Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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I watched DTD last night and couldn't help noticing Sara's expression at the end. Think she was thinking about her own past even though her family and the kid's were pretty different? They still kinda have common threads. And maybe wonder what effect it had/will have on her and things she does/might do?
Mel, when I saw your nic I thought you're a new poster. I was just about to welcome you to the board. :lol: DTD is Down The Drain right? I think she's always reflecting on her past, probably thinking what she could have done to prevent it or if it was her fault that her mother killed her father. I'm sure she blames herself for the incident sometimes. Remember when she asked Griss in Nesting Dolls if there are murder genes? It could definitely be that she's worried she'll turn out to be like her mother one day.

Btw, hello sienna. Come post here more often. :) And that thing about Jorja singing with Amy Lee? WHOA! Bring it! :D
Haha, that's a good idea, Jorja singing with Amy. I love Evanescence, too. Amy's voice gives me the shivers, especially in 'My Immortal'. :)
SidLer said:
I think she's always reflecting on her past, probably thinking what she could have done to prevent it or if it was her fault that her mother killed her father. I'm sure she blames herself for the incident sometimes. Remember when she asked Griss in Nesting Dolls if there are murder genes? It could definitely be that she's worried she'll turn out to be like her mother one day.

Guess that is one of the reasons she doesn't have kids and keeps saying she isn't good around them, even though she has proven diefferently on many occasions.
She's proved us in so many occasions that she'd be a good mother. In Blood Drops - I LOVE her scenes with Dakota Fanning. They should consider acting in a movie together. - although Brenda didnt exactly favor Sara at the beginning, she did trust her at the end. I remember Brenda tugging Sara's shirt or pants near the ending somewhere. It was the sweetest thing. :) Then in No Humans Involved, watching her with those poor dears just makes me cry. :( She will make a wonderful mother. She just doesnt know it yet.
I love her with the girl in Unusual Suspects. She totally understood the young girl, maybe too much so she believed every word the girl said. I could really understand how Sara was thinking. And then in the end she seemed to be upset hehe, it was a great episode :p But yeah, Sara was good with the kids.
That ep with little Brenda was my fave ever. Sara showed so much patience and care when she explained the camera to the girl and later when she held her hand while they were waiting for the social worker.
I also loved the interaction between Sara and that raped girl in Homebodies. (Hannah?)
She was also very considerate with Lindsay in Lady Heather's Box. Though I would have wished for a bit more interaction between them.
I just really dislike Dakota Fanning, for no apparent reason LOL. I think Sara did a great job with Lindsey and they def should have written some more interaction. I think Lindsey and Sara would get along well :)
I actually love Dakota. She's so cute and she played the part so well. The way they looked at each other in all their scenes, that was so touching.
I loved Sara's expression when Brenda wiped the pencils from the table, somewhere between concerned confused and a tiny bit overtaxed. So cute.

And I agree. Sara and Lindsay would sure get along well. It's about time they get a scene together. Even if it's just short.
I think the name of the girl that had been raped was Susanna. Well, if I remember well. I loved that episode, even though it made me so sad. And true, Sara was great with her. She supported her so much through the hard time. And you could see how sorry she was for the girl.
SaraStar said:
I have to agree with that. ^ I think Jorja plays 'sad Sara' so perfectly. I admired her acting in 'Nesting Dolls' and 'Committed' sooo much.
And I love to hear more on that storyline. It's still a bit of a mystery.

Yeah, I wonder if they are going to address it in Season 7 since Season 6 was pretty much Sara-less :(
saras_girlfriend said:
I just really dislike Dakota Fanning, for no apparent reason LOL.

I love Dakota Fanning! Especically in Blood Drops and in the movie Hide and Seek <-- fav movie :p

UrielFalcon said:
I'd say either Sweet Sacrifice (her yelling at someone), Lacrymosa or Snow White Queen...

I love Sweet Sacrifice, I'm singing it for a talent show thing at my school with my friend. I can hit the high note in it.. WOO! and I'm excited.

HAHAHA! I should sing evanescence, and then Amy Lee can join in singing, and then Jorja should come and sing too. That would be funny.. :p

So its settled, we're gunna tell Jorja to join Evanescence! :p
quoth_the_raven said:
I think she's getting a bit more dolled-up now because of her relationship with Grissom :p

OMG I didnt know they finally got together!! We are only on series 6 in the UK, ooo Do you think it would be kinda cool if Greg and Sara hooked up?
We really are going to tell her to join Evanescence! :D

I'm a Sandle shipper, so I'd say yes, Bluntforcetrauma, but we have a shipper-discussion forum over here, so I think Dest & Tally would appreciate we'd talk about ships over there ;)
has anyone everherd sara sing? Or any of the other cast? I know Nick sung in Grave danger when he was in the car and in the coffin and warrick has played the piano a couiple of times (was that real?) but apart from that do any of the cast have any vocal talents?
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