Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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she inspired me to stand up for my beliefs, but i'm not a vefetarian. though she is a great role model and she real does make a great deal of aspiring for her beliefs and making a big difference in the world we live in to.
Hey SARASIDLEGIRL, I am trying to be a vegetarian too. It is hard when we go out to eat, especially fast food and my family has no clue that I am trying to be a vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian for 38 days.
When I move, I am becomming a vegetarian :D

She actually did inspire me to.. be more concesious of what I eat.. Like, sure I can eat some meat but when I do I stare at it, and I think "Wow.. This poor chicken was probably running around a barn a week ago. :("
when I move I want to try being a vegetarian as well. It bugs me to eat meat cuz I always think about the life that it was. She has inspired me in many ways. I don't really agree with some of the things PETA does though. I get their cause and all but sometimes they go a bit too far.

There are PETA people at dog shows that walk around and let dogs out of crates and follow dog show people and try to let their dogs out at gas stations and such. I don't agree with that at all.
I am a vegetarian, but I was it before I even heard of Jorja's name. So she hasn't inspired me to become a vegetarian, but she has inspired me to think about the world more. Quoting my History teacher:

"The youth nowadays only thinks about MSN not working or myspace having an error. They don't think about Iraq or something".

And he is damn right. Though I do think about MSN not working but it doesn't bother me that much anymore. I used to be a member of the Dutch SPCA, until 4 years ago. But Jorja inspired me again to save the planet, which I cannot to on my own, but you know what I mean. :lol:
For I am help to see Jorja as such a high profile in the current climate in America. She is basically a bleeding heart liberal and people like her and her fans that are inspired by her reassure me that the Christian Right isn't winning the fight.
I do believe that you can love animals and eat meat and fight for humane conditions for them. It is an area I can't copy, Jorja on but I have a very similar style to her clothes wise and I love her work.
This young girl does think about Iraq and a lot of stuff. Well, young.. I am 22..

I too use make-up that hasn't been tested on animals. I work at a department store and the make-up we sell wasn't tested on animals. Unfortunatly, the meat we sell isn't so pure. Rumour has it that animals do suffer for it and that pisses me off. I started boycotting my own department store meat once I heard about it.
Yesterday I felt I did good. We were having a party and plates were going around. 90 % of what was on it was meat. And I didn't eat it at all! I did eat the cheese because I want to be a vegetarian, not a vegan..*yet*

Jorja sure inspires me.. She does a good job, for a good cause and I want to be a part of that and support it.
It is good that you think about things and that Jorja does make you think.
I am in the UK were I know of nobody that has ever supported this war, that we are stuck in. However I know that in America that people like Jorja Fox, Martin Sheen,George Clooney and Ben Affleck were put on hate lists by the radical right wing and are still called "traitors."

I do eat meat but I can't eat lamb at all anymore. But beef and chicken don't upset me that much if I know they were humanely farmed.I used not eat red meat but after a few years I craved it and I find I feel healthier if I eat beef sometimes. I also eat a lot of fish, I went of it for years but I feel healthier for eating it at least once a week.
I think that vegetarianism is a great thing but some people have bodies that don't suit that kind of diet.
I eat meat, but can't eat chicken anymore cause we keep chickens and I just can't bring myself to do it. I do want to go vegetarian cause I do believe it's wrong, but as Lucy said, you gotta have the body to deal with it, you have to take loads of suppliments and vitamens to make up for the stuff your body loses. I don't eat much meat anyway though, we're a pasta/salad kidna family, so we only really eat meat for sunday dinner. I totally respect vegetarianism though, I think it's a commendable thing.
lucyj0720 said:
It is good that you think about things and that Jorja does make you think.
I am in the UK were I know of nobody that has ever supported this war, that we are stuck in. However I know that in America that people like Jorja Fox, Martin Sheen,George Clooney and Ben Affleck were put on hate lists by the radical right wing and are still called "traitors."

Its just my oppinion (hope I am not offending anyone ) but I am definitly with Jorja, and all the others, when it comes to the war in Iraq. I am not very popular in right winged areas. I am known to be rather left winged, in some cases a bite more extreme than others..
But there is so much in this world that just sucks and if people would change their habits it would be better.

Jorja symbolizes a fighter for me. She fights for gay rights, human rights, animal rights, she is anti-Bush and anti-war, she's liberal.. With all these qualities in one person, she is the woman of my dreams! And I look up to what she does. In her position as an actress she can reach many people and do much more than I can do. And she does a great job.!
You're not offending me SSG I think people should stick to their beliefes. Jorja is a pretty awesome role model for what she does and believes in and yeah she does an amazing job acting too! :D
As I said I was brought up with many of those values,people like Jorja and her fellow liberals reflect well on America, interesting she had worked with Martin Sheen and George Clooney, who are on the A list of right wing hate.. see their forums... I am pretty sure that negatitivty and loathing of Sara I have seen, is to do with Jorja's politics.

As for chickens, I like them but my Grandfather had them and the whole lot were slaughter by foxes in one night...I think it toughened me up for the idea of eat chicken, if we don't eat them something else will.
Wahey, I aim to please. ;)

I watched the 'Texas chainsaw massacre: the beginning' last night, and it really put me off eating meat after seeing how they used their abitoire. :p *shudders*
I really admire Jorja's values. She believes in what she does and she doesn't really care about what others think of it. That's an inspiration for me.
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