Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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sorry im new and just have been leafing through, i heard that when sara's mother finally shot her husband was when he started being physically abusive to sara and not just mentally abusive like he had been previously.
How her mother would look like? I don't know.

After loads of years in a mental institution, you wouldn't look too good, don't you think? So I think she used to be pretty (just like Sara), but during the years in the mental institution, she'd probably neglected her apperance.

About the ex-hippies thing, Sara's a bit like a hippie too, to me. She doesn't like weddings, and she does like beer, a lot. And we discussed this earlier, maybe she even was an alcoholic.

Just like UrielFalcon said, there were probably problems running the Bed and Breakfast, so Sara's parents started to be abusive. Poor thing.
Didn't she say in Nesting Dolls that as a kid she thought regular trips to the hospital, the abuse etc were normal? To me that sounds like she's expirienced that from very young age on. Beacuse otherwise she would have remembered how it was before and therefore noticed the changes weren't normal at all.
And I agree on Sara's mom having been pretty. ;)
quoth_the_raven said:
I think that when Sara got older and the B&B went under, the fighting started. Her mother and father must've felt a lot of stress from the business going under and thus putting them in a financial blitz. That's probably when the drinking started, assuming of course, that her mother and father were alcoholics, and the fighting began.
Wow. I didn't think of that. That's a good theory Ann. :) So all was well until their B&B went bust... then the anger emerged and the abuse started. I really pity Sara if that was what actually happened. To have a wonderful childhood with loving parents, then to have all that taken away from her in a snap. Instead of hugs and kisses, she heard screams, cries for help and violence.

UrielFalcon said:
There are two different types of mother that I think she would have been.

1, A caring mother that was truly trying to protect her children from her abusive husband.

2, It was simply that she could no long take it anymore. When he was hitting them, he wasn't hitting her and that was okay for Laura. It was a last ditch attempt.
I think Laura fits the first one. That her husband beats her and whenever he tries to lay a finger on Sara, she'd stand in his way and recieve the blow instead. If she was the second one... thats just sad. (Youre trying to say that Mr. Sidle beats the kids and not Laura and Laura is fine with it right? Sorry if Im wrong). If that's the case, then I'd rather Laura stay behind bars. No-one deserves a mother like that. Mothers protect their kids. No matter what. Unless she really, absolutely can't.

Everyone's got their own views what Laura is like. I enjoy reading all your views. :) Now, how do we get the CSI writers to bring Laura into the picture? :p

I agree that Laura is a beautiful woman. I mean, just look at Sara. ;)
sara_hipps said:
sorry im new and just have been leafing through, i heard that when sara's mother finally shot her husband was when he started being physically abusive to sara and not just mentally abusive like he had been previously.

I don't think that she shot her husband. I think that it was with a knife, because of this line 'cast-off on the bedroom wall', which I can resite by memory because its in my monologue that I'm saying to try out for a play next week. : )

Anyways, so I'm thinking knife, because if it was a gun, and knowing the forensic nerd Sara is :) P), she would probably have worded it differently, like 'blood-spatter'.

MiaCharlize said:
Didn't she say in Nesting Dolls that as a kid she thought regular trips to the hospital, the abuse etc were normal? To me that sounds like she's expirienced that from very young age on.

If she did experience it from an early age on, then it would make sense that she's very socially detatched. Although it's not necessarily the case all the time, abuse tends to eat away at the home itself, too. She probably stayed away from friends because 1, she just didn't know how to interact with other kids in a socially plausible manner, and 2, because it would have been embarrasing to see the house in that sort of state, let alone meet the parents.

My opinion on Laura still stays on one word; Malevolent. People don't often think that mother's have the capacity to do such things to their own flesh an blood, but unfortunately it happens way more than we think. Our statistics on abuse are only based on reported incidents... We're dealing with tampered data.

I think Laura would have been stunningly beautiful, cunning, and very cold. Maybe once or twice human nature would shine through and she'd be kind to Sara, maybe show her a few things around the kitchen or teach her how to read, but I don't believe there was much love in that household, explaining Sara's closed-off emotional status.

