Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Aww! Thanks gsrLOVE! I lurve you too! ::huggles back:: Us GSRers need to stick together!

And Jorja? TOTALLY staying. Not even worried anymore... ;)
I'm a GSR shipper too. :]

I liked her sunglasses that she had a long time ago, just the small ones. But I don't mind the ones she wore on Ending Happy. They weren't horrible... but I like the smaller ones better.

I don't think she would leave. It would be a horrible ending cause

they show she's alive, but a possibility of death. Then her contract would expire. Then they'd just go on with CSI? Because they can't put her on the show anymore. I think that would be a horrible ending and therefore, they won't kill her off just because her contract expired.
if jorja is leaving hope that they wont resort in killing her off it would so horrible.
i want her to live and then resign.
but i want her to stick around for more she is a really great actress and she can pull off the serious geeky girl to the next door kinda girl and plain funny girl.
and in the photo's i've seen her in ending happy she has this beautiful aura sorrounding her and she look really happy to.
(replying to up yonder^) I really liked the glasses on her. They were cute. I just wish I could wear them, but I can't because I have a small face and sort of a wide nose.. It's just not pretty. But I didn't really pay attention to the glasses, it was more the quotes..

Grissom: I think sex without love is .. bland. It makes you sad.
Sara: I don't think I make you sad, (honey) [Was there a honey there?]
Grissom: No, you make me happy.

AHHHHH ! I watched that scene about 6 times after that, and squealed like a 2nd grader every time. I LOVED IT ! :D
I didn't catch any "Honey" but I've heard that some people thought there was one.. I guess I'll have to rewatch it :lol:
Hey guys, a friend of mine told me its like this.. Jorja signed up for another season. But she couldn't tell me where she found that information. She just passed it on to me...

But as long as I don't see it black on white I just keep my fingers crossed
That's great news, but until we have a cited source I am still taking it as speculation. I mean, why would she leave when she has a season finale based on her?
Yes I know its good news but as long as I don't have it official... I keep on asking her to figure out where she got it from so I can make it official here :D
Hi, MiniCatherine. I'm pretty sure the exchange was more like this.

Grissom: Sex without love is pointless. It makes you sad.
Sara: I'm pretty sure I don't make you sad.
Grissom: No, you make me happy.

Earlier he says paying for sex is "bleak."

Either way, it's damn hot!

Good to hear there are rumors afloat that Jorja is staying, to counterbalance all those rumors that she is not. It gives me hope. Sara is my favorite character on the show, and I would be gutted if she left.

I think Sara will live. The episode title is "Living Doll," after all. And yes, that refers to the killer, who associates herself with the bloody doll pictures she includes in each miniature. But I think it will also refer to Sara's being the one "doll" in a miniature who lives, unlike the dolls in the past miniatures, all of whom represented dead people. If nothing else, this thought keeps me from tearing my hair out.

In the picture thread, there are a few pics from "Leapin' Lizards" of Jorja/Sara looking gorgeous per usual! If you want to see the pretty and don't mind being spoiled, head over there for a Jorja fix!
LadyDisdain said:
In the picture thread, there are a few pics from "Leapin' Lizards" of Jorja/Sara looking gorgeous per usual! If you want to see the pretty and don't mind being spoiled, head over there for a Jorja fix!

You're right, it's totally worth it :p She looks adorable, especially with the dog :D I love seeing Sara more casually, we never get to see that in anyone anymore.

my friend told me where she found the information about Jorja and her contract.

"Jorja has definetly signed her contract
she said so in one of the interviews"

She found the information on this site (which is really cool by the way) She also told me this site is pretty much always accurate and they are like one of the first to know stuff.

The csi wiki is unfortunately not a very reliable source (Since fans can add, delete, create, etc. pages)

I think (personally) your friend is referring to the PopGurls interview with Jorja, where she stated that "Yeah. As far as I know everybody will be back". She didn't say that she was..

I have faith, I really do :)
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