('cept for the fact we're expecting a giant earthquake and all...every rose has its thorn and all that jazz). But you know what I like best about Canada? I went to a computer science seminar for young women in Waterloo, Ontario, and I felt so at home, didn't get homesick once. That's what I like to think you can feel in this country. No matter where you are in it, your home.

So...where're you in the prairies?
*shudders* Oh God... I can't stand the prairies. No offense to anyone who loves them, but I take after my Dad's BC blood. Give me the mountains anyday over the prairies.

Plus, everytime they farm my land, the dust come into our house like a cloud and it makes a fine dust over everything. I'm practically permantely coated in soil. Plus I fall in the dirt a lot, but that has nothing to do with the fact....

*shifts eyes*

Awww, I always wanted to go to Ontario. See the vast ...vastness that be Ontario. o_O;
Im in calgary but I've lived in Toronto and Vancouver so i've experienced the whole Canadian spectrum its pretty sweet living in this country and I really enjoy it here in calgary minus the snow that can show up in april, but we do have our infamous chinook winds...we can thank B.C for them :)
Yah, I love the mountains. I don't really have much of an opinion of the prairies as I've only been out there once and I hardly remember it.

OoOoh, did I read 'snow'? We almost never get snow on the coast (stupid maritime climate). Every once in a while, though, we get lucky.

Your welcome for your winds. :D Has anyone here every gone to see the Skookumchuck rapids outside of Egmont? I haven't gone through them when they're really bad, but my dad used to take my sister, some friends, and I out there and we'd sit on deck, singing the Spice Girls. Ah, the good old days...
there was one comedian on just for laughs, i foget his name, but my favourite joke from him was 'you fall asleep at the wheel in ontario, you run off the road, hit a tree and die. if you fall asleep at the wheel in saskatchewan you wake up because you ran out of gas' :lol:
ive only been to places around ontario and quebec, but i dont think id go to the prairie provinces. i like to go to tropical places on vacation :D
I have travel the whole country with my parents and my husband. With my parents we went down east. With my husband we have been down east, out west and up north. The only part of Canada we have not been to is Nunavut as it did not exist when we travelled to Alaska 12 years ago. The whole of Canada is beautiful because it is so differnt. We have flat, mountains, rocks and oceans how can you ask for any more. Now you must realize that we drove all over and not at once. My brother travelled out west by plane and then bicylcled back to Newfoundland 17 years ago. He took 2 months to do that. I prefer the comfort of the car thank you very much. We have a beautiful country and if you every get the chance to travel east to west to north, Do It
Let's see.
I've been to Saskatchewan way too many times.
Been to Toronto once. To their airport. Twisty, crazy airport where the terminals are scattered everywhere.
Been to BC twice.
And pretty much been everywhere in Alberta. Except Waterton and Wood Buffalo National Park.
I've been to BC, Ontario, and all of the Provinces in between the two :) I'd love to travel to the rest of Canada one day.
I'm in Toronto right now and moving back to Vancouver. I'm going via Greyhound, so I get to see all the parts of the country I've already seen....on a bus...for 3 days... :rolleyes: Oh well. I'm looking at it as a road trip in which I don't have to do the driving. ;) :D
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