I also believe that Laura may have resented her children because of their youthful beauty, because she herself would have been riddled with bruises and age starting to catch up to her. OR... She could still be beautiful, despite prison. Her eyes are probably clouded with memories, or sharp with anger.

I think Sara might have either looked exactly like her mother, or exactly like her father. I picture Sara in a family portrait of some sort, with her one older brother and parents. I keep picturing her brother looking like Laura and Sara looking like her father.

Oh, by the way, it was a knife. Laura stabbed him to death... From what I rememeber.
saraxsullivan said:
Anyways, so I'm thinking knife, because if it was a gun, and knowing the forensic nerd Sara is :) P), she would probably have worded it differently, like 'blood-spatter'.
When I read what you wrote, I wonder if Sara has re-opened Laura's case before... or considered reopening it on several occassions. Sure, the crime has been solved, the case is closed and her mother's now behind bars, but I wonder if Sara still feels the need to find out more, just find something that will give her some closure.

UrielFalcon said:
I think Laura would have been stunningly beautiful, cunning, and very cold. Maybe once or twice human nature would shine through and she'd be kind to Sara, maybe show her a few things around the kitchen or teach her how to read, but I don't believe there was much love in that household, explaining Sara's closed-off emotional status.
A childhood w/o love... not much of a childhood is it? I think Sara was raised like an adult, treated like an adult and behaved like an adult since she was little. She never knew what it feels like to be young and free. I think thats why she is the way she is now. She was brought up in a tough and abusive environment with few (or no) friends. Forced to fend for herself as she was growing up. It explains her almost hermit-like nature now, with hardly a personal life and displaying a tough demeanor.
SidLer said:
saraxsullivan said:
Anyways, so I'm thinking knife, because if it was a gun, and knowing the forensic nerd Sara is :) P), she would probably have worded it differently, like 'blood-spatter'.
When I read what you wrote, I wonder if Sara has re-opened Laura's case before... or considered reopening it on several occassions. Sure, the crime has been solved, the case is closed and her mother's now behind bars, but I wonder if Sara still feels the need to find out more, just find something that will give her some closure.

That would be a wonderful fanfic idea...

But, well, my writing skills are currently resting.

quoth, I have a request.. if you're not too busy.. :)
oooh, that would make a great fanfic... *cogs turn in head as she listens to new evanescence CD*

Hermit like nature... That's a pretty good way of describing it...

They only ever mention her older brother once... Do you think it's a possibility that there are more Sidle kids than we know of?
sara, my writing skills is on permanent break. :lol: Too bad, 'cause I'd like to write a fic on that. *looks at Ann... but she's missing*

About her older brother, I think Sara doesn't have one. And that brother (who's bag of weed she found) is actually her foster brother. I think they mentioned it somewhere on But we can't really trust everything we read can we? I'd love for Sara to have a younger sister. But for now I like the idea of her being an only child. :)
hey there ... i'm a big sara/jorja fan ... so i thought i should post in this thread too not only read it ;)
UrielFalcon said:
oooh, that would make a great fanfic... *cogs turn in head as she listens to new evanescence CD*


I'm currently listening to 'Weight of the World' and I'm singing 'Sweet Sacrifice' for my school talent show. : )

I'm a bit of an evanescence freak, and tomarrow I'm stealing my friend's evanescence sweater, cause she's letting me. :p

I love their new CD.

Anyway, back to Jorja..


I just got an idea!

Jorja should join evanescence!!

I can just imagine her sining with Amy Lee! hehe, it would be funny.
That'd be funny to see them side by side...
_ Jorja height.

_ <Amy height

hehehehee.... I think I'm going to quickly scribble out a fic with an Evanescence song in it... Hey SaraSully... Which song off of The Open Door do you think represents Sara the most?

I'd say either Sweet Sacrifice (her yelling at someone), Lacrymosa or Snow White Queen...
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