Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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You're welcome everyone! :D I really hope she wins. She deserves to be number one. She actually supports her beliefs, and it's amazing. She's a friggen beautiful woman too.

About her contract.. The fact that they are so tight lipped just makes me believe that they do know the state you know? I mean, like Jorja said "If I knew, I'd smile and say I didn't.." (more or less, she did. Yes Jorja, we understand you.. We know "Jorja Speak" too! :D) plus- they'd just be dumb to let her go, hands down.

Happy Birthday cocoa_girl18!!
thanks gsrlove and sarasidle girl.
and yes i'm believe that they we be dumb to let jorja go.
beside jorja bring the best drama and passion in the character.
and yes she's gonna win it.
Thanks for the heads up on the voting what you may call it. I shoved it in my sig of course. :D

Looking down the list of other peeps I really don't know who else could win it, seriously, she is the zexiest isn't she?

I have officially decided that I'm going to be living in a permenant bubble of happiness because Jorja is going to be there next season, and the whole flattened under the car thing was just Natalie's warped mind. :rolleyes: :)
^^ Same here! Lets all share this bubble why don't we? :p

I never thought about putting it in my signature, which I will do now.

csicathwillows I agree with you. Killing Sara equals murdering the show. I mean, it just.. Wouldn't be the same. It'd suck without her.
Didn't want to double post.. But, I obviously have no choice :p

Did anyone else notice (If you haven't seen the new paparazzi photos of Jorja) that she is wearing the same jacket as she was in 7x19 "BIG SHOTS" (Here is the BIG SHOTS screencap and here is one of the Paparazzi Photos)

How is that for awesome taste? Jorja, you're style is amazing. Honestly, I love the coat.

And her bag.. And, I have the EXACT same pants as hers (Except they're likely a size or two, or three bigger.. And there isn't paint drops on them. :lol:)

Hehe, anyway, I just thought that was interesting!!
I kinda have the same taste and style she does (though I wear a bit more make up but I am not as pretty as she is :cool: ). And her style rocks! Its casual yet tough yet sexy.. I mean.. she looks amazing in them :D

I noticed she's wearing some of her cloathing and scarfs at several different occasions (same with sunglasses) How's that for making a character more like yourself :lol:
Ooh I thought that jacket looked familiar!! :lol: Thanks gsrLOVE ;) I just didn't make the connection.

I also noticed in the SpinDaily clip on YouTube she's wearing the sunglasses she wore in BTK pt 2. Or at least they look like them :p I love the fact that even though so many people have said that they hate them she still wears them regardless :lol: :p
I love Jorja Fox. But I love Sara Sidle even more. Sara is my role model. She is smart, she has good looks, and her guy has good lookS.
Jorja inspired me to think more about what's going on in this world. Human rights, animal rights.. She also inspired me to try and live without meat. I am trying to live as a vegetarian and so far, its going allright. Not always easy when you;re surroundings have their own oppinion..

I also signed up with Peta.. And I've been involved with Amnesty International for almost 2 years. She inspired me.. Did she inspire some of you guys too?
I grew up belonging to Greenpeace, CND because my parents taught similar pacifist values. I grew up boycotting South African products and marching through London.
I am not a vegetarian because I have to many allegies to make it work (various grains, soya, lentils and nuts) but I eat organic, free range meat, dairy and veggies. I use cruelty free make up and beauty products.
So it is easy to identify with Jorja's causes, they are deeply ingrained in me too.Though I am not a fan of PETA.
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