Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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hey y'all, what are youre fav quotes/scenes from Sara/Jorja???

i was watching nesting dolls recently, and i forgot just how much i love her character, i love that shes so complex, and smart, and emotional at times, but i love when she gets mad/angry/upset. she plays those scenes just as well as her happy scenes. i love that she sticks up for herself here and pulls him up on his crap.

i love this exchange:

SARA: You know what, if this is gonna be one of your "for the good of the lab"
speeches, don't bother. I've heard them.

CONRAD ECKLIE: Just take a seat.

(Sara remains standing.)

(Ecklie opens his desk drawer and takes out a file folder.)

CONRAD ECKLIE: Willows is a supervisor -- that means you treat her with
respect. Insulting her in front of coworkers ...

SARA: She's not my supervisor.

CONRAD ECKLIE: All right-- your superior. Sara, you berate witnesses, you
disrespect the people you work with, you luck your way out of a DUI. Take a
look -- you got a half a dozen complaints in your jacket. (He tosses the file
folder on the desk in front of her.) And if Grissom really documented your
performance, there'd probably be a dozen more-- that's not the kind of person I
want in my lab.

SARA: The only reason this is your lab is because Grissom doesn't kiss ass.
You couldn't hack it in the field, so you fail your way up, you break up our
team, and now you just hang out in the hallways waiting for one of us to screw

CONRAD ECKLIE: Sidle, you're on one-week suspension without pay, ...

SARA: (mutters) Great.

CONRAD ECKLIE: ... and when you get back, you're apologizing to Catherine.

SARA: (shakes her head) No, I'm not.

(Sara turns and leaves the office.)

...i particulally like it, because she just shows so little respect for him, probably because she doesnt think he deserves it, shes gotton emotionally involved in the case and shes angry, and i love how she doesnt take a seat when he tells her too, that she is sarcastic about his 'for the good of the lab speechs' and that she pulls him up on his crap at the end, and refuses to apologise to catherine. shes got balls. a lot of people wouldnt dare talk to their boss like that, she doesnt like something, shes vocal. i appreciate that. and i agree with her here. i love her 'negative' aspects of her personality as much as her positives. such a great scene. and scenes like this, where shes strong, and wont be told what to do, wont be pushed around (later convo with grissom-i have problems with authority-clearly, lol) make me really care about her character. i remember ECKLIE said at the end of the ep, shes a loose cannon, and one time, a suspect says, i bet you have youre hands full with her, and grissom says, so do you. i like that she has guts. i sooo love Sara. :D

there are so many tho.

I so loved that speech she gave Ecklie. She was the only one to openly speak up and give the man a piece of her mind. That's so admirable. She kicks ass!
too true, we know how competative she is, and how that speech was like kissing goodbye to any future promotion while Ecklie's still there, and she didnt care, she pulled him up on his crap regardless knowing the result would probably be, she'd be fired but she was just so pissed off. you know she wouldnt have been as hugely disrespectful to Grissom or anyone else in that situation cause Ecklie had a point to begin with-she was crossing the line with catherine-but i think she just has so little respect for Ecklie (and with reason)-that when he started talking about how she wasnt the kind of person he wanted in his lab-she just couldnt help herself. one of my fav scenes of hers.
Oh yeah, I absolutely loved that scene. Actually I always love when Sara gets mad at someone. 'Cause she can always think of an appropiate comment, to get people silent. :p Ecklie didn't know what to say on that 'Grissom doesn't kiss ass' thing either. He just quickly said she was suspended. Haha. Sara rocks. :)
I'm just lovin' Sara these days! I am so glad that she feels comfortable all the time. She seems really happy! :D

I would like her 'dark' storyline to get revisited though. I just feel like it should be resolved. Eventhough I love to see Sara happy most, I'm also a sucker for Jorja playing sad Sara. It's been a long time since 'Committed', so I guess it's about time to get back to that storyline. I would love to see her mother.
I have to agree with that. ^ I think Jorja plays 'sad Sara' so perfectly. I admired her acting in 'Nesting Dolls' and 'Committed' sooo much.
And I love to hear more on that storyline. It's still a bit of a mystery.
Sara_Grissom_Fan said:
hey y'all, what are youre fav quotes/scenes from Sara/Jorja???
Like many here, my fav's got to be the "Grissom doesn't kiss ass" speech she gave Ecklie. I WOOT-ed for so long and pumped my fist in the air coz I can't believe she kicked his ass! :D I'm so proud of my girl. :D

I love knowing that Sara is happy now and I hope she will continue smiling more often, but I'm itching to know more about her dark past. And one way to go is to bring her mother in and when that happens, Sara would most probably... shatter. :(
Is it off topic to ask what you imagine Sara mother to be like? I'm really curious what others think about her because I have difficutlties imagining her.

