Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Sometimes I wonder if this isn't some sort of "damage control" from Jorja's interview a little bit ago. Where she says something to the effect of, "I think everyone will be back."

Ever since then, there's just been a lot of stuff circulating about her returning or not, about her contract, about money and it just seems really, really sudden. Almost coincidental that it mostly picked up speed after that interview. Maybe she wasn't supposed to comment on who or if anyone was coming back. Which is somewhat absurb, I think. Her statement, to me, was somewhat ambigious. She didn't specify who, nor did she specifically include herself in the statement. I thought she did a pretty good job of keeping "the who was coming back" out of her statement.
gsrlove thanks for the link on jorja's passion for animals. and i cant believe that she wanted to host on animal planet.
I think Sara will stick around, If for no other reason then the Fact Gilbert would be Heart broken If She Was to Die- and they haven't even told anyone they're Dating yet!!! Plus, They Just got a Puppy! It would be SO unfair to kill Sara off. I hope Jorja and the Writers/Producers take that into consideration. I think killing Sara would cause their ratings to go WAY down!! I Knoe I'D stop watching. You can't have Grissom At his Best Without Sara, and Without Grissom At his Best, There'd BE no CSI!!!!! That's My Opinion of it. ---ILovePoncho---
gsrLOVE said:
There is somewhat of an article/interview with Jorja about her dog, Ali here :)

Oh isn't that absolutely adorable! :D Aww, so cute :p I love the pic, I might just have to make an icon out of that :rolleyes: :p

Who doesn't want a show on Animal Planet?? :lol: I think she'd be perfect for the job. If you look at the pictures taken from the 2006 Thanksgiving PETA Roast the turkey sure seems to like Jorja :lol: :p
Well, if I was a small innocent Turkey- that wasn't aware of friggen' beautiful this woman is that keeps touching me...

I'd like her too :lol:

Um, I DO like her. But- I was talking from a Turkey POV! :p
quoth_the_raven said:
gsrLOVE said:
There is somewhat of an article/interview with Jorja about her dog, Ali here :)

Oh isn't that absolutely adorable! :D Aww, so cute :p I love the pic, I might just have to make an icon out of that :rolleyes: :p

Who doesn't want a show on Animal Planet?? :lol: I think she'd be perfect for the job. If you look at the pictures taken from the 2006 Thanksgiving PETA Roast the turkey sure seems to like Jorja :lol: :p

If she ever gets on Animal Planet, I'll be watching that chanel all the time :D

And if I was that turkey, I'd be soooooo happy ;)
LadyDisdain said:

I think Sara will live. The episode title is "Living Doll," after all. And yes, that refers to the killer, who associates herself with the bloody doll pictures she includes in each miniature. But I think it will also refer to Sara's being the one "doll" in a miniature who lives, unlike the dolls in the past miniatures, all of whom represented dead people. If nothing else, this thought keeps me from tearing my hair out.

yeh, i was sayin similar thing to my mum the other day lol, hope we r right *crosses fingers*
I love the pic that comes with that article. And I think Jorja would be perfect for an Animal Planet show. She loves animals, she has experience with TV. I think I would be watching, despite the fact I'm not that much of a Jorja fan anymore. At least, not as I used to be. Some people may know how bad that was.

Ali is cute. As is Jorja. Get over it.
Hey Ladies,

I thought you would like to say what`s on your mind and sign several online petitions to save Jorja/Sara :

Peition 1

Petition 2

Petition at

Please sign, it`s very important!!
While I think a petition is a great idea.. Usually they make no difference in the final decision of TPTB, and also; we don't know for sure if there are contract negotiations. She may have already signed.

But, it's a great idea for those who want to sign it; because you simply never know- right? :D
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