Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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hey ssg that a great idea i'll go and check that one out to.
and also i think she will be surprise and happy that she touch our personal lives even we havent met her in person.
for a thread name what about "she's our sunshine"
Okay as to the names you have until 960 posts so a decision can be made and a person picked. Though one question what is wrong with the current name of the thread? Does it still not have the same meaning as it did 900 and some posts ago?

Just something to think about. :p
Oh but Destiny that's the fun part, you see :lol: We have established she is tough as nails, but she's also so much more than that that we Jorja-fangirls have to share that with the world :lol:

Okay that was a lame excuse but I'm sticking to it :lol: :p

I had another thread name suggestion, "Today Animal Planet, Tomorrow The World" :lol:
Well then if she is then why hasn't someone suggested something like "Jorja/Sara: She's So Much More #5"

Again we may do word play and nope you won't know until the new thread opens, and lets remember to keep the name of the thread short, simple, easy and without an adult content warning. :p :lol:

Also who is keeping track of the list I will need to contact them for it when the time comes. :D
*raises hand* I'm a vegetarian! It's not hard for me at all just because I hate the taste of meat as much as my morals tell me not to. It's really hard for me to get my vitamins and protein and stuff, but it's worth it ;)

That was delayed, sorry
I am keeping track of the names, Destiny. But if you don't think we shouldn't have a new name then I guess that's fine.. I just thought one of the fun things about beginning to start a new thread was thinking of a new name? :confused: oh well :p

I remember hearing on Jorja called into a radio show, and began talking about her being a vegetarian. I believe she became a vegetarian at 19! That's just a mere 20 years! That is dedicated. Way to go Jorja girl! :D
Hey GSRLOVE, Jorja Fox became a vegetarian at age 19. I have only been a vegetarian for a couple of months. I can't imagine 20 years. That really is dedication.
Wow BUTTERFLIED08, You have been a vegetarian for 18 years, :cool: wow I wish I could say the same. I give you my respect. I am going to think about you and Jorja every time I want a hamburger. I look up to you now. You are another one of my idols. :)
Heh. I could never be a vegetarian, but I have great respect for those that are. I like ham and bologna too much. :)
My proposal: "Jorja/Sara #5: Lifting the Car Off Herself"
I like your proposal for the next thread CRYSTHALA, " Jorja/Sara #5: Lifting the Car Off Herself". That sounds awesome, I can't wait until the next thread. I am still trying to be a vegetarian, it is really hard for me I feel a little weak all the time, I think it is because my body is not used to the change of not eating meat.
^^ It's actually quite normal to feel weak in the beginning, since you are now lacking protien from meat. Try eating Tofu, more salads.. You can always start off slowly.

I like the "Lifting the car off herself".. Kind of goes with this thread title "Tough as Nails" :D
Mini_Catherine said:
Pish-posh. We need our daily dose of Sara. T'is what the doctor ordered! *goes off to watch more interveiws*

I loved the one "Investigate Vegeterianism" with Jorja Fox on . I'm seriously thinking about becoming a vegeterian after going on that site. I mean, I love the taste of meet and all, and I do need some meat in my diet, but.. Oh my. Maybe I will be a veg when I'm older. :)

I was very disturbed when I heard (and then verified on CSI files) that Jorja might not be returning. She is the very reason I started watching the show in the first place. I heard from DawnWatch (an animal rights alert mailing list) that CSI had a vegetarian cast member, whose animal friendly views carry over into her character, and that there was going to be an animal friendly episode. I tuned in to see what the buzz was about, and I became an addict. I was happy to find out that there have been more than just one episode raising animal cruelty issues. Like the canned hunting episode, highlighting the cruelty of canned hunts (it is 100% true that zoo animals DO get sold to sick people, and end up getting killed in a canned hunts), and the MK episode with the chicken slaughterhouse that briefly showed real slaughterhouse footage. It was an amazing opportunity for people who possibly have never heard of canned hunts or factory farms to think about things that they otherwise may never have known. It is also fun to catch Sara's brief comments about meat and how being a vegetarian means a lot to her (like how happy she is to be one). I like how the other actors play in as well, with Grissom bringing Sara a veggie burger, and Catherine's comment to Grissom about the ground beef experiment. People might just brush it off as nothing, but vegetarians being the minority here (me being vegan myself), it is nice to see the concept of vegetarianism brought up in the mainstream television world, and not criticized, but passed off as normal. I suppose if Jorja must leave, I will indeed write a letter to CBS thanking them for going out on a limb with possibly controversial episodes questioning what society deems as "normal" (hunting and slaughterhouses) or chooses to ignore as cruel. I can only hope that they would continue to incorporate episodes that bring up the plight of animals in our society in the future, with or without Jorja. Needless to say, I am on the edge of my seat and anxiously waiting to hear what will happen to my favorite TV veggie!
I liked the "Lifting the car up herself" name! Sounds strong.. like Jorja and Sara both are.

Last night my parents coocked diner and I skipped the meat. And eventually my dad asked "No meat today, Chris? You don't feel like it?" And I said "no" And than he asked "Don't feel like it tonight?" And I answered "Don't feel like it ever again"

You should have seen the face..! :eek:
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