By the way, my fave line was from committed. When she and Grissom were looking at those pictures the dead guy(?) had drawn. Don't remember the scene exactly but she said something along the lines of:
"When I was in 5th grade I drew a harpooned whale, everyone thought was gonzo'd but I had just read Moby Dick. Sometimes a dying whale is just a dying whale."
I loved to see her talk about herself like that. It was after she told Grissom about her past so that indicates she still thinks -despite of what happened- she considers herself a somewhat normal child.
And I found the way she shrugged while saying it so adorable :D
MiaCharlize said:
Is it off topic to ask what you imagine Sara mother to be like? I'm really curious what others think about her because I have difficutlties imagining her.
The CBS site states that her parents are ex-hippies. What does that mean exactly? Hmm. Anyway, I'd imagine her mother to be NOT like those bake-cookies-made-from-love-and-kisses type of mom. I think her mother does nothing of that sort. (But I can actually see her mother baking goodies with a young Sara WAY before the abuse started.) I think Sara's had to take care of herself since she was a child. I don't think she had much of a childhood, if any. She'd cook her own meals, do her own laundry, take care of her school/student payments... because her mother and father are too busy fighting and forgot that they have a child to look after. But it doesn't mean that her mother doesn't love her. I think she does. But she's too frightened and too preoccupied dealing with Sara's abusive father.
I cant imagine the "ex-hippie" parents and the "my mom stabbed my dad" parents are actually the same people.
It just doesn't work out in my head.
So I think either the writers just changes their minds about what kind of parents Sara had or the "ex-hippies" are maybe her foster parents or something. Then again that wouldn't make sense because Sara hinted that she was transferred from one place to another after she was taken away from her mother. And the ex-hippies I'd imagine to be sweet and caring people who wouldn't let that happen to her.
Oh dear, Sara's past confuses me...
I guess everyone can sort of imagine the type of woman that Sara's mom would be. She wouldn't look to good.
But maybe Sara's mother comes back as a free woman who doesn't have any mental issues anymore. And she wants to start a fresh life, with Sara in it. Sara might not be too happy about that. For some reason, I think that TPTB would do this scenario earlier than meeting her mother still depressed.

Seeing Sara sad again, doesn't mean she always will be from that point on. After 'Nesting Dolls' and 'Committed', she was happy in later episodes.
I think that Sara's mother and father were your normal hugs-and-kisses parents way back when she was a kid, like Sabrina said. They were probably just like any other mother and father, and the CBS site says that her parents were afraid Sara would miss out on the joys of childhood because she was so beyond her years, that whenever they told her to slow down she brought up business models for how they could make their B&B global.

I think that when Sara got older and the B&B went under, the fighting started. Her mother and father must've felt a lot of stress from the business going under and thus putting them in a financial blitz. That's probably when the drinking started, assuming of course, that her mother and father were alcoholics, and the fighting began.

From seeing her reactions to the cases in Committed and Nesting Dolls, it's safe to say that Sara has never fully dealt with the traumatic events of her childhood. Her parents probably didn't realize the effect their behavior was having on their child, but at the same time, they may just have not cared at all, forgetting altogether that they had a child. Like Sabrina said, I think that's when Sara had to begin taking care of herself, and being as mature as she was I don't think that was a problem for her.

But that also means she didn't have a normal mother who let her steal a cookie before dinner, who packed her lunches for her in the mornings before school. She didn't have a normal dad who helped her learn how to ride a bike. They may have done these things when she was younger, but as she got older I think she was on her own.
I just can't imagine that. I mean, people don't just start drinking and beconme abusive overnight. I'm not saying it's impossible but it's very unlikely.
Even if someone only turns to the bottle after a bad expeirence, lost job or whatever, that doesn't mean they get abusive too. There's a huge difference between drinking and abusing a child either mentally or physically.
I might be wrong here but I'm just convinced that people who are treating their children that way have never really been good parents to begin with.
I mean that they would get that way over a period of time, of course. When you're drunk you're a different person, and the alcohol clouds your mind. You can't exactly think straight, and you do things you wouldn't normally do if you were sober. Her parents must've had a long-term abusive relationship with alcohol thus making them the way they were. My guess is that one night her mother and father just snapped, that everything got to be too much and they began blaming each other, possibly their daughter as well. They may not have become abusive until even years of abusing the alcohol, but it's hard to say.
I think the biggest hint in Sara's parents would actually be the 'Ex-hippies' part. Key word, EX. After the 50's/60's, the effects of the free drugs and free-flow type lifestyles would have a tremendous effect on the brain, changing the regular thought pattern. It would have been all fun and games in the beginning, drink a little, take care of your two kids then go to work at your nice B&B, but soon it would have changed with stress.

It would have taken at least a year of up and coming problems before the B&B actually went under, which would constitute the beginning of heavier drinking. Perhaps it would have started out verbally, which would show why Sara immediately buried herself in her studies, to block out the yelling.

Then the heavier abuse would have showed up, from the drinking. It would have started with Dad hitting mom, then dad hitting everyone. Or, with a different type of abuse that I've seen before, it could have started Dad hits mom, mom hits dad, dad hits mom, mom takes it out on kids. Terrible cycle, really.

Then Nesting Dolls would have kicked in, with the trips to the hospitals, the fights and the yelling. Sara probably would have shrugged into herself, because abuse doesn't just skip over the kids, unfortunately. Her brother was older, and most likely found a way to either escape or let his frustrations out somewhere else. That might even mean he joined into the abuse too.

Of course, we know her mother snapped. But what was before that sudden snap? There are two different types of mother that I think she would have been.

1, A caring mother that was truly trying to protect her children from her abusive husband.

2, It was simply that she could no long take it anymore. When he was hitting them, he wasn't hitting her and that was okay for Laura. It was a last ditch attempt.
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