Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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*Walks in looks around, walks to the door, reads the door "LV Forum".* :)

Okay guys discussing Sara getting screen time is great, but lets leave any ship discussions down the hall in SC please. Thank you.

*Walks out*
quoth_the_raven said:
the reason she has been smiling and happy throughout season six and thus far in season seven is because of Grissom. He was her light at the end of the tunnel. and with him gone, she may feel lost. What if she feels as though Grissom's being taken away from her?

I would hope that they wouldn’t turn Sara into a clingy psycho girlfriend.

I don’t think that Grissom was the reason for her happiness. People keep talking about him like he’s the soul reason that she’s been more chilled during this and last season (If I remember correctly he has been much of the source of her exasperation in the past). She does have some serious issues, and there’s no way anyone could have just magically got over them by “getting a boyfriend”. She was getting help and dealing with her issues by opening up and talking about it. I think that had the most to do with how she’s been lately, after all “you can’t find happiness in someone else until you’ve found it in yourself”

And when is Grissom leaving anyway?
Sorry, Destiny! I didn't realize how shippy that post sounded.

I personally don't think Sara would become clingy at all, but there may still be a fear of hers that she will have to overcome (since she's had bad past relationship experiences with people like Hank). Of course there were numerous other factors for Sara's happiness in the past season and this season as well, but I really feel that Sara felt at ease and accomplished that she had finally achieved the goal of getting Grissom. That was one less thing for her to have to worry about apart from her own personal demons and possibly other things going on in her life that they may have just never given us insight on.

End of shippy discussion ;)
Interesting views from the both of you. Is G the reason why she's happy? My answer is yes and no. I think she's happy that he's with her, but I dont think he's the sole reason for her hapiness. To prevent this from getting shippy, I'll... *zips up lip* :)

She does need more screentime. Its unfair at how much (or LITTLE) screentime she's been getting of late. But seeing that there are 9 people featured in the opening credits alone and a whole lot more under Special Guest Stars and Guest Starring, no one is getting much screentime per episode. Unless the episode is all about them of course. Its sad really. Sara's scenes are blink-and-you'll-miss-it events. GRrr.

Jorja looks lovely in dresses, but I prefer Sara in jeans and a tee. If she starts to turn up at work dressed in frilly tops and girly skirts with a face full of makeup, I'll seriously hurt someone.
I think Grissom's getting replaced by someone who looks a lot like him for the 4 eppisodes he's missing.. Check the CSI: Files thing..

Yeah, I'd like to see Sara in more colour, but pink!? EWW! Gross fest! Omg, I like sound like a whitechick. Well, I am.. But, like, you like know. Like, omg.

Like, anyway. Jorja looks nice in colour, and she looks nice in pink, it's just not her character.

Like, omg.



ETA: Like, omg. Omg.

Like. *runs and hides from angry prep-haters with buckets of eels* *sings along with dance moves in hiding place*

One, not two, not three, not four. We're gonna win, not loose, not tie the score. On the top, not the bottom, not in between. We're the best *clap, clap* you've ever seen!
Hehe, nope, pink doesn't suit Sara at all. That's so OOC. But; It would look nice on her, lets say that.

Group pic with Jorja? Where? *buys ladder*
SidLer said:
She does need more screentime. Its unfair at how much (or LITTLE) screentime she's been getting of late. But seeing that there are 9 people featured in the opening credits alone and a whole lot more under Special Guest Stars and Guest Starring, no one is getting much screentime per episode. Unless the episode is all about them of course. Its sad really. Sara's scenes are blink-and-you'll-miss-it events. GRrr.

That's true, and you know what else angers me? The fact that she's so tiny on the DVD boxes :lol: :p I mean, seriously! Everyone else is noticeable but Sara's in the very back in this teeny little space so small you have to squint to see it. Jorja's one of the main characters on the show, and Sara plays a big part, so... why is she in the back? :lol: :p And on the season five box there was this haze that covered half of her.
Alyssa, you. are. CRAZY. I think I laughed for 5 mins straight when I read your post. Like. OMG. Never come here when you have a full bladder. I learnt that the hard way. :lol:

Where to get a group pic with Jorja? Yeah...uhh, I'll get back to ya on that. Get me a ladder first. ;)

I notice that Sara's puny on those boxes too. She's at the back and we get gte to see half her face. We want full view man! Why's there haze on the boxes anyway? Ann, your sig, did she really do that?? Thats so nice! She actually hugged a tree! :)
Hi all.... I've been lurking for a while. Never posted on this thread but I have to say ya'll are hillarious! :lol:

Anyway, I was thinking how will Miss Fox look like if she wears glasses? Anybody has thought of that before???
SidLer said:
Ann, your sig, did she really do that?? Thats so nice! She actually hugged a tree! :)

I read it in an old article on JFO :p I'll post it up here if I find it! I remember I had a dorky smile on my face for about an hour after reading it :D
Does anybody here actually know if where’re gonna get any good Sara storylines at all. I’m assuming that since it’s going to “get personal” for everyone this season she should at least get one or two episodes devoted to her like Catherine, Greg and Grissom have so far. Are there any spoilers out, there probably isn’t but its worth asking. Hopefully we get more back story and hopefully the rest of her appearances don’t revolve around Grissom, I’m so sick of storylines where women are defined solely by there relationship to men, we get enough of that in society as it is.

And It’s already started to happen, I read one description of the show somewhere where Sara is described only in relation to Grissom, She was he’s girlfriend, there was nothing about her as a person. That’s so annoying.
jnick_0712 said:
Anyway, I was thinking how will Miss Fox look like if she wears glasses? Anybody has thought of that before???
Welcome. Nice image, of course she would look stunning. Women in glasses always do, especially beautiful women like her ;)

88Blackbirds said:
And It’s already started to happen, I read one description of the show somewhere where Sara is described only in relation to Grissom, She was he’s girlfriend, there was nothing about her as a person. That’s so annoying.
How I hate to read things like that. I think in the very beginning they once described her as the "new addition and possible love-interest for Grissom", that was bad enough, fortunately they took it back. But now that they're actually going for that storyline it seems all that's left of the character is her role as Grissom's *shudders* girlfriend.
Hey jnick, welcome to the thread. :) Jorja or Sara in glasses, that I wanna see. She'll look so professor-ish, not to mention hawt! Ann, if there's a pic of her huggin that tree post it up ok? The image of her hugging a tree, that's precious. ^^ sunflower, I don't think she's worn that shirt in an eppie before. Id like her to though, but imagine her walking into the lab in that flame shirt and a bandanna tied around her head. I think its cool, very hippish, but not very Sara-ish. ;)

88Blackbirds said:
I’m so sick of storylines where women are defined solely by there relationship to men, we get enough of that in society as it is.
Yes. Definitely. Jack and Jill. Sonny and Cher. People always tie one with the other. Im scared that soon they'll define Sara as "Grissom's gf" and only that. Ive nothing against G, and Im not embarrassed to admit that I was happy when they got together because thats what Sara's wanted for so long. Finally, she got what she desired. But a woman cannot and should not be defined by just the man in her life. That's unfair. Wait, "unfair" is not a strong enough word, but nevermind. And why does it always have to be a MAN anyway? Ok, back to what Im trying to say. Sara is a very strong character. She's stubborn, proud, hotheaded (yeah, and Im happy she is) and more. I hope theyll explore more about HER than her love life. Because thats what Ive always wanted to know, I want to know more about Sara. And right now, we dont know much because theyre not telling us anything.